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RP: YSS Heartbreaker [Mission 0] To Go Even Further Beyond

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Well-Known Member
1/37 - Gemini Star Fortress - 0600 hours

Taii Tsukisaki Valesti rose from where she had been kneeling on the floor of her cabin for hours, staring at the large piece of blank paper in front of her. She had been reflecting on her relatively short life, and the events that had led to her recent promotion and reassignment. Once her mind had been made up, she had moved swiftly, with no further hint of contemplation or hesitation. The ink was prepared quickly, the brush taken up and returned to its stand within moments. The choice had been obvious all along, of course: 任 nin, duty. Obligation. Responsibility.

She left the work behind without a second thought, retrieving her sword and attaching it to her belt in a swift, practiced motion. Once the decision had been made and the work completed, she no longer had any interest in the physical creation left behind. Whoever gathered up her tools and packed them with her belongings would likely include the paper as well, but she had no connection to it. The contemplation, the choice, the movement of creation had been far more important than the result. The tall, thin Neko made her way through the halls of the Fortress with confidence, moving towards the arm where a certain Ikoi Light Starbase was docked. She made her way inside, steadily moving toward the center of the support ship, nodding politely in response to bows and hails as she continued forward.

Then, there it was. Her ship. Her duty. The YSS Heartbreaker. What an overly dramatic name.

Tsukisaki kept these thoughts to herself, continuing her forward progress after pausing to admire her new assignment from outside. It wasn't likely she'd get a look at it from this angle for quite some time, after all. Once inside of the refitted Yui-class, she could feel the history in the air. True, the ship wasn't much older than her, and it had been completely renovated within the last year, but something that had remained unchanged for even five years seemed like a relic in this era. She herself had upgraded to an entirely new body just a few years ago, in fact. The Taii made a quick, but thorough, circuit of the otherwise empty craft before ending her trip on the Bridge. She had already investigated her ship quite extensively a few days ago, of course. Valesti couldn't hope to properly wield a tool she didn't understand as completely as her brush, or her sword.

Settling into the Captain's Chair, she smoothly removed her sword and placed it in the holder that had been surreptitiously attached to the side of her chair, fingers darting over the controls in front of her. A message went out, to all of the assigned crew, who had been waiting on board Gemini Star Fortress without even seeing their new home until today: "Report to the NS-U1-107427 YSS Heartbreaker by 0700 hours as previously ordered, select your cabin, and prepare for inspection."
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"What an overly dramatic name. . ." a small voice said. Its owner gently floated through the halls of the Yui-class, carrying what amounted to a shoebox carefully on her shoulder.

Sure, in the years following the absolute bureaucratic nightmare that was the 7th Fleet launch fiasco, plenty of folks had offered to get her upgraded into a "proper body." Nakamaru Miho internally scoffed at the thought of a "proper" body, but had said nothing at the time beyond polite remarks about eight inches being a very good height to be. She found her room assignment, with one Hoshitomo Rin marked on the door. Miho didn't bother knocking - she knew that nobody would be there quite yet (A good assistant always arrives early) and flew up on top of the desk. She placed the one box of everything she owned in life onto the hard surface, neatly equidistant.
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Gemini Star Fortress

Newly comissioned Shoi Hoshitomo Rin arose from the chair she had been sitting in for some time in the waiting area of the star fortress. She found herself idly pushing some of her teal blue bangs out of her face as her icy gaze was locked on the table before her when the announcement came over the loudspeaker about reporting to the YSS Heartbreaker in one hour. Her bags had been packed expertly long ago, and her duty uniform neat and pressed, black boots shined... she was indeed ready. Her only regret was that she could not tell her parents exactly where this mission would take her... and even she did not know for certain.

However, in this fleeting moment before she threw herself out into the great unknown there rested on the tabletop a datapad with one of the most difficult 'Magic Square' puzzles she had ever attempted sitting nearly completed. There was only a few holes remaining to be filled with numbers to make symmetric sums... she could not help but feel in that moment that it was a fitting symbol of the secret mission she had been assigned aboard the Yui-7 scoutship. To find those pieces of a puzzle however much greater, one that could affect the path of an entire empire should the solution be found... or perhaps it would only lead to even more questions. Letting out a brief sigh, Rin finally grabbed the pad in her hand and the screen went blank, before displaying a crew roster she would have to memorize.

