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RP: YSS Kaiyō [YSS Kaiyō] Sword Quest

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Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
Gemini Star Fortress
17日 6月 YE 39
0900 Hours

Rei leaned back in the hallway to allow Taiyou Hoshi to pass. The samurai could see as the blue and white haired Neko passed her that she was looking at Rei oddly, though.

"Yojimbo-sama," Hoshi said, pausing and turning in the bustle of the hallway as if she hadn't thought she would be passing the Ketsurui Princess' quarters today, but that it was a fluke.

"Hai?" Rei replied.

"Chusa Taiyou Hoshi," the pink-skinned Neko said, saluting.

Rei returned the salute with a terse bow.

"I would like to talk about your civilian assistant," Hoshi said. "As well as your position in the Empire."

Rei nodded, saying nothing. Her steely grey, white eyes looked at Hoshi behind a mask of order. She waited for Hoshi's reply to her own words.

"I would like to have your civilian assistant return to Tsubomi where he came from, what's more—" Hoshi spoke until she saw Rei shaking her head slowly. "What's wrong?"

"Iie, he will not return."

Hoshi pursed her cherry pink lips and looked at Rei, "He will or I will arrange for other accomodations. Surely he would be willing to become an Eihei like yourself and train as a true samurai. Or a Minkan?"

Rei had not thought about that and murmured, "Eeto..."

"Think about that. But for now, he loses the swords and that armor has got to go."

Gemini Star Fortress
Hallways/Hanna's Temporary Quarters/Hoshi's Temporary Office
17日 6月 YE 39
0900 Hours

"-he loses the swords and that armor has got to go."

By pure chance, Hanna Madsen happened to be within the bustle of the hallway. Her dark skin and cyan hair made her a distinct presence among Neko. As she approached Rei and pink-skinned woman, whom her digital brain quickly identified as the new captain, she could not help but to rubberneck ungracefully.

As the hustling bodies of Neko, Minkan, and various other lifeforms pushed past her as she walked slowly down the hall, for a moment, Hanna was very conspicious to Rei and Hoshi.

However, before Hanna could speed up and pass the two officers, Hanna had one question. Who was "he"?

Rei's eyes flickered to Hanna and back to Hoshi. The captain turned and looked at the cyan-haired and lean Neko now looking at them. Hoshi followed her gaze and then looked back to Rei.

"You have four days to get rid of him." Hoshi then moved back the way she had been going and Rei was left looking sternly at Hanna's big, brown eyes.

Hanna gave a passing salute to Rei as their eyes met before she continued down the hall. He...he could be no other than William. The boy was Rei's charge, so it would make sense that Hoshi would talk to the samurai about the matter.

As Hanna navigated the bustle of the crowd, the implications of the order came upon her in a sudden epiphany. William, the boy who had saved Hanna's life and who's Hanna had saved in return, would not be allowed to deploy into combat.

As she entered the expansive crew cabin sector of the Gemini Star Fortress, Hanna thought on how this could drastically change things for William.

William, the boy who had practiced day and night so that he could fight his counterpart in honorable combat. William, the boy who fought like a veteran soldier despite his relative youth. While Hanna knew little about him, she knew that it was her duty to stand up for him.

After a few minutes of walking through the cabin sector of the Fortress, Hanna entered her own temporary quarters, the door sliding open automatically as the MEGAMI recognized her presence.

After thirty minutes of meticulous grooming, makeup application, and outfit selection, Hanna stepped out her cabin in a Type 35 duty uniform with a pleated skirt and black heels. Her heels clicking loudly on the floor, Hanna headed for Hoshi's temporary office.

As the knock at the door came, Hoshi got up and opened the door to see Hanna Madsen in all of her glory standing outside of her office.

Hoshi saluted as Hanna did so and asked, "How can I help you, Madsen-hei? I believe this is the first time we are properly meeting."

"Taiyou-Chusa, I would like to discuss an important matter that has come to my attention. If I may, I would like to discuss this matter openly and honestly with you. With your permission, of course, Chusa.", Hanna replied as she stood at attention.

