Star Army

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YSS Heartbreaker - Side Vignette (Sammy's Story)

I was in a writing mood tonight; the first in years, so I wrote up a little vignette concerning what is happening in the Thoot mothership during the Heartbreaker's escape with Sally, Yui and Edtoto. Sammy is obviously non-canon at the moment, as I don't yet plan on using him in roleplay.
Note that I wrote this up in about an hour at 1 AM. Please forgive any grammar mishaps!

Part 1
Sammy let out a low whine as his claw tapped on one of the buttons, sending off Thoot's message to the alien vessel. “I have spoke your mind.”, he stated to the queen, who glowered behind him, turning his head slightly so as to glance over at her for approval. Sammy received none. The miasma of fury amongst Thoot and her children was horrible, and it made the Ee'ith ambassador almost nauseous.
His time with the Thoot had actually been mostly pleasant, especially when his sisters Sally and Yui had joined him and Mei on the Thoot mothership. Now Mei was dead, torn apart and partially eaten by Thoot's children; a fate Sammy had almost shared, and Sally and Yui were both in serious danger.

“Ee'ith.”, he heard Thoot snort, causing him to jump slightly and turn to face her, visibly shaking. “When the aliens leave, I will send you back to your family. We have no desire to keep you here any longer.”
The I'ee queen was slouched over a soft, expansive bed covered in silken sheets and cushions that was raised upon a roughly hexagonal divan. Both she, Sammy and a great number of Thoot's children were in the large, domed room that the queen spent her days in. It was her throne room of sorts; luxuriously bedecked with small gardens and a transparent, domed roof that showed the blackness of space outside.
None of the stars shone through thanks to the warm, orange glow permeating the room as it did when Thoot was awake. It gave a rather unnerving juxtaposition of Thoot, the imposing I'ee queen, with a black, empty and lonely void above her. Since Sammy wasn't allowed onto the divan with her, he always had to look up at her as well.
Part 2
“I... I understand.”, Sammy finally answered, internally conflicted by this request from his host. “But my mother will be displeased. Especially after the events that have happened now, she will most certainly try to convince you to have more of us here with you-” A few I'ee miners nearby hissed at the ambassador, all managing to do so in concert with one another.
The Ee'ith drone was frightened for his safety, but ultimately the desires of his mother came first. Ee'ith wanted each I'ee family to keep Ee'ith ambassadors with them to facilitate peaceful contact.
And if the Thoot had just been more understanding, there might have been peaceful first contact today.

“Thousands of my children have died at the hands of your precious aliens, Ee'ith.”, Thoot retorted, even hissing herself; a much louder sound than those of her children, and one which made Sammy tremble and whine with terror. “Your family is destined to throw yourselves at them, no matter the cost. All I have ever wanted to do is to ply the stars. If your sisters did not exist, the alien would be dead, and Yamatai would not have murdered us.”
Sammy had nothing to say in response to Thoot, his lanky, frail body shaking violently with shame and terror. Even if Thoot was not his mother, she was a mother, and her fury at his failure gave him only a small taste of what the real thing could be. It was a pain that tore rents into his heart.
Part 3
As the male ambassador quivered in pain, Thoot paused to speak with one of her daughters, who chattered and squeaked a rapid and urgent message to her. She hissed again, louder this time, and Sammy squealed in terror, scurrying from the room in a blind, primal desire to find safety and comfort. Thoot, however, was not addressing him.
“Again?!”, she hissed to her daughter, who regretfully confirmed the news: Despite an agreement with the Yamataian vessel nearby upon the destruction of Sally and Yui's craft, the aliens had gone back on their word.

Once Thoot's fleet had opened fire and destroyed the tiny, spherical ambassador spacecraft, the miners had been attacked in turn. The weapons were too powerful to have been from anything except the Yamataians. Before the nearby Thoot craft could respond, not that they were still capable of doing so, the alien ship had disappeared from view; having sped away at a speed faster than light itself. The Thoot were left with nothing except their own fury to stew upon.


Sammy lay curled in his ambassador sphere; the tiny, rounded craft given to him and Mei by his mother so they could explore the stars and make friends with everyone. He hadn't been given the courtesy of taking off himself. Rather, the Thoot had roughly grappled his tiny ship using the hangar bay's machinery and dumped it out into space before moving away.
Now, he was alone in the the emptiness between the stars. Truly alone. He nibbled gently on Mei's antenna, something that she had enjoyed, and whimpered quietly, unable to stop focusing on just how... lifeless her antenna was now.
Part 4
The ambassador had seen thousands of his sisters and brothers in his lifetime, and a great many of them had surely died for various reasons in the intervening years. But this was different. Horridly different. The firm shell of her head was... harder than before. Her antennae did not twitch or wiggle when he touched them. Her abdomen did not pulse gently in time with her breathing. Her jaws were stiff and refused to budge, and he didn't want to risk snapping them off.

Mei's head was all that he had been able to keep of her since the Thoot had ripped her apart, along with one of her limbs and a single wing. Now, the loose jumble of his former sister was bundled up in his arms, cuddling it in a desperate bid to feel the ethereal warmth of her presence; of her love.

Sally and Yui were gone, along with the Yamataians, and now even the Thoot had left. There was no comforting presence of life, only the pulsing, gradually invading pain of being alone. He knew he needed to get up and prepare the Alcubierre drive for flight. He needed to go home to his family where he would be safe, but that required looking out at the nothingness that he was lost in.
He'd honestly prefer to die curled up upon his bed like this than face that terrifying truth.
Part 5
Then there was a spark. His antennae twitched upwards, attentive, as a thought sprung up into his mind. He remembered Sally and Yui had found a friend; an alien friend. It was what had enraged the Thoot so much, as its ship drifted into their territory.
Sammy's limbs were shaking, but he managed to pull himself upright. His sisters and their new friend were safe with the Yamataians, but he did not know where they would go. Piling up some of the soft cushions, he gently laid out Mei's remains upon them, making sure she seemed as comfortable as possible, then began to approach the ship's controls at the fore of the chamber.

A thousand twinkling lights stared into him as he reached the control console; a small, angled bed with a variety of switches, knobs and buttons arranged around it in six clusters, and laid himself upon it. The steering shafts had the familiar firmness of metal when he grasped them with his claws, and began to turn the ship about.
He searched the dark expanse until he found the stars his computer recognised, and engaged the FTL drive. A low, thrumming began to sound, and he turned away from the windows. Mei had always enjoyed watching the distortion that occurred as they sped up, but it made Sammy sick.

Sammy flopped upon the cushions and cuddled back up to his sister's remains, feeling pleased with himself, and knowing that Mei would have been pleased as well. His mother would be happy too. It made him squeak softly to himself.
Despite the infinite, cold emptiness of space, he had found a three-fold refuge within its depths: He would return home with news of new friends for his family, and for the I'ee as a whole. He would return home and no longer be alone. He would return home, and be welcomed by the pride and love of his mother and family.
Sammy squeaked again.