It was time to go, now -- and regardless of what would be found, it was her duty as First Officer to see them all through to the very end.

Officer's Cabin, YSS Heartbreaker

It had not been much time from when Miho entered the empty room and dropped off her container of possessions, than the door opened again. Standing in the entrance was the blue-haired Hoshitomo-shoi herself, with her much larger bag of belongings slung over one shoulder. She moved without thinking to deposit them firmly onto the bed and then paused... staring with piercing blue eyes over at the desk in the corner and the eight inch tall miniature Nekovalkyrja that was floating near it. "You must be Nakamura-hei..." she voiced a bit exasperatedly and looked at the datapad in her other hand, "I read the dossier, but I still didn't believe it about your... size."
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YSS Heartbreaker

Kamatari walked onto the ship, his golden eyes scanning around as he made his way around the ship to the cabins "She seems to be a good ship, I already like her", he said to himself as he made his way, the duffel bag with his equipment inside over his shoulder. As he went into a cabin he smiled "This shall be mine" he started to unpack and was too excited to wait for inspection so he wrote a note saying that he would be in engineering inspecting the ship down there.

Kamatari made his way to engineering, hoping not to run into people, his blood red skin won't help him hide from the conversation if someone was to see him. He made it to engineering without seeing anyone "Hello there, I am Kama, I will be spending a lot of time with you, miss" he pats the ship "I will look after you as best as I can."
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YSS Heartbreaker

Kyou rested her hand on the hull of the ship for a moment, hesitating before triggering the door into the ship. It had been more than 3 years since she'd actually set foot on a warship, and she still wasn't sure if she was really ready again. All of that time spent doing nothing, just thinking, and she still wasn't sure. She wasn't sure she'd even begun to really work things out again. Despite that, as she finally set foot in her new ship, an almost visible wave of release passed through her. No matter what happened in the past, no matter how she felt, this was where she BELONGED. Even if she wasn't really ready, this was where she was meant to be, even if it didn't seem that way to her.

Following her orders, Kumiko made her way to the cabins quickly, picking out one at random, since she had no real preferences, and quickly settled herself into the cabin. She didn't really have much to put away, so it didn't take her long, and years of practice getting everything ready made the entire process almost automated for her.
YSS Heartbreaker

Joto Heisho Yumi Matonaka made her way to the ship, the first ship she'd been on in roughly 3 years since the YSS Starstorm was destroyed in the battle over Yamatai. The brunette neko twitched her ears ever so slightly as she listened to the going on's, her nose twitched as she smelled the smells... She took a breath and moved up to the doorway leading into the ship, looking around as she walked...Rifle on her right shoulder, sword and Wakizashi on her side, and her bag on her left shoulder. The Neko headed to the Crew Quarters quietly, studying every inch of the ship as she walked slowly with the intent to memorize the paths that she passes by. It was at that moment she heard the orders, naturally she was doing what she already was ordered to do just then, because it was the normal procedure on a ship just taking off. She chose Cabin 1 and instantly gets to work putting her things away, and getting the room prepared to be inspected, it was almost second nature to her, and without much issue she got it done quickly.

Upon finishing she turned and stood at attention awaiting the door to open, going over everything she saw in the ship on the way here in her mind. Putting it to memory so that, should it need to, it could be remembered later on when it was important.
Officer's Cabin, YSS Heartbreaker

Oh great, the size question again!
Miho internally monologued, frustration bubbling under her cool surface. And what was with that tone? What an absolutely rude person. And an officer that doesn't even know what a miniature model looks like? Three marks against her. Not a good start.

"I would have thought an officer with a record as long as yours would have met a m-type nekovalkryja by now. My mistake," the Nito-hei calmly said with a polite bow. Her tiny cap stayed firmly on her tiny head as she did so. "For future reference, all NH-33m models are 20 centimeters tall, give or take minor variance. I suggest you file that to memory."