"Come in," Hoshi said, sweeping her arm into the work room. She sat behind a desk and allowed Hanna to enter and to sit on the other side of the desk at her leisure.

Hanna entered the room and took a seat at the chair without saying a word. Taking a deep breath, Hanna began to speak to her new captain.

"The matter concerns William, specifically. If I may speak candidly, I overhead parts of your discussion with Rei-Yojimbo as I passed you in the hallway. I did not take me long to figure out who you were discussing and your plans for his future. I am here to tell you that I firmly disagree with your plans for the boy."

"Well then," Hoshi said, astonished. "What do you think of my commanding of the ship so far, Madsen-hei? You are making your opinions very widely known. I don't think I can ignore such strong thoughts on the matter, do you?"

"I have been under your command for naught but a day, but this order does not bode well for the future, Chusa. Truth be told, I feel very strongly about the matter. This boy saved my life as I saved his.", Hanna replied in a robotic and almost condescending tone.

"So you see his being on the ship to be a necessity?" Hoshi asked, now intrigued. She put a finger up to tap on her cheek while the rest of her knuckles let her chin rest on them. "Is that what you think?"

Hanna took a deep breath before speaking, but the release of air did little to relieve her rising choler, brought about by her captain's mocking tone.

"I do not like to restate myself, Chusa."

"I do not need to be questioned by a Nitô Hei, if that is the rank you will be keeping by the end of this conversation, I would be surprised." Hoshi leaned back in her chair and smiled before she said, "What would you do?"

Squeezing her hands together her lap, Hanna calmed herself for a brief moment before she replied to Hoshi.

"I would let him fight. Clearly, he has caused no issues during combat. In fact, his presence has been beneficial to us. I see no reason to make changes."

Hoshi's smile faded and she looked sternly to Hanna. "Are you questioning your superior's motives?"

"My previous statements did not imply a question, Chusa."

"Yes," Hoshi said, folding one hand over the other. "It did in that you are asking me to go back on an order I made to take the civilian off of the ship. You are questioning my orders."

"Let's not tie ourselves up with semantics Chusa," Hanna began as a bitter expression crossed her features, "You are correct, I question why the boy has to go when he has no black marks on his combat record. Orders such as these are the actions of a paranoid commander who, feeling insecure in her authority, seeks to impose unnecessary orders on her soldiers."

Hoshi's pink lips pinched together and she tilted her head. The blue top of her hair fell over her arm so that the white tips curled upwards and stayed on top of her elbow for a moment before falling.

"What would your last commanding officer say about this? Would she let this slide off of her shoulders, smile, and bend to your whims?" Hoshi asked, then went on before Hanna could answer. "Or would you never question her because of your loyalty? You're showing me very little loyalty, even already. You are demoted to the rank of Santô Hei, Hanna Madsen-hei." She looked at Hanna with a little bit of that smile again as she said, "But William stays on the ship."

Hanna felt a sudden sting within her chest when Hoshi referred to her as her old-now current rank. A mix of dejection and indignant rage overcame her as Hoshi smiled at her. With an excessively long and deep breath, Hanna opened her mouth to reply to Hoshi, but no words came out. Instead, a series of strained and soft vociferations was all that was audible by the captain as the cyan Neko locked up before managing to form a coherent sentence.

"Th...thank you, Chu...sa."

"You're very welcome, Madsen-hei. I hope you enjoy your new position while fighting alongside this boy." Hoshi then turned in her chair and got up, walked to the door, and opened it. She looked at Hanna expectantly. Hanna stood up to leave, quickly moving past Hoshi to the outside of the door. Realizing that she had forgotten to salute, Hanna turned around, straightened her posture, and gave Hoshi a rigid salute.

Hoshi returned the salute and nodded, said, "Go tell the yojimbo he stays," then turned around and was back in her suite.

