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RP: YSS Jade [YSS Jade, Hoshi no Iori] The Crown of the Empire

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Inactive Member
Henry sat in the captain's chair, and doodled on his sketchpad with a pencil. The Jade avatar was standing over his shoulder.

Out of curiosity, she took a peek at what Henry was busy drawing, and saw that he had taken the opportunity to make a sketch of Shina, while she was sitting in front of him at the science station. On the previous page of his sketchpad, there lied some crude schematics of a Lotus class starship prototype, his first attempt at ship design. The schematics were far from finished. Jade surmised that he was working on the schematics before he got distracted. She shook her head with a smile, like a disapproving mother.

As he was sketching, Henry paused briefly to toy with the idea of changing the Jade's name. He was still quite mad at her namesake for shooting him. He abandoned the idea within seconds, however, knowing that both the avatar and the crew had already gotten used to the name.

"Taii Chen, sir, I have the stellar ring within visual range,â€
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