Valesti quietly went over the last few reports from the technicians of the Ikoi they were docked inside of. For an older ship, and a wreck at that, they had done an exceptional job with the repairs and renovations. Command was obviously serious about this mission. The bill of good health for her ship pleased her, as did the fact that most of the crew was showing up early. That was promising. One seemed a bit too eager, though, and had already abandoned his cabin to examine the Engineering section. She appreciated his enthusiasm, but it wouldn't do to make an exception this early on.


Kamatari's pledge prompted a giggle in response, as the ship's MEGAMI appeared nearby. The cushions she was seated on were stacked more than a dozen high, to put the kneeling Neko at eye-level with the fairly tall Minkan. She waved a paper fan at her face, as if attempting to cool the blush that had appeared on her cheeks. "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. I'll hold you to it, yes?" She grinned, snapping the fan closed before waggling it at him admonishingly. "Now, now...the captain has asked me to remind you to report on time. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day, yes?" An odd towel in her other hand was waved at the red-skinned engineer before the traditionally dressed Neko winked out of existence.

Main Passageway

A few other crew members had claimed empty cabins, others choosing to bunk together in the communal nest, all working to stow their belongings as the last few minutes ticked away. Rin received a brief message from the captain while she was conversing with her miniature roommate. "Hoshitomo-Shoi, I will be exiting the Bridge momentarily to greet the crew. I will leave the actual inspection to you. From what your file has to say, I feel confident placing this responsibility in your hands." Her new First Officer seemed dutiful and properly organized, and this would be a good test run to see how much Tsukisaki could trust her to handle on her own. "Afterwards there will be a formal briefing in the Wardroom." There was a pregnant pause here. "...after that, I will brief you privately, in my Suite, about further details of our mission." It was easy to tell there was something important the captain needed to share with Rin, that the other crew members weren't cleared to know.
Officer's Cabin

Hoshitomo-shoi raised an eyebrow at Miho, detecting her frustration but nodded slowly to her explanation and did not interrupt or cut her off. Plus this new crewmate mini Nekovalkyrja had a couple strikes against her too, by virtue of being absurdly small and quite possibly the cutest thing the woman had ever laid eyes on in the service so far (and that was saying something). That in itself was the most unnerving thing about the assignment of this assistant. It was going to take some getting used to, but she may also be very useful... so it was wise to push past this gut reaction and think logically.

"Noted," Rin stated simply in response, as her initial domineering tone had vanished. The Minkan was not rude, after all, only a little harsh in her delivery at times. "Let me formally welcome you aboard the YSS Heartbreaker, then, Nakamura-hei. I believe there is a old Geshrin saying that 'Good things come in small packages', is it? I do hope that is true in this case." She then gave a thin smile. "I admit your stature must make your ability as an intelligence operative very unique. Our mission will require every ounce of skill that this entire crew possesses, large or small, and I will be needing your intimate assistance doing so as this is my first commissioned posting." This last part seemed to be an uncomfortable admission of weakness for the Shoi, seeing as she was now managing a ship rather than a small battle team. Though it probably would assist in boosting Miho's ego after they had gotten off to a rocky start.

Rin began unpacking her things neatly as they spoke. There actually wasn't a lot of them, just the necessities, though there was a small picture of her family that she placed on the desk in a prominent spot, as well as a leather jacket that was hung in the locker away from her uniforms. "Star Army has assigned you here for a purpose, and far be it from me to stand in the way of that. Our mission is bigger than ourselves and our prejudices, after all. So in that spirit, make yourself at home where you wish."

It was at that moment that a message from the captain came in over secure telepathy. She could see already the gravitas of this mission in the way the captain was speaking to her. Rin replied promptly: "Acknowledged, Tsukisaki-taii. I will make sure that the crew is prepared for review on time. I also greatly look forward to our own private discussion. Make me aware if there is anything further that you need."

