Star Army

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SYNC YSS Kōun (NG-S1-469) Daily Report


🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
RP Location
YSS Koun
To: Kessaku Irim
From: Alastair Belmont

Ship Log Report YE 45.08.06

I awoke to the sounds of a cat purring exactly 5 second prior to my alarm clock going off. The person in question shall now report to galley duty. I fired my alarm clock for failing to wake me.
The coffee was slightly better today, it was at the acceptable 210 degrees when the crew knows I like my coffee taken to 212 and then cooled to 210 degrees. No action was taken.
The floor inspection once more showed a high dirt content of 0.001% near one corner in my office. I took care of this myself.
I then did my daily stretch prior to starting my day.

I took my leave to the shower. Giggles filled the shower as the crew was in high spirits today.
After my shower I took notice of one of the crew. After close inspection I determined her slight weight gain would not cause a wrinkle in her uniform. I recommended leg day.

The walk to the bridge was uneventful. The daily report from the night shift was neatly placed on the seat of my chair. They did good to have the papers perfectly aligned. I administered head pats.
On the agenda today would be preparation for shore leave on Gashmere. The crew had earned some time off.
I checked with communications if the invites had been sent out. It took them 0.5 seconds longer than needed to reply yes. I gave a head pat and encouraged them to keep pushing.

Aliset reported for her shift. She quickly took post and gave a full system report. This was 0.3 seconds faster than the day before. I suspect she had a pleasant night with Sacre.

The crew took a moment to gossip regarding what they would do on leave. Mostly shopping and maybe a drink. I took a moment to consider what I might do but only for 35 seconds before getting back to work.

I detected a smell which did not belong on the bridge. No one took credit for the foul air. I asked comms to have the air purged on the bridge and replaced with fresh air. A few chuckled. They are to report for galley duty.

After my rounds on the bridge, I took a seat in my captains chair. When doing so it made the smallest squeaking noise. After standing and sitting for about 15 times I determined my chair to be defective. It was replaced.

After being made late for my chair sitting, I reported my displeasure to the manufacture of the chair.

I finally sat down in my chair. There was no squeak and instead a farting sound came out.

After investigating I found the crew had put a whoopy cushion on my chair. More head pats were given to those that didn't laugh. The few who did, galley duty.

During our travels to Gashmere I was informed that my message to Aelya had bounced. I checked the address and hit resend.
Some of the crew gave me cute puppy eyes knowing I have a thing for the young miss.

My IT department let me know that my message was once more rejected. I asked them to fix the problem and report back to me.

My IT department informed me that after replacing half the server rack, they were still not able to send the message.
I filed a report with the Star Army provider for this failure.

Sayako brought me my morning sandwich. As expect it was perfectly made with the two slices in perfect alignment.
Looking over the top of the bread I noticed a wrinkle in the uniform across from me. I pointed this out and they addressed the issue.

Sayako let me know that IT was still not able to send my invite to Aelya. They believed that the address was wrong. I informed them that this was impossible. Galley duty for doubt.

The bridge crew was rotated and the crew taking over were 3 seconds faster than the day before.
One however had missed a button on their top. I measured the opening and found that it allowed 1.5 centimeters more cleavage than allowed on the bridge. They adjusted their bra and fixed this infraction. I gave a head pat. I informed the team while small, quick thinking is key to better performance. For the initial infraction, they cleaned the viewing screen.

IT once more let me know that the message refused to send. They had contacted high command to have them look to see if there was an issue with the Koun. All communications came back green.
Out of frustrations I quickly stood from my chair. In doing so the squeaking noise had returned.

After attempting to throw my captains chair out of the airlock, the bridge crew calmed me down.

My chair was once more secured and had learned its lesson, there was no more squeaking.

Sayako noticed one of my hairs had frizzed. She took a moment to fix it for me. I gave her a head pat. I then gave her galley duty for touching without permission.

After Sayako informed me there would be no hugs after hours, I rescinded her to report for galley duty.
Ali teased that I was whipped. The comms officer chuckled at this. Now they are to report for galley duty.

I relieved myself from bridge duty to go grab some lunch. Akino asked to join me as she had news to share.

We sat down to eat and Akino informed me that my message still had not been sent. I cussed. Akino patted me on the back and said she'd take care of it.