"Yes, Chusa.", Hanna replied frantically as she dropped the salute and turned to leave without another word.

Gemini Star Fortress
Aiko's Quarters
17日 6月 YE 39
1100 Hours

Now a Santô Hei, before she headed to Aiko's temporary quarters, Hanna returned to her room to change out the rank pin on her uniform.

The cyan Neko shed a few tears as she replaced the pin. the confliciting emotions of relief and dejection manifesting themselves in her tear-stained appearance, exacerbated by her running makeup. Before leaving for Aiko's quarters, Hanna wiped the makeup off of her face, although there were still patches of ruined foundation on her skin.

Rei was standing guard and her long ears pricked slightly at seeing Hanna a second time in two hours. She continued looking at Hanna until she bowed slowly and spoke.

"Nani?" came Rei's question, asking only what?. She could see a few smears of poorly wiped-off makeup on Hanna's face.

After giving the samurai a deep bow, Hanna rose into a rigid, military posture before she began to speak.

"William, your charge, is permitted to stay on the ship, Yojmbo. I am to report to you for further orders. Taiyou-Chusa has stripped me of my rank.", Hanna stammered out, looking directly into the samurai's white irises.

Rei chimed out, face stoic and calm but voice wavering, "Arigatou gozaimasu, Hanna. "Eeto..." Rei looked confused for a moment, before speaking slowly, "You are to go to Yamatai, now. For... Eeto..." It seemed she was trying to think of the perfect way of explaining Hanna's new orders, but couldn't. Rei was a woman of action. When she took Aiko and William to this place she now wanted Hanna to go to, she had sprung it on them as a suprise. But, now, she needed to tell Hanna everything. Or... Almost everything.

"You will go to the forest of the elves on Yamatai," Rei said in Yamataigo, now, "in order to make the princess new swords. I will have some of the Zesuaium from the first Kaiyo sent to Xiuluria. Please hurry."

Hanna's ears perked up and her eyebrows rose when she heard "elves on Yamatai". After she was had received a demotion...an adventure? To Xiuluria, in spite of her recent demotion.

"I...is that a punishment, Yojimbo?", Hanna replied in a shaky voice.

Rei kept her mouth closed for a few moments, then replied, "Iie, no." She looked away from Hanna, then back at her, "Again, I am grateful you were able to keep William on the ship."

"May...I take someone with me, samurai?", asked Hanna as her eyes wandered onto the samurai's swords.

Rei furrowed her brow before nodding, "Hai, yes. Tell them at the gates you are coming on behalf of the princess.

"I will, Yojimbo. I will be back with the completed weapons punctually. Thank you, samurai.", Hanna finished as she gave a deep bow.

Rei bowed back to her and then took up a stance that denoted she felt like she was back on duty- protecting the princess' quarters.

After rising from her bow, Hanna saluted and turned to leave. She had very little time to get ready for the trip. As she returned to her quarters, Hanna decided that she would take her formal duty uniform and a bodysuit. As she began to pack a black duffel bag, Hanna sent Deio Asuka a wireless message.


Meet me in my temporary quarters if you want to go to Xiuluria. We must leave within the hour.

Hanna Madsen


Asuka received a message wirelessly and replied quickly with an excited:


I'm happy to! This will be fun, won't it?

Deio Asuka

The red-head packed as well and was waiting outside of Hanna's temporary cabin in thirty minutes. She knocked softly and stoof with her own duffel slung over one shoulder.

Opting to project a neutral-toned makeup look over her face, Hanna slung her duffel bag over her shoulder and ran to open the door for Asuka.

"Asuka! It's so good to see you!", said Hanna as she reached for a hug.

"What's that all about?" Asuka said as she looked at the pin on Hanna's left breast. She frowned at Hanna and her red eyebrows knit together, it seemed.

"I can explain the circumstances of the trip...and the demotion...on the way, but we need to go. There's a shuttle waiting that will take us to Yamatai.", said Hanna excitedly.