Main Passageway, Near Crew Cabins

Once she had been settled in and had her own room up to her rigid standards, the teal-haired first officer headed back into the main space to begin the unenviable task of conducting her first real inspection of the crew and their cabins along with the captain. She proceeded to knock on each door once to make the occupants aware that it was nearly 0700 and they had better make any last minute adjustments immediately before the captain herself would be arriving. While a bit cold, she was not unsympathetic after all, as every new arrival deserved at least one fair warning...

The edge of Hoshitomo-shoi's mouth wrinkled for a moment as she noticed Nakane-hei did not respond. She did not waste time requesting a location check from the MEGAMI, and found the computer was already on task of directing him the right way back to the cabins from his over-zealous sojourn into engineering. She could not help but give a secret smile as this was one of the things she would enjoy about this assignment -- veteran AI's were a much different creature to work with, indeed.

Rin consulted her datapad for roll call and noticed there was one more infantry member unaccounted for. There was the enthusiatic, like the technician, and then there was simply the absent-minded. "Baek-hei, please report to crew cabin #4 immediately for inspection," sent out the officer on personal communication channels. Hopefully Seonji would make it in time so this first rounds would be flawless.
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Kamatari smiled at the MEGAMI as she spoke then just before the MEGAMI disappeared nodded "Okay miss, I am glad that the MEGAMI is kind, beautiful and has a great voice" he walked out of Engineering and glided his hand against the side of the ship "See you again in a bit."

Main Passageway, Near Crew Cabins

Kamatari made it to his cabin and stood outside, he corrected his uniform and used his hand to comb his hair to make it more presentable. He noticed Rin and sighed "Hello, Santo Hei Nakane is here, I am sorry I was checking out Engineering" he hoped that the MEGAMI did tell everyone that he had flirted with her and technically the ship.
Crew Cabins

Yumi stepped out of her quarters of Room #1 and stepped to the side pulling out her data pad and beginning to idly do stuff on it, such as write some things down in her personal diary, and other things while waiting to get her perfect room inspected. The Heisho quietly mumbled to herself wondering how her friend back on Yamatai was doing.. She'd have to send Claire an update at some point while here on the Heartbreak...but for now she'd just work on writing, and studying the things on her notepad.
Main Passageway

Tsukisaki gave her First Officer enough time to begin her work and draw the attention of the crew before retrieving her ceremonial sword and leaving the Bridge, heading the opposite direction. She made a brief stop at the ship's communal Nest, where many of the other crew members were bunking together. The captain conducted her cursory inspection before directing the occupants to the Wardroom for the briefing.

Soon enough the Neko with the permanent frown was heading for the cabins, meeting Rin at the end of her rounds, in front of the disappointingly empty Cabin #4. Valesti nodded respectfully to her First Officer after setting eyes upon her for the first time. "Hoshitomo-Shoi. I trust everything has gone well?" She motioned for the Minkan to walk, making the return trip around the cabins in relative silence. She wanted to observe the other officer at work, and the crew's responses, but didn't plan to interfere otherwise. "Send them off to the Wardroom with the others, and we'll follow ourselves at the end."
Gemini Star Fortress

A certain Miyamae Nekovalkyrja was enjoying a very delicious parfait at a table, picking at it with a thin spoon as she enjoyed every delicious bite. Mmmmm, she thought as she scooped the sugary treat into her mouth. Waiting for her new assignment, SeonJi figured a little self-indulgent treat wouldn't be amiss. With her duffle bag by her feet below her stool, she wondered what exactly she was going to be doing on this new posting. HX-13 had been a whirlwind of engagements against the Misshuvurthyar, with long stretches of nothing between as slowly the whittled away the remnant forces. But this-- out in space-- aboard a ship, it was too much.

Such was her day dreaming and enjoying of desserts that SeonJi found herself rushing towards the ship. She'd lost track of time-- and track of where the Heartbreaker exactly was docked-- that the Miyamae Neko was floating towards the Yui 7-class Scout ship, her uniform and countenance just a tad frazzled as she clung to her dufflebag. Apologizing to the MEGAMI via radio telepathy as she boarded the ship for her late arrival.

