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RP [YSS Imperturbable] Ranga and Rathenkans


Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 44.5
RP Location
Random Alien Homeworld
Ranga Havard stood on the bridge of the YSS Imperturbable. It had been a journey out to meet the Random Alien Federation, but the new species was intriguing. The ship dropped out of FTL and into orbit around their planet. She nodded at Selena Daru, and the communications officer sent the official hail, letting them know that they had arrived and were carrying diplomats.
The three month journey was long, for sure, and the Rathenkans knew that. As they approached the Hala'ao system and sent the official hail, they were greeted by a Space-Traffic Controlle, before beign granted the relevant docking codes for the central spaceport around 'Ai. Various vessels from the coreward interstellar nations were docked here, and many different species could be seen wandering the hall so fhte spaceport. As the ship docked, they saw a relatively normal spaceport. A guide greeted them at the docking hatch before they began to move down the hallway, towards the main promenade. The station commander was there as well, to greet them. The guide soon spoke,

"Greetings, Ambassador. I trust you are well. I will be your assigned envoy for the duration of your trip here, should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. I am familiar with the capitol in it's intricacies so please, speak and it shall be answered."
"Greetings, while we walk, why don't you tell me about your capital?" Ranga asked, followed discreetly by her bodyguards.
"Ah, yes, of course! The capitol was created around time index 2503054.9000, or... well a long time ago, by your time. Our time system predates yours, I'm afraid so it's somewhat hard to convert... Nonetheless, the capitol was created around 10,000 years ago, as you see it now. It's undergone many updates overt time, but this is where the birth of the URF arose from..."

"The Capitol itself was constructed artificially over many hundreds of years, designed to incorporate an ecologically-centric design, creatign pathways for wildlife, and generating greenery to promote oxygen production. The city itself covers the entire planet, so we had to be very mindful of how to proceed."

As they proceeded to the space elevator, the diplomat could indeed see that the planet had a single city, stretching across the entirety of the world. It must have been strange, to see such a low-rise city, spread out so far...

By the time they had made it down to the surface, about a 5 hour ride, they entered the central hub, before they entered a tram to the diplomatic terminal, where they attracted some stares. Most rathenkans had seen aliens, but nothing like the Yamataians. It was intriuging to them, but nonetheless, it wasn't a perturbed sort of stare. More one of innate curiosity.

Peculiarly, everyone here had a small badge on their lapel, with a certain colour and number on it. The guide had it as well.

In fact, not long after Ranga could notice, the Random Alien guide handed the Yamataian Diplomat their own, along with a small white metal card, with a blue and yellow stripe. As they smiled, they said, "This is your Universal Score Card. You have to wear the badge at all times, and the card will provide you access to whatever services you may need. I'm afraid this is not... optional..."

"We should be arriving at the diplomatic terminal soon. I understand that many foreigners are often irritated by the system, but you'll get used to it. I promise."
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Ranga looked out at as the car descended the space elevator. "The Ecumenopolis is beautiful." Her and her guards were different, they had a Separa'Shan who slid along and a Elysian who very clearly had wings, even if they were not flying at the moment. Three different species working together. However, they had all been under much more hostile eyes before, and so accepted the looks with the inevitability that they were in this line of work.

Ranga accepted the card, noting what it was called, passing her crew's cards to them as well. "Thank you. Tell me about this Score System of yours. If it's mandatory, it must be very important to your people." She asked.
"The score system, put simply is a measurement of merit. We're a meritocracy, mostly. In that people are judged by their contributions to the greater whole of society, rather than to themselves. Those who are a detriment generally are relocated to places where they are forced to behave in a manner more... acceptable... to society as a whole."

"Given the K'ai tendency to see intentions and emotions, we've never had a problem with it. In fact, it's become a way of life for us. Others... not so much..."

The guide nodded as they arrived at the diplomatic terminal, and as they stepped out, two RFPS officers awaited by the tram. seemingly to escort the group. The diplomatic terminal was very old, made mostly of stone and well maintained. Pieces of technology incorporated to the infrastructure made it much more appealing to the developed eye. As they stepped off the tram, and were escorted to the chambers, they saw the ornate guild-like nature of the building.

Ranga may have been expecting a rather bland greeting, but the Random Alien diplomats had other things in mind. Entering the hall, Ranga could see a Random Alien diplomat kneel before them, and extend their hand. They said, calmly, eyes closed,

"You may take my ungloved hand, or you may not, but know that if you do our minds will be laid bare, for both of us to see. Let nothing be hidden, for in secrets lay lies."
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Ranga nodded, having heard of this in the initial report. It was a sharing of life histories and intentions, the specific things she knew would still be safe. She took the other diplomat's hand. He got the impression of a very disciplined mind, one that was very used to showing the face needed for the moment. She had been born to war, losing friends and crewmates against their enemies. However, the warrior at the core had been tempered by a desire for more. A desire to not need to use the great and terrible weapons. Not for weakness, but for the greater strength of friendship. There had been some lean and strange times as a junior diplomat. However, they had given her empathy for everyone across society. She had done her best to bring Yamatai and other nations, species, and cultures together. Learning to accept the beauty and uniqueness of each. There was also the recent war with the Kuvexians, where she had gathered allies that had helped to turn the war in favor of the Kikyo Sector powers. Now she was focused on learning about the Federation, representing Yamatai, and bringing them closer together.

During the Link...​

The Random Alien seemed to have a different disposition, at least in part. The diplomat's mind was open, and much was shared. They had been born to peace, and sought to preserve that peace at all costs, even if it meant their own destruction. They seemed kind, and trusting, focusing on much a simlar intent to Ranga, wanting to learn more about the Yamataians to not only bring them close together, but to perhaps show the Yamataians that there is more to the world around them than endless conflict. Something Ranga would surely understand.

This is not to say, however, that the diplomat was wholly unfamiliar with war. As the diplomat shared their intentions, it was clear from their life growing up on some of the outer colonies, they had understood the losses that came from attacks by those like the Kuvexians, and that even Random Alien, while free of war, was not free of conflict.

If Ranga peered closely, a small amount of pain was hidden in the back of the diplomat's mind. Of what remained unknown, but it was there. Almost pulsing like a heartbeat.


The diplomat carefully retracted their hand, and Ranga found herself facing directly towards the Random Alien. They then began to speak,

"Your intentions are clear and well placed. Before we begin with negotiations, do you have any questions? Most do..."
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