Star Army

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RP: YSS Imperator [YSS Imperator] Pillow Fight!

Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
YSS Imperator

After a long day of strategic meetings, flight simulators, ice breakers, and military discipline. Yamasaki Ayane opened the door to her designated cabin. Slightly uncomfortable in her tight fitting duty uniform, (Yamasaki) Ayane opened her cabinet to change into a more comfortable outfit. Initially, she eyed her exercise uniforms, but the shirt was too tight for her mood. She had no casual garments outside of standard issue attire, an issue she would need to resolve quickly. With a deep sigh, she locked the cabin door and shimmied out of her duty uniform, relieved to be free from the tight-fitting garment. Now in her bikini-style undergarments,(Yamasaki) Ayane stowed her clothes within her cabinet and closed the door. As she closed the door, she looked up towards her violin case on top of the cabinet. Lacking the necessary height to simply reach for it,(Yamasaki) Ayane jumped and hovered herself within the air and took her case down to the desk area.

Within two minutes, her violin and bow, a gift to her from an old friend , was out of her case, muted, and shouldered by her cheek. There were few music stands to be had aboard a military starship, so (Yamasaki) Ayane had simply taped a score to the wall, her fighter pilot’s vision giving her the ability to read the score clearly.

(Yamasaki) Ayane began to play.

She started with a warmup exercise, playing open strings to calibrate her intonation and to relax her arms so that she could play with a clear tone. Another exercise followed this one, a single, then a double octave scale played so that she could master string transitions and finger patterns. A few more exercises followed these two, and then she began to play a piece in earnest.

It was a beginner-level tune with simple fingering but multiple string transitions with a slow, expositive introductory section. She had barely started her piece when her cabin mate walked in.

Akagawa Ayane brushed off the duffel bag, taking it off her shoulder and holding it in her hand as she entered. Hearing the beginnings of a melody, she looked up and noticed that her roommate, a Neko that amusingly went by the same first name as hers, was playing her violin. At first, she was surprised, not having expected her to be back so soon, but gradually she made her way towards the back of the room; giving the second Ayane a polite bow of the head as she walked by.

(Yamasaki) Ayane failed to notice her roommate walking in, engrossed within the score of her music as she moved into the melody of the piece.

Pulling open the one half of the dresser that they shared, (Akagawa) Ayane bent her knees and placed the duffel bag down next to her, unzipping the top as the black-haired Neko went to work putting the last of her clothing into the empty spots; which wasn’t much. Just another pair of Type-35’s, similar to the one she wore, her coveralls, her spare underwear, her tights, and that was that. (Akagawa) Ayane then neatly flattened the duffel bag and placed it in with the rest, closing the dresser compartment afterwards. Once again, the musically occupied Neko failed to notice her cabin mates presence. Turning, Ayane (Akagawa) faced the similarly named Neko and smiled, walking over towards the bed as she began pulling at the buttons to her jacket…

Suddenly, (Yamasaki) Ayane looked up from her score, and made eye contact with her roommate, realizing that she had missed her room mate’s entrance. With a shy smile, the best she could muster while her chin was on the violin, Yamasaki finished the section she was playing through.

“Sorry for the disturbance! I was practicing! Do you want me to play through my wireless receivers instead?”, (Yamasaki) Ayane said as she set the instrument within her lap.

“Anyways, where are my manners?”, (Yamasaki) Ayane added impulsively. “ was your day?”, she said uncertainly.

Resting her tired rump on the soft bed, (Akagawa) Ayane shook her head, smiling still as she pulled off her dress shoes; sighing softly as the Neko placed them together and reached under the bed to pull out a pair of white, fluffy slippers. Straightening her back, (Akagawa) Ayane pulled off her jacket and shrugged it off, revealing her bra-clad chest as she placed the jacket in her lap and neatly straightened it out; making sure there weren’t any wrinkles.