YSS Heartbreaker, Main Passageway

The captain was right there. Standing in front of SeonJi's assigned cabin talking with a Shoi. SeonJi clasped her palm over her face, took a deep breath, then adjusted her uniform. Trying desperately like she didn't just get lost again. It was so much easier with a Daisy IES giving her a bright glowy arrow to follow. She couldn't help it if all the passages looked alike! Takeo-heisho would've understood, surely-- but her new commanding an executive officers? Taking another breath to center herself, and tugging at the sides of her uniform's jacket, SeonJi walked up towards her cabin.
Baek-hee? Miho thought, following her superior by way of flight. Her current impression of Rin had achieved neutrality - they were professional enough to recover, it seemed. As the Taii appeared, she gave a neat bow, though she suspected she went unnoticed due to the Taii's focus on more important affairs.

Still, silence seemed optimal at this current point.
Main Passageway

Rin gave a bow of her head and a crisp salute to the captain, this being the first time they had actually met in person. "Tsukisaki-taii, it is an honor to meet you at last," began the Shoi with a very professional tone, casting a cursory glance behind her at Miho to make sure she was there (as she was still getting used to the idea of a floating mini-neko tailing her every move) and payed her respects to the Taii before getting down to business. "Let me first introduce you to my new assistant Nito Hei Nakamura Miho. She is a respected member of Star Army intelligence and will be assisting us with the collection and analysis of data for our mission." Notable was how she did not mention the size at all this time when formally introducing the two to each other, after what had happened before between Miho and Rin. She also made a note to requisition a Sylph combat armor for the mini-Neko before they departed the fortress that was more suited to her size than the stock Mindys they currently were equipped with. "Now, I believe everything is in order for pass and review..." she spoke aloud to the Taii, pausing only very briefly as the datapad in her hand updated with good news at the last minute about the missing occupant of cabin #4.

The pair of commanding officers did not yet take their first step away for the door before SeonJi arrived before them, seemingly ready to go if a bit rushed. Rin did her best to make it appear as if it was all according to plan, though, rather than merely coincidence, and this served to cover for her subordinate's tardiness a bit. "Ah, Jôtô Hei Baek SeonJi, just in time. I know you are a veteran combat infantryman, but don't allow pride to stop you from asking the veteran MEGAMI aboard the Heartbreaker for directions sooner if you find yourself a bit lost," she suggested, before continuing. "At any rate, your captain, Taii Tsukisaki Valesti and myself, first officer Shoi Hoshitomo Rin, welcome you aboard. We will be conducting an introductory briefing in the wardroom, so please drop off your things quickly and proceed there as soon as you are able. Attendance is mandatory for all crew, so I hope to see you there promptly." She ended with emphasis on this last word, as she did not want this to become too much of a habit in the future.

Hashimoto-shoi continued moving down the hallway now, picking up on the sigh from Kamatari as she approached cabin #3. At least he had managed to make it back and be well put together. The teal haired officer nodded once to his introduction, having some suspicions about what he was up to before. "It is good to see that you are enthusiastic about your work, Nakane-hei. Your captain, Taii Tsukisaki Valesti and myself, first officer Shoi Hoshitomo Rin, will be placing much trust in you to keep the Heartbreaker and her MEGAMI in top shape. Seeing as you are a newer enlistee, I hope that you take the time to learn some of the older systems present in the Yui-7 retrofit you may not be so familiar with. I have done a large amount of research with this model of starship's systems, so do not hesitate to ask if you have any technical questions," offered Rin with a matter-of-fact tone before she gave a final reminder. "But firstly, we need you to report to the wardroom for the introductory briefing we will be conducting. No side trips this time, if you would."