"Alright, Hanna!" Asuka chirped. She left Hanna's rooms with her and within minutes, the two were on the shuttle. Asuka sat with her hands on her knees and her bright blue eyes looked at Hanna with a longing for information splayed across her face.

"I wish I didn't have to explain this Asuka...but...it's a long story...do you want to hear it?", Hanna asked, looking into Asuka's blue eyes.

"Yes, yes," Asuka said, leaning towards Hanna. 'Of course I do. I'm so sorry..."

"I...heard Hoshi and Rei in the halls earlier today. The new captain was talking to Rei about Williams' status with the crew and...his combat elgibility. I didn't hear the entire conversation, but...I had guessed correctly about what they were talking about. To be honest, it was bad judgement on my part to go to Hoshi's office, but...I think I did something good. Unfortunately, the meeting ended with a demotion for me.", Hanna said as she looked down at her chest.

Before Asuka could respond, the PA system announced the shuttle's launch. Although the passengers felt nothing on account of the inertia dampeners, they could tell that they were moving, based on the quickly disappearing star fortress in their windows.

Asuka looked down at her hands, "That's terrible..." She then looked back up at Hanna. "So why Xiuluria?"

"Well...after the demotion...I had to report to Rei for punishment and to inform her of William's status. And...that's how we got here. We're running an errand to get the princess a set of Zesuaium swords from Xiuluria.", Hanna replied. "Doesn't really feel like a punishment to me but...", Hanna trailed off, looking out of the window as the shuttle transitoned into hyperspace.

"No, I don't know if it sounds like a punishment at all." Asuka said, "Maybe it's not going to be easy? Maybe we'll have to convince everyone or fight for it or something. I don't know, but it might not be fun."

"Well, I don't want to cause an inter-system diplomatic incident so...if we have to fight for it then I'll just take another demotion or something!", Hanna said with a giggle.

"Besides, I'm sure elves are very peace-loving!", finished Hanna as she leaned onto Asuka's side.

"Yonto Hei would really be a drag," Asuka said, putting a hand on Hanna's as the cyan-haired Neko leaned into her. "I'd rather you not go with that option. But that won't happen—the fighting, that is. We'll be careful to avoid any trouble, won't we?" Asuka smiled coyly at Hanna with that statement.

With another smile, Hanna closed her eyes and shifted her body closer to Asuka's. Asuka put her free hand on the crown of Hanna's head and brought it closer to her shoulder, having the other Neko lay her cheek against Asuka.

"No trouble Asuka...none at all..."

17日 6月 YE 39
1600 Hours

After several minutes transporting from the space port to the gates of Xiuluria, Hanna and Asuka were outside of the high woven metal and wooden gates of the Elven fortress. Both doors to Xiuluria were open marginally and if the girls wanted, they could easily slip in. At the top on the left side of the two-doored gate was a something like a crow's nest from which came a quick query.

"Who comes to Xiuluria today?"

As they looked towards the source of the voice, Hanna and Asuka gave deep bows. After rising from her bow, Hanna replied to the sentry.

"We are are military representatives of the Ketsurui clan. We have been sent to Xiuluria to commission a set of Elven swords for the Princess Aiko. Our mission is sponsored by her samurai guardian, Rei-yojimbo.", Hanna finished as she crossed her hands over her groin.

Asuka looked from Hanna back to what seemed to be a guard's tower and noticed a man —no, an Elf— was walking towards them from the other side of the doors. Asuka pointed to him and nudged Hanna as he approached.

The guard in the tower admitted, "We know of who you speak."

Then, the approaching Elf raised a hand towards the door. A slip of clothe raised with his hand from his long, thin, sheer robe that was connected to a bracelet he wore around his hand. He touched the door and with ease and little effort at all, it opened further and the two girls found they could walk forward if they so wanted to. Asuka looked to Hanna, then to the Elf.

After nodding to Asuka, Hanna gave another deep bow to the approaching elf before they entered the gates.

