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RP: Freespacers [YSS Himitsu no Umi] Breaking in.


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
A flash in the night, the massive hulk of one of SAINT's Chiharu Class Flagships emerged from fold at the apex of the 20 LY line, and the YSE-DOIN boarder directly north of Yamatai. The ship disconnected itself from PANTHEON, and began the process of tapping into the Polysentience networks owned by the Freespacers.

The ship's KAMI running independent in the event that there was any surprises awaiting their analysts within the enemy network. The connection could only be reestablished from Vicky, and data would be transmitted through direct delivery to another independent system at TAMI.

The hunt began, a search for these motherships, a search for the positions of key personnel, ships, and resources.

(Jess, I will wait for you to respond with what they find/concequences etc).
Unfortunately for the observers, Polysentience's greatest weakness was also it's greatest asset. While the network was easy to gain access to, the decentralized nature of the network coupled with the sheer amount of data meant that finding a particular piece of information would require either luck or a large-scale overt network takeover. Still, the passive scans would yield fragmented pieces of the whole picture.

Scattered logistic reports seemed to hint that the 'Spacers were considerably more active in unexplored space than earlier reports may have indicated, but that was to be expected for a nomadic nation. That also meant that it would require a considerable effort if one attempted genocide yet again -- hunting down and destroying every last ship in hiding could take days, weeks, or even months due to the large area of operation.

There also seemed to be inconsistency in the logistics reports. Many shipments seemed to begin and end in seemingly random locations, vanishing in one place and appearing in others. It seems that the 'Spacers weren't totally unprepared after all; either they were expecting a tap and began generating false reports alongside real ones, or they had predicted an oncoming invasion and downplayed the completion progress of the Ley Lines in the public broadcast. Perhaps both.

Specific locations were also hard to pin down. There seemed to be a considerable number of broadcast transmitters scattered around the entire region, either to bounce signals and hide the origin of transmissions or to generate random noise to confuse observers.

It would seem that while the 'Spacers were hardly a threat in conventional warfare, they were still quite adept at deception and electronic warfare. Gathering information would not be quite as easy as anticipated.
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