Rin's black shoes clicked down to the following cabin door, that of Kyoufuu. She could see instantly that the soldier had placed everything in her room exactly where it would be expected and her uniform was also very well taken care of. It brought a genuine warmth to the icy woman's countenance. "Itto Hei Gunshin Kyoufuu," spoke the first officer in a nicer than usual tone. "Your captain, Taii Tsukisaki Valesti and myself, first officer Shoi Hoshitomo Rin, welcome you aboard the Heartbreaker. I understand you have been away from active duty for some time, but judging by what I see things are coming back very quickly. Please let me know if you require anything to help ease your transition, as we need you fit for combat in case of an emergency." The Shoi glanced at her datapad once more and added, "I also see here you have some skill with cooking and drinks. Our assigned mess staff is very green, so perhaps you could work along with them to make things interesting, as we have a long journey ahead of us." Rin began to walk to the next room, parting with one final reminder: "Of course, that can wait as your presence is required in the wardroom for the introductory briefing."

Hoshitomo-shoi had now reached cabin #1, at the head of the semi-circular passageway. And it was quite symbolic too, as this was the domicile of their highly ranked NCO. She was very pleased to see the room, which was as clean and organized as the Nekovalkyrja standing in front of it at attention. Now this was definitely what was needed to impress the captain. "Joto Heisho Matonaka Yumi... very impressive," began the Minkan with a genuinely pleased expression (which considering her slight bias was definitely something), "Your captain, Taii Tsukisaki Valesti and myself, first officer Shoi Hoshitomo Rin, welcome you aboard the Heartbreaker. I am glad you made the choice to return to the stars, as I can see right away that you are exactly what we needed to set a powerful example for the rest of the crew on this ship, some of whom are very green. I ask that you please continue to do so, as we will be relying on your diverse skills and experience to take the lead on any PA combat operations... as well as handling more 'delicate' situations that we may encounter." The officer cleared her throat a moment and continued. "There will be a briefing in the wardroom giving you more specifics about this assignment, and your fellow infantry squad members will be there as well. I look forward to seeing you there, Matonaka-heisho." At that she turned on her heel and began the walk back down the hallway with the captain and Miho in tow.

On the way to the wardroom for the briefing, Rin noticed that cabin #5 was open now, the MEGAMI having informed her a moment before that a new starfighter pilot had been assigned by Personnel at the last moment to fill a critical gap in their staffing. The XO could not help but be pleased with herself, as this instance was likely the direct result of the captain approving of her ingenuos plan with using the magnetics of the launch deck system to lock down a small starfighter, rather than having to tow it cumbersomely along with them or store it at the Ikoi starbase where it would be too little too late in an emergency. Striking out into the unknown as they were, one needed to prepare for all situations that could arise. Rin put her secret triumph aside, however, as her face resumed its professional demeanor as she announced her presence to Josva with two firm knocks on his door.
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YSS Heartbreaker - Crew Cabins

Josva checked outside the door of the cabin, it had a large number 5 on the door as he stood with his bag slung over his shoulder. He looked up and down the hall, almost suspiciously, before heading inside. He left the door open so as not to appear rude and as if he was ignoring crew-mates. The room was empty, not exactly what Josva had thought but a room to himself was certainly no bad thing, he smiled softly as he threw his bag down on the bottom bunk of the bed and made his way over to the desk in the room. He dropped himself into the chair and placed his feet up on the desk as he continued to smile. He had finally made it on to a starship, his career was about to begin, for better or for worse.
YSS Heartbreaker - Crew Cabins

Yumi did indeed stand at attention as her cabin was approached, she nodded towards Hashimoto-Shoi and listened to her compliment her neat and perfect room and stature. She felt a small blush coming on, however she stayed strong and bowed to her immediately. "Yes Ma'am, Thank you Ma'am, I will do my best to ensure that I live up to your and the captains expectations Hashimoto-Shoi. You can count on me!" She says with an affirmative nod before coming back up. "If anything needs to be done, I am at your service." She listened to her state the segment about the ward room and then nodded. "Yes Ma'am, I will be there." She gave her one final bow as she turned and walked away before moving into her Cabin... There she looked in the mirror for a moment and gave herself a thumbs up, a rather good first impression she though...

She then pulled up her data pad and sent a message:

<TheOneSniper> Hey Claire.

