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Approved Character [YSS Imperator] Aerlia Lei'Shela

Looked at it shortly before, and didn't see anything so...

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@Ametheliana asked me to take a look from a SAINT perspective since that's my bag.

It generally looks good.

You should probably link to "intelligence officer" in the occupation slot because, while they're definitely trained as an operative, their assignment and rank shows that they'll be the ship's bridge officer in black rather than someone in the position to be a jack-of-all-trades secret agent.

Please get rid of the redactions; I'm really tired of this trend. Character sheets contain an OOC take on IC information, so putting in stuff like that makes it incomplete. Especially for a Shosa—someone who probably has nearly a decade of service—it comes off as kind of lazy to just hand wave it as secret. Officer-ranked SAINT characters who have been around for years have all of their secret missions outlined on their character sheets, for example.
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ of the Shela clan deemed that she be best used in SAINT, likely as a pawn in a larger game.
This is kind of weird because SAINT isn't interested in giving security clearances to people who can be coerced and manipulated by outside forces or organizations. We're military intelligence. That said, it seems like this more has to do with SnakePeople politics and probably will never matter in RP. Just something to think about.
Just to clarify, you don't need to change the "pawn" thing. Could be an interesting story hook in the future where that SnakePeople clanner tries to force your character to do something. It's totally possible if your character didn't know about the machinations of their kinsman.
Super cool!

Nothing's really stopping you from using her in RP already, tbh. I'm simply sharing some SAINT knowledge because, much like making a normal Star Army character, there's a lot of new stuff to wade through and find on the wiki that may not be immediately obvious.

Was she raised by someone at Black Sands? Was she a regular Santo Hei who got sent to operative selection at Black Sands? Was she a regular soldier of some kind for years in the Star Army and then got picked to try and become a SAINT operative? I'm confused there because of the sentence that says "her unique upbringing at Black Sands." Is it a situation where she got into SAINT training after basic and then her SnakePeople benefactors back home were like "okay, she can do this, we're not going to recall her to SnakePlanet"?

Just some general information on training for your consideration: Every SAoY soldier goes through basic training (67 Days for non-NH bodies). Then, specifically for your character, they'd attend 6 months of SAINT training and then 4 weeks of officer training (unless they were an officer before being selected for SAINT training, in which case flip the two). Most SAINT operatives go through operative selection and indoctrination immediately after basic training, though regular soldiers and officers can apply for SELECT after already being in the service.
"Following the notable successes of Operation Nichibotsu, Himawari and Makruk, Aerlia was given the nod for advancement to Intelligence Officer."
Were these training operations? There aren't really half-SAINTs who went through some training and then wait for a spot in the fleet based on their performance. If you get selected and then make it through SAINT's rigorous training regime then you become an operative.
"Becoming a Shoi immediately following several anonymous recommendations from high-ranking personnel and foreign entities, she quickly climbed the SAINT food chain."
This part is honestly kind of iffy. I'm not sure how comfortable Wes would be with the "anonymous recommendations" of "foreign entities" having any impact on Star Army promotions, much less having sway over SAINT's business. Becoming a Shoi isn't the hardest thing in the world and mystery benefactors saying stuff might not actually help their career.

I'd still like to see some information on the pacing of her promotions. But it also doesn't really matter in the immediate term, I guess. Maybe add something like "became a Taii in YEsomething and was promoted to Shosa upon her assignment to the Imperator." It doesn't need to be a table or anything fancy; promotions and assignments can be explained in prose as part of your history.
That's cool. As I said, she's good to go for IC use probably, since Hambo gave his approval and only the personality really matters for actual RP. Adjusting the lore is mostly for your satisfaction and to avoid any awkward things in the future where someone goes "lol whut?" I think basically all of the ideas you have for her can still fit with minor adjustments and reordering.