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Approved Character [YSS Eucharis] Tsuguka, Toyoe

Primitive Polygon

🎖️ Game Master
Character Article URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:tsuguka_toyoe
Preferred Plot's GM: @Wes

The second and third preferred plots I probably should have talked to somebody about by now, but there are several characters in the Eucharis crew I think this character could nicely counterpoint. Soyokaze was listed as the second mostly because it's new and has a lot of cool potential, whist Squad 13 is there because... Well, it's dedicated infantry.

Feel free to be harsh with your criticisms.
I've looked over the article, and it's quite a solid biography. it should have no trouble being approved; getting the plot will be the harder part.

As for Squad XIII, I actually have a couple of open spots after some newbies went AWOL, but the plot pace is very slow and it will likely be a few weeks before we could work in your character if you don't get accepted into one of the other plots.
This is a perfect character sheet. I have no changes to suggest, and I approve it.

Welcome to the Eucharis crew. We're in port in Kyoto, so it's easy for your character to reach us.
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