<Clairebear> Hey hon! Good timing, I was just sitting down for the evening. What're you up to? I hear you got a post?

<TheOneSniper> Yeah! I got assigned to the ominously named YSS Heartbreaker.

<Clairebear> That’s awful. Who the hell would name their ship that?

<TheOneSniper> The Yamataian Government would, they don't really think sometimes.

<Clairebear> That's kind of the running joke in Nepleslia. There is no thinking done by the throne. Well, don't let it get to you. I'm sure you'll be fine.

<TheOneSniper> Despite the name I do have a good feeling...And it’s all thanks to you Claire-Bear~

<Clairebear> Pft. Don't call me that. I haven't changed this nick in ages. Just Claire will do. Stay alive out there though. You may be in a super-soldier's body but you're not invincible. Make to your next shore leave and I'll take you out somewhere nice, mm?

<Clairebear> Oh, and if you meet a cute minx on board, go for it. Don't miss out by being holed up in your bunk, yeah?

<TheOneSniper> Don't worry Claire, You opened me up quite a lot in the year we've known each other. In more ways than one...So I'll totally have some fun if I meet for making it to my next shore leave...I survived the Mishhu War, I can survive this. I'll be sending you messages every now and again, so expect to hear from me more than often, we'll totally go out when I come back.

<Clairebear> Hee. Well, you should get to socializing out there. Make friends, poke fun at the ice queens. All the good stuff.

<TheOneSniper> I will, Take care of yourself.

(Done on IRC with DragonNova, and posted with her permission)

She couldn't help but smile lightly and then took a breath, her eyes moving to focus as she now moves back out and decides to explore the ship quietly, get to know it inside and out, as it will be her home for a long time.
Main Passageway

Kamatari nodded at Rin and sighed, mumbling under his breath "Lets go see what is going on" he made his way towards the wardroom and called out to Rin "I do have one question ma'am, that is what is the MEGAMI's name?" he smiled as he walked down the hallway still, he didn't want to be late to the wardroom.
Main Passageway

"Nice of you to join us, Joto Hei." A slight narrowing of her eyes was the only indicator of the captain's slight frustration with Baek's tardiness. Rin had already made it clear that she shouldn't be late again, so they would leave it at that. The sight of the Mini didn't seem to surprise or confuse her, as she had already looked through their files. Every type of Neko had a proper usage and reason for creation, of course. She quietly observed the other introductions, her frown a mask that held until they reached the NCO's cabin. A flicker of a smile briefly appeared, before her expression became more neutral. Valesti nodded to the Neko. "I feel confident that we can depend upon you, Matonaka-Heisho." The fact that she had actually used her name, and Rin's, was telling.

Her frown returned at full force as the door to Josva's cabin opened after the Shoi's knocks, revealing the Nepleslian relaxing with his feet up. Those smoldering red eyes suddenly had a more visible fire behind them. "On your feet, Santo Hei!" Silently glaring, she would leave the further verbal thrashing she obviously felt he deserved to her First Officer. Her reaction to a mistake by the only non-artificial crew member in comparison to Baek's transgression was very noticeable.

Nearby, a few stray crew members would pass Kamatari and Yumi on their way to the Wardroom. Inside they would find a small group already gathering around the large main table, quietly chatting and gossiping as everyone got to know their new comrades.
Crew Cabins.

"On your feet, Santo Hei" The captain said with a fierceness that was strange to him. Josva shot up out of his seat and stood at attention.

"Sorry Ma'am, Santo Hei Skirnir Josva, reporting for duty" Josva said in a declarative manner as he stood there looking at his new captain. She had a fierceness about her in more than just her voice, her eyes were a piercing red and her face was like stone, unmoving, unwavering. She stood in silence looking at the new recruit who remained at attention and seemingly unaffected by the impending discipline to be imparted on him. It was something he had gotten used to, he was held to a harsher standard being non artificial, some people saw it as taking a risk, a risk they wanted to be sure would pay off. Josva knew he would have to be on top form while on this ship, everybody else would expect it of him, so he remained, standing at attention, silent and unmoving.
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