"Are we to be taken to a swordsmith?", Hanna asked inquisitively, seeking to proceed straight to business matters.

"You may call me Lerial. Yes, you will be, unless you have other desires of Xiuluria?" he said as he began to walk with them following closely. Asuka looked back at the crow's nest and then forward, noticing the way the Elf's rear cheeks showed marginally through his clothing and her eyes widened a bit as she looked at Hanna.

"Is there something else you wish to do while here or is the making of swords all that you would like to pursue?" Lerial asked.

"We would like to make the swords first.", replied Hanna in a curt tone. "We will see what else the city has to offer if we have time, of course."

Hanna's eyes also wandered to Elf's rear as they walked. Turning her head to look at Asuka, their eyes met, and Hanna gave the redhead a coy smile.

"But of course," Lerial said. "What should I call you two?" They passed into a thick forest where the light of day was cast aside by the thick branches, needles, and leaves overhead. There were small lights on the ground, splaying out light on the trail they walked on as they entered deeper into the forest of Xiuluria.

"I am Hanna Madsen-Hei and my...partner is Deio Asuka-Hei.", said Hanna as she gave Asuka another smile.

The air within the forest was a great relief from the sterile and recycled air that Hanna was used to breathing on military starships. The forest had a somewhat magical aesthetic, almost reminiscent of a scene out of a fantasy novel. Hanna could not help herself as her eyes wandered away from the Elf's rear and out around the forest, her senses savoring the refreshing sights and smells of nature.

In almost no time at all, they were passing by a trail that veered off to one side of the path. Then, there were small buildings tucked in between the trees on either side of the cobblestone path.

The Elf Lerial spoke out softly, "This is the beginning of our small village. The smith's workshop is to our left." He raised an arm and the bracelet that held the clothe that connected to his robe rose with his hand. "Just through here. You are very brave going somewhere very few have been to, you know." He continued walking, this time down the path to the left of the main one they had been on.

"Brave?", asked Hanna curiously as the group entered the village. "Surely, others have traversed this path before, correct?", finished the cyan Neko.

"Very few," he said. "Not many, no."

"What will we find inside the workshop that will test us then, Lerial?", inquired Hanna.

The Elf smiled to her as he turned around to look at her fully as he walked. "What do you think you need to be tested for?"

"There is more to this place than I thought", Hanna transmitted as she slightly brushed Asuka just enough for telepathic communication. With that, Hanna and Asuka followed the elf into the workshop, their senses assailed by the heat of the furnace and the loud clanging within the workshop.

The workshop was evident by the smells of burning metals and a plume of smoke that lifted into the air from the middle of the workshop, where there was a furnace. Lerial nodded to the Elf throwing an iron against a piece of metal, hammering it skillfully as he moved the iron about over the red-hot piece of material. He paused and grasped a pair of tongs, took the material, and brought it into a bucket of water. He put it onto the table he had been working it on and set it down there before taking off a protective visor and looked at Hanna and Asuka.

"Ribot," Lerial said. "He is our swordsmith."

Ribot continued looking at Asuka and Hanna until Asuka spoke after she had bowed deeply, "Arigatou gozaimasu. Thank you for having us."

"A pleasure to meet you, Ribot.", Hanna began with a small bow. "Thank you for letting us into your forge. Are you familiar with the details of the commission from the Princess Aiko?", asked Hanna as she rose from her bow.

"Mmmm," Ribot replied. "And the same to you. No, I have no idea what I'm to make, I just have this zesuaium waiting for me to forge. Lerial?"

Lerial nodded and opened a standing cabinet in the workshop in which there were blades upon blades to choose from. Long and short, curved and sraight, there were a great many before the Neko girls' eyes.

Hanna stood with her mouth agape as the cabinet opened before her eyes, unveiling an expansive collection of swords.

The first sword that her eyes crossed over was a longsword. This one had a straight crossguard and a black hilt. However, before her eyes could fully absorb the details of that one particular model, her attention locked onto one with a slighly curved crossguard and a beveled groove running down the blade of the weapon.

