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Resolved YSS Hana Sub-Forum


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
I am requesting a sub-forum in Yamatai for YSS Hana!

It is 16+ (public)

Intro Paragraph:
YSS Hana, a small scout ship with a history of fighting recent enemies of the Star Army of Yamatai, is setting out to continue their mission objective of protecting the Kikyō Sector. The crew will do whatever it can to preserve the Empire they fight for and defeat the enemies they fight against. With a capable captain and qualified crew, they are ready to go after those that wish to unsettle the peace of Yamatai and, in doing so, reaffirm the strength of the Empire.

Threads to be moved:
Heck nah! Hana is stupid and insults my geneder I say we dont do this its super.dumb.

I'm kidding, we Hana players could really use a subforum. Where else can we put our missions and JPs with Kamikaze & Friends? I'd say the plot's successful enough to warrant it, but hey, I'm hardly anybody. XD
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