Aliset walked over and told me to stop using galley duty as the only punishment. She was tired of stepping on crew. I noted this complaint

On my way back to the bridge I found two crew flirting outside quarters. They were not on duty.
As I passed the open door, Seki was standing in the door way naked. I helped her brush the tangles from her hair so she could report to duty on time.

I reported back on the bridge. Aliset was already on post and informed me she cracked space time formula and would be able to shave an hour from our arrival time. I am never sure how she does this but continues to amaze me.

Sacre reported to the bridge to let me know her team was ready to deploy once landed. I let her know this was a break. She then threated to stab me. Affection from Separa is still a mystery at times.

I stepped away from the bridge for a coffee. I ran into Alice who was helping IT do engineering things. It was confirmed my message would not send due to being a wrong address.

I spilled coffee on myself. I removed my shirt and one of the crew whistled at me. I gave them a wink and almost said to report to galley duty. Instead I had them tuck in my new clean shirt instead.
I got a replacement coffee.

I once more spilled my coffee when the ship jerked. I figure Ali had did a slightly wrong calculation. The shaking soon stopped and I gave up on the coffee.

Sayako brought me a coffee to try and cheer me up. She then proceeded to drop a pencil in front of me and pick it up. I once more spilled my coffee.

After getting into my 3rd shirt for the day. I reported directly to engineering. I was told they had no means to figure out how to get my message to Aelya. I asked them if they tried using our support vessel for a boost? They had not considered this so I told the lead to report to nightly cleaning duty.

I broke apart a couple that was not standing at least 5 centimeters apart while on duty. The young man argued he was in fact the correct distance. I told him to look down and recalculate. He was to report to storage to count potatoes after his shift.
Akino informed me they had a break in the case. The YSS Kibo no Hoshi had found Aelya had changed her last name too Eitan.

I got a report from the YSS Kibo no Hoshi that the nation of Norian tried to hack the ship. I made a full report to command regarding this failed attempted hacking. I noted this more than likely was in error since the communication was terminated from their end.

I pulled the logs from the YSS Kibo no Hoshi and nothing seemed out of place. I did notice an out bound message sent towards Aelya. I asked the AI what this was and I got a giggle in return. I did not think much of this.
Sayako came and gave me a hug for finally getting my message to Aelya. I could tell while being kind, there was a distaste in the air towards Aelya. I was happy to see her being jealous.

After I retired from my shift on the bridge, I had a return message from Aelya. Oddly enough the message was an original and not a reply back.

I found a couple hanging out in the hallway making out on my way to dinner. I gave instruction to grab firmly to show commitment. They are to report to galley duty the following day.

Akino joined me for dinner. She informed me that Star Army was investigating a hacking incident from early in the day. She handed me a message with a heart on it. I spit my food out in shock.

I got a new shirt on and reported to the bridge. Security officer was kind enough to keep my chair warm for me while I was away. I had them stand from the chair and sit back down on my lap. Was off hours so be rude to make them stand.

Ali let me know that her calculations might have been slightly off but not to worry as she had everything under control.
Sacre came onto the bridge wearing combat gear. She heard something was hacked. I could see the stabby twitch in her eye. I informed her it was under control and for her and Ali to be relieved.

The bridge was mostly the night crew now. The neko still sitting in my lap was enjoying playing with my hair.
I once more pulled the logs and put together that AI on the YSS Kibo no Hoshi eavesdropped a communication line.

I have concluded that the young AI of the Hoshi followed the directive to find Aelya. It successed where others had failed.
I gave a pat to the security office in my lap for waiting so patently. I removed myself from my captains chair and placed them back in said chair. They sighed but duty calls.

I stopped to get some coffee. While rounding the corner I was ran into by one of the crew. One was partly dressed and the other naked holding a towel. I took their towel from them. I took my now wet shirt and flick them on the behind out of frustration. I called security to deal with this.

I reported to my quarters were I was greeted by Sayako. She hugged me and asked how my day was. She could tell it was one of those days so she turned and wiggled her hips. I smiled
I sat at my computer and typed the incident report. I highlighted that a programming glitch had led to a malfunction in the subprotocol for security access rights. This had been corrected and that the there was no cause for concern. Given how silly the message was, I doubt anyone would take this as a serious threat.