“Oh, it’s okay,” (Akagawa) Ayane looked up and smiled once more, her eyes lighting up a bit as she looked over at the other Neko’s instrument with a bit of curiosity. “And, um, well .. my day was fine, I suppose?” (Akagawa) Ayane would add, placing the jacket neatly next to her as she lifted her legs and laid back, hands pulling off the skirt and tights in one swift go, revealing her panty-clad crotch. This appeared to be a very common ceremony as, with practiced ease, she separated the two and smoothed out the creases. The tights would have to be changed, though …

“How was yours, Yamasaki-san?” She would ask politely, ruby-red eyes glancing over towards the musical enthusiast.

“Oh well, where do I start? Simulations, meetings, introductions, so much! I wouldn’t trade it for anything else though. I like flying! Oh, I also met Truly Venus! She’s in my squadron!”, Yamasaki said, her bright pink eyes sparkling as she remembered her first direct meeting with famous singer and fighter pilot, Truly Venus. She had stumbled over her words, then, almost embarrassing herself in front of the singer, however the celebrity had simply laughed the anxiety out of the air and patted her reassuringly.

(Akagawa) Ayane nodded thoughtfully, recalling her previous assignment had been for someone else that - if she recalled, was a part of that singer’s entourage. She couldn’t recall the name though, nor the face. Now with slippers, she walked back over towards the dresser and hung her uniform up, slipping into her pajamas, a single one-piece with the Star Army of Yamatai logo and emblem plastered on the front and back, and walked back to bed. Contentedly, she laid down and curled up against the cool sheets and fluffy pillow, sighing.

“Mmm, I’m happy for you, Yamasaki-san .. you seem to have had a lot of fun. How is it, having someone famous flying in the same wing as you?” She would ask, recalling the amount of information she had to download and recollect about the Sharie-class’s weapons systems, diagnostics, technical specifications, and just how much damage it could dish out and take when the time came. It wasn’t as ‘fun’ as what the other Ayane seemed to go through, but it was to her (Akagawa).

“Oh well...I’m sure I’ll get used to it eventually. It was just so shocking the first time! Also, there are so many...interesting people who are fighter pilots. So many adrenaline-high Neko! I out of place sometimes...but they’re nice!”

With that said, (Yamasaki) Ayane stood up and set her violin down atop the desk.

“Anyways, I forgot…what is your speciality?”, (Yamasaki) Ayane asked her cabin mate as she crossed her hands over her chest.

Hugging the pillow against her chest, Ayane (Akagawa) smiled a bit and focused her attention towards the other Neko, closing her eyes as she sighed; more so out of being so comfortable after a long day than boredom. “I work on the bridge as the Imperator’s weapons operator,” She buried her face against the pillow, slightly embarrassed. “It’s .. not as involving as what you do. I just .. kind of sit in a chair and .. point and shoot.”

“Umm...sounds boring!”, (Yamasaki) Ayane said impulsively. “You day, if you want...I’ll take you for a ride!”, Ayane said with a wink, as she slowly walked closer to her cabin mate. “What do you think?”

(Akagawa) Ayane felt her cheeks flush a bit with the wink, holding back a giggle as she buried the lower half of her face into the fluffy white pillow case. “Mm, I’ve never been in a Kawarime or Hayabusa before .. sure, I wouldn’t mind,” She then seemed to grow a little hesitant near the end. “But, won’t you get into trouble for taking the craft out without permission?”

“Well...not when I’m an officer and I get a commission!”, said (Yamasaki) Ayane with a little naive bravado, as she sat down next to the slightly...giggling Neko.

Unable to form words within her mouth, (Yamasaki) Ayane gave a reassuring smile to her room mate, her bright pink irises belying the extent of her social anxiety.

Mustering up all her courage, (Yamasaki) Ayane wrapped her arms around her cabin mate.

An abrupt burst of laughter escaped from (Akagawa) Ayane’s mouth, it muffled slightly against the pillow case as she immediately stopped herself, clearing her throat quickly; biting her lip as she re-buried her face against her comforting sack of fluff. She wasn’t sure if it was the fatigue talking or the fact she had just gotten off a fourteen-hour shift getting attuned to the Imperator’s systems, but the Neko found herself sighing against the other Ayane’s embrace. A moment of light-headedness, a brief second of butterflies fluttering in her stomach, then she seemed to realize what was happening and pulled away; a little too forcefully than she meant for it to be.

