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RP: YSS Jade [YSS Jade] Area of Interest

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ON: YSS Jade

Henry stood next to the science station on the bridge, looking over Shina's shoulder as she worked the controls. The scans conducted by the ship had so far shown nothing out of the ordinary.

Yuuko had joined Henry and Shina up on the bridge of the YSS Jade, and was browsing scans as well. She sighed, and asked, "Henry? Are you mad about the rank adjustment Yui gave you?"

Henry thought about the question a bit, then shook his head. "Not really. I was looking forward to commanding a Yuumi-class ship. But easy comes easy goes, I guess."

"You looking to get back to life in the city?" Yuuko smiled, "Sometimes I feel the same way."

Henry nodded. "Yeah, living in a Yuumi-class ship has its charms. But this isn't so bad," he said as he looked around the bridge. "There isn't many people onboard this ship. It gives me a chance to get to know each of them, not just as their captain, but as friends."

Yuuko giggled, "You probably know every in and out of Shina already! She's been with you all her life, hasn't she?" she asked Henry, looking at Shina, for either to answer.

Shina was busy at her work, and was probably too distracted to be embarrassed. Henry raised an eyebrow, a bit annoyed with himself as his mind easily worked out exactly what Yuuko was implying. Or, at least, what he thought she implied. "Yes, she's been with me since she was created," he finally answered.

The purple-haired pilot smiled innocently. "You guys get along pretty well," she observed. "It makes me miss my sister Keiko."

"How is Keiko, by the way? Is she still serving aboard the Celia?" Henry asked.

"I think so. I haven't heard from her in a while. Hmm? Hey, the computer is giving me a police report. There's been a mass murder. Major telekinetics involved..."

Henry bent over the small console next to the captain's chair and brought up the police report. "Do you think it's Naraku?" he asked as he skimmed the report. "Or just another psychotic telepath loose on the planet?"

"It very well could be. Witnesses are saying (form the preliminary reports) it was a blue-haired girl. Sounds like her!"

"That's good enough for me," said Henry as he pressed a few buttons on the console. The rough location of the murders were pin-pointed on a local map and sent over to the science station. "Shina, redirect your search to that area, in growing concentric circles pattern."

"Aye sir," replied Shina, her moving fingers hardly missing a beat.

"Odd," Yuuko said, looking over Shina's scan data. "This underground area a few blocks away isn't showing up."

"It could be something innocuous, like good radiation shielding," said Henry as he walked over to the science station to look at the area. "Or it could be military-grade jamming equipment down there."

"From the looks of things, it's deliberate," Yuuko said. "Look at the spherical shape of the blockage."

"Agreed. Looks like a good place to start in any case," said Henry. "Is there an registered owner for the buildings above that area? This isn't Yamatai. We'll need to cut through some bureaucratic red tape if we want to conduct a raid on the property of someone important."

Yuuko did a few searches and answered, "It's a housing area of some sort."

By this time, Henry was already looking at a satellite view of the building, thanks to Shina. All of the publicly available records on the building were also accessible. After determining that the building was, in fact, an apartment, Henry seemed mostly interested in the rent that its tenants paid. "Ah, it's just low-income housing. There's nothing for us to worry about then. The local police visits these tenements so often that, I doubt anyone would even care that we showed up. That's good news for us. Our soldiers can sneak in quietly."
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