I reported to the shower where I found the couple from before cleaning the floor with a toothbrush. I gave security a hug for the assist with that and that they get a get out of galley duty free card.

After the shower I reported back to my room. As I walked the hall I heard the whistles and shouts to take my towel off. Moral was high tonight.

Sayako handed me some coffee. I pulled back the sheets to find a neko warming my bed. I flicked the covers and tossed them onto the floor. I was too tired to punish them. I'd punish myself first thing in the morning followed with punishing them.

I got into bed and snuggled with Sayako.

I loaded my reports for the day into the system and hit send. See you tomorrow command.

Ship System Report

Operations - Nominal
Navigation - Nominal
Engineering - Nominal
Armor bay - Secured
Weapons - Secured
Food Storage - 4 weeks
Water Storage - 4 weeks
Spare Uniforms - Dangerously low
15 Info
14 Messages
5 warning
1 alert
Navigator's log
YSS Koun
YE 45.8.06

Sacre woke me up at four in the morning to run PT with Black Wolf. This was before I was allowed my morning turæta and breakfast, so I'll admit, pretty useless. But 90 minutes of exercise for a species that usually doesn't have much endurance after sixty isn't bad. Shower time!

Getting into uniform and to the bridge was a bit of a rush, but five minutes early is five minutes early. Immediately started on weekly nav console maintenence.

Due to out cruising sublight speed of a fairly significant speed of light, there's not insignificant temporal drift for the Koun. This, coupled with the known temporal variance of FTL travel means that about once a week we have to go in and adjust our star charts, pulsar maps, etc, to compensate. Normally a computer does this, but the compounding temporal dissonance forces us to make manual adjustments and checks.

The squeak in the captain's chair made him... Cranky. Akino did not replace it. Just borrowed some of my blood to use as quick and dirty WD40 till she can get Engineering up here. So I took the opportunity to get him with a light hearted prank after someone ripped on the bridge. Note to self - No more kųsti. Not everyone has the intestinal fortitude for that to be served in the galley.

Also don't see why the captain uses cleaning and galley duty punitively. Makes no sense whatsoever. I pull galley duty once a week to get off the bridge and interact with other departments. I explained this to him and got the same confused look as when I explained we'd be making Gashmere an hour or two ahead of schedule with the nav recalibration complete.

Went ahead and completed my shift and then reported to Medical to help out during my down time. Got a bottle of iodine spilled on me for my trouble. Smarts, but I'm okay. Then galley duty. I made Sirrisian gumbo. Our Duskerian was very happy.

We had a bit of turbulence, and I tracked down the issue to be... Well IT claimed an outdated server stack incorrectly flagging an incoming message from some Norians as a potentially hostile unknown entity and flagging the Nav, which nearly desynchronized our jump. Pantheon's an AI core based system... Nothing to worry about. Probably something to do with why my nav recalibration took half again as long as it should have. With half the Koun's servers down for the Captain trying to send a message, recalibration and updates became challenging. at least that's what IT told me. I managed to get it, though.

Back to the bridge for final prep and knock out some study. Got uniform request for our little shore leave on Gashmere. Simply said "wear your best." Looks like full dress... In... An active civil war and terrorist insurgency. Yeah. This is gonna go well.

Anyway, we had some oscillation across the drive earlier. My look into it said it was a slight deharmonization of the shared jump bubble of Koun and Kibo no Hoshi. Apparently I've got to go over there when we drop to realspace and reset the drive and reconfigure Nav again. Lo and behold, when you're the best navigator in the battlegroup, and a Senti, you suddenly have to pull Senti space magic bullshit with half the fleet.

Did get a nice chat with Akino in about where she's from. Rough town. Maybe she's tougher than I thought.

Day's over. I'm gonna relax with Sacre.

Personal note. Sacre's more aggressive than normal. It's been about six months since her last shed, so her anger's either nerves or her skin's getting tight again.
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Training officer's report
YSS Koun
YE 45.08.6

Situation normal. Up at 0400 for PT, then me and the infantry squad played HECK on the volumetrics bay all day. Nothing to relieve Infantry tension like grinding demon slaying video games and unhinged brutality.

Taii Koun's gumbo was spectacular.