“Oh, I’m .. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to .. um .. enjoy it so much.” She felt herself blushing again, hugging the pillow against her as she used it as a buffer to protect her from revealing her pink cheeks. “Thank you, though ..” (Akagawa) Ayane’s mind and heart rushed with questions, not sure what just happened.

(Yamasaki) Ayane was taken aback by her room mates forceful shove, but her comments confused her further.

“Ummm, you enjoyed it?”, (Yamasaki) Ayane said with visible confusion and consternation in her expression. She, slowly pushed herself up and shifted herself ever so slightly away from her roommate’s position on the bed, anxiously awaiting her response.

“I-is it .. bad if I ..” Ayane (Akagawa) slid her legs up, pillow resting between her body and her thighs as she buried her face back into the pillow, her voice barely audible over the silent hum of the ship interior. “If I said I did ..?” The Neko wasn’t sure what she was feeling at this point, wondering if perhaps she was just .. tired.

Straining her ears to hear her room mate, (Yamasaki) Ayane was initially uncertain of her room mate’s intentions.

“I……..well……! No! It wouldn’t bed bad at all in fact!”, (Yamasaki) Ayane said, her voice building in intensity and excitement as she spoke.

“I think...that’s good! That means we can be um…...close!”, said (Yamasaki) Ayane with a shy smile crossing her face.

(Akagawa) Ayane found herself smiling again, laughing again, her voice like a soft melody as she tossed the pillow over towards the other Ayane, the feelings in her chest settling down as the Neko became more comfortable with what was happening. “Sure, let’s be close. We’re going to be great friends, I think.”

With a loud laugh,(Yamasaki) Ayane caught the pillow and threw it playfully at her room mate.

“I think a pillow fight is in order!”, (Yamasaki) Ayane said as she hovered from the bed and grabbed her pillow from her bunk, playfully swinging at her room mate as she flew down towards the bed.

She laughed as the other Neko ambushed her from above, grabbing and using her own pillow to block and hit back, not too hard of course, and playfully swatted at her flying form. “Come down and fight me with some dignity, Ayane!” (Akagawa) Ayane would call out, teasing the hovering Neko with a childish challenge.

Playfully Offended by the objection to her honor, (Yamasaki) Ayane threw the pillow down and tackled her cabin mate from the air. She landed on top of her, locking eyes and...bodies with the other Neko as her body met her room mate’s in a tight embrace.

Pink-hued eyes stared at her as Ayane (Akagawa) found herself silently staring back into the irises of her counter-part’s, her lips opening slightly as if to speak. She (Akagawa) didn’t want to breathe, lest her rising chest touched the other Ayane’s, her arms splayed across the bed as the black haired Neko’s fingers seemed frozen in place; twitching every now and then as a nervous zap shot through. Several strands of her hair was stuck against her forehead, giving her a messy and disheveled hairstyle that, oddly enough, seemed to fit the Imperator’s Weapons Operator.

On the other hand,(Yamasaki) Ayane was in utter disbelief at her sensual predicament. Their bodies were locked together and breathing each other’s air. (Yamasaki) Ayane was the first to move, shifting her head slightly away from (Akagawa) Ayane. However, something changed within (Akagawa) Ayane’s eyes. A hint of longing showed itself within her red-irises. (Yamasaki) Ayane, moved her head closer, her partner’s eyes tempting her nearer and nearer until their lips were mere centimeters from contact.

Yamasaki Ayane closed the remaining distance and gently kissed the lips of Ayane Akagawa.

Her (Akagawa) eyes fluttered closed as their lips met, Ayane (Akagawa) could feel herself melting as a tingle of pleasure shot through her back. The raven-haired Neko’s body was still frozen, though that gradually changed as it loosened and seemed to lose all notion of rigidity, inhaling soft puffs of air through her nose as the red-eyed Neko surrendered to the kiss.
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