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RP: YSS Kaiyō [YSS Kaiyō] Post-Mission Three: A Little Heart to Heart

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The Breakfast Baron
Inactive Member
YSS Kaiyō
8日 2月 YE 39
1030 Hours

It was only soon after the away team returned from their triumph against the L'Kor fleet. As all the infantry exited their suits and went to wash, Anastasia lagged behind. For the first time, she didn't care to polish off her suit, which she had docked in a more haphazard fashion than normal. The adrenaline of combat was gone, and the drugs administered earlier were beginning to fade. The searing pain in her side was starting to fade back as the existence of the missing slice of flesh in her right side made its way back into her mind.

She needed medical attention, soon.

Anastasia meandered through the halls hugging her right side, trying to maintain composure. The others had gone to do their post-mission duties. She made her way to the medbay as quickly as possible, knowing her physical was going to be a little more than a tap on the knee. She caught a glance of the damage to her right wing, and nearly threw up right there in the hallway, feet from salvation.

She propped herself against the side of the medbay doorframe as it slid open. "M-Miyako?" At the moment, the incredibly scary thought slipped into her brain: they might not have a medic anymore. After all, she saw Miyako, and the glorious inferno that swallowed her. Even with a backup, it'd be a good while before she would be checked. Her breathing escalated at the thought, before a loud voice broke the silence of the empty medical bay that lay before her.

"Ooooh HAAAII!"

An alien head poked around the corner, light teal skin with orange poofy hair. Two bright bronze eyes stared back at Anastasia. The person caught her off guard, making her jump. She had no clue who this person was or why they were here. "H-hhhi."

The unknown Neko stepped around the corner, her muscular frame visible, even under her medical uniform. "You caught me just not ready! It's a little early for a physicaaaaaaooooooooh." She saw the damage to Anastasia's right wing, and the sliced flesh through the charred clothing from the aether blade. She immediately moved forwards, with velocity, and grabbed Anastasia by the shoulders. Anastasia let out a surprised squeal as she was suddenly tugged by the medic across the medical bay.

"You look like you took one hell of a stab! And a beating!" said the gleaming medic as she gently plopped Anastasia onto one of the operating tables.
Anastasia cocked her head to the side, looking wide eyed at the invading medic. "W-who are you??"

The invading medic replied ecstaticly as she stood at the cabinets, grabbing various supplies including scissors. "Endo Hatsuyo, at your service!" She sat down by the damaged bird, filling a needle connected to a tube, which in turn was connected to a small bag of liquid. "I just transferred thirty minutes ago, Taii said people kept getting shot and there just wasn't enough catpower to handle it. You're my first customer here!"

Anastasia tried to sit up but was quickly pushed back down by this Endo person. "Please! Stay still for one moment!"


Anastasia was stabbing in the arm with the needle, causing her to wiggle instinctively. It was in vain. A quick, calming sensation overcame her body. The pain wasn't gone, but diluted in a cold sensation, almost relaxing her nerves. "Ha-uh..."

Endo went to work in inspecting all the wounds. "Third degree burns, missing flesh, aether blade for sure. Broken wing, too." Anastasia was quick to interject. "The left, its fine..."

"But it's clearly healed into the wrong shape-"

"Please, leave it." Anastasia exhaled.

Endo looked at her weirdly as she put on gloves and an apron. "Aaalrighty then, your body." Endo took the pair of scissors and quickly removed the charred shirt from her patient, placing it in a bin. Apparently Elysians do wear bras, even Nekos can learn something new every day. “By the way, what's your name, hun?"

Anastasia, looking at the drip bag she'd just been stabbed with, was starting to lose her element. "Aaa- Anesthesia...?"

Endo, not paying attention to the bag in question, propped Anastasia into a nonstandard laying position, which was rather awkward for surgery, but necessary to repair both the wing and her side. “Okay then, Anesthesia, nice to meet you. I'm giving you a dose of sedatives, you should be feeling muuuch better when you wake up!”

“But… why??” The groggy Anastasia replied.

“Because, surgery is incredibly painful!” Endo cheerfully answered her question. Anastasia's face paled. She opened her mouth, but closed it again, blinking with heavy eyelids. “Oooh, don't be like that! Think about it, if I we're a real doctor, you'd be in debt for this!”

Endo's joke didn't go over well for Anastasia. The scary part is, she was probably right. Not about the debt, about the fact she wasn't a real doctor. With the terrifying thought of open surgery by someone maybe a few months old, Anastasia blacked out from panic and sedatives.

“G’niiiight! Sweet dreams!” Endo leaned back and pulled over a cart full of medical machinery, tools, and bottled drugs. Appearing to be able to do two things at once, she turned on some nice background music for her Orchestra of medical care. Cleaning the wound up, she began her hour long surgery procedure, never once asking for assistance.

It was her first day on the job on the Kaiyō, and she was already busy. Life was good.

YSS Kaiyō
Medical Bay
8日 2月 YE 39
1131 hours

That was a whole minute more than an hour, Endo. The medic was thinking to herself, but blamed the time loss on this Elysians wonderful ability to withstand sedatives longer than usual. Endo was curious of the plebeian, but couldn't find any way to talk to the sleeping log. So, she waited for her to wake up, taking another ten minutes to do so.

Anastasia came back to reality in a dazed state. She was back in a regular sitting position, wearing a modified medical gown. Her right wing was stuck out to the side, supported on its own bed which was pulled up to her own like a big T. “Eeehfefener.”

GOOOOOOOOD… morning!”

Oh god. The Neko was still there. It came to her that it wasn't some horrid stress dream. Anastasia lurched a little internally, realizing the dull sensation of… nothingness in her right side. She dared to look over at the wing, for just a glance. It was clean, no blood, no burns. Just a sea of cobalt feathers and white bandages.

“Now, it may come as a shock but I did have to do some heavy work with that wing. You may not feel anything for a while! But that's alright! For a while!” Endo still seemed cheery, discarding her gloves.

Anastasia took a deep breath, and looked back at the medical Neko, who was beaming. She guessed she did owe her abductor one thing. “Thank… you?”

Endo blushed just a little bit. “Aawww, thank you! You should be good to go for now, just avoid doing any rigorous exercise, and drink plenty of water. Come see me in the morning!!”

Anastasia slowly leaned forward, folding her right wing carefully, a hard feat when you can't even feel it. She slid off the bed, losing her balance briefly, before standing fully. “Okay… “ She was still confused, but thankful. She just needed to get out, to get her bearings.

Endo rolled over to her computer, waving at her first patient proudly as she made it to the door. “Baaai, Anesthesia!” The wonders of modern medicine.

“Oh, and one more thing!” Endo swiveled around in her chair, to see the closed door of the medical bay. She shrugged, spinning back around. “Ooh well, I'll tell her in the morning.”

She started entering records into the computer, submitting them to the ship's system.

Anastasia had her first ST backup. And she didn't even know it.
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