Utilizing her digital mind, Hanna processed the details of each weapon within her field of view, save for one. As her eyes traveled to the last weapon, the blade's radical curve was immediately obvious, even without the precise calculations of her mind. Her digital mind calculated that the sword had a curve approximately 5 to 15 degrees from tip to tip. Long after her mind had computed the geometric statistics of the blade, Hanna herself took in the design of the weapon.

The sword had a curved and slim blade, which did not taper until the very tip. The design of the sword was luxurious and elegant. Yet, it's lethal looking blade was a testament to the instrument's potency as a slashing weapon. Almost immediately, Hanna had decided the type of blade she fancied. But what sword did the princess desire?

"Ummm...these are beautiful weapons...but...did the Princess not inform you of what type of sword she wanted?", Hanna asked with a nervous tone in her voice.

"She allowed you to make the choice for her," the swordsmith told Hanna, Asuka's brows shooting up as the two of them looked to Hanna.

"What?! I was just de...", Hanna started as her better senses warned her not to finish that statement.

"I...well...I choose the sword with a radical curve.", said Hanna assertively as she walked closer to the standing chest and pointed to the blade. "Two of them...please."

"Two it is," he said and Lerial closed the cabinet as the swordsmith went to a chest and took out a great many pieces of what could only be zesuaium. Then, he asked, "Are you ready to watch it be done or would you like to get something to eat and refresh yourself after your long journey with Lerial?"

"We will watch the forging first.", stated Hanna, as she looked up to Asuka for approval. The red-head nodded and gave a smile to Hanna, then the swordsmith Ribot.

With that, the two Neko sat down and began to watch as the forging of the swords began, a glass barrier closing over the smith's workstation, allowing the two Neko to see inside.

After two hours of watching the forging of the blades, the two Neko fell asleep in each others laps. During a break, Asuka and Hanna went to tailor's shop in the area, buying a pair of sheer dresses, similar to the one Lerial had worn at the gates. After they returned to the workshop, Hanna and Asuka fell asleep. They would not wake up for another four hours, until the blades were finally finished.

Gemini Star Fortress
Outside of Aiko's Quarters
17日 6月 YE 39
2400 Hours

It seemed that the princess's samurai was asleep as she wasn't out of the quarters. Asuka spoke gingerly after herself and Hanna had walked up to the closed door.

"Should we knock?" the red-head asked.

With a nod of agreement, Hanna proceeded to knock on the door of Aiko's quarters. Three light taps, followed by three hard taps. After waiting for a minute, Hanna transmitted a wireless message to the samurai, expecting her to receive it when she woke up.


We have returned with two swords, as you requested. The smith, Ribot, said that the Princess did not specify the type of swords that she desired. If they are unsuitable, we will return to Xiuluria on your command and retrieve new blades for the Princess.

Thank you for your leniency,
Santô Hei Hanna Madsen

The door opened quickly soon after and the samurai placed a hand on Hanna's shoulder, nodding curtly to Asuka. It was a strange exchange as Rei touched Hanna. The samurai did it disjointedly as if she wasn't very used to the action.

"Keep the swords, Musume," was all Rei said as she took her hand off of Hanna's shoulder.

"Yojimbo! I...apologize for waking you. The swords...certainly, you aren't giving them to...me...", Hanna replied frantically as she nervously ran a finger through her hair.

"But...if you really mean it...thank you, Yojimbo.", finished Hanna, giving the samurai a deep bow.

"Iie," Rei said, "No. Thank you. Arigatou gozaimasu." She returned the bow. She nodded to Asuka one more time before returning into her and Aiko's quarters.

With a soft smile crossing her features, Hanna placed the swords on her belt and turned to Asuka.

"That...turned out better than expected.", Hanna commented as her eyes lit up. "I'm...strangely giddy and tired, Asuka. Do you want to come to my room?"

"Yes," Asuka said, putting her head on Hanna's shoulder. "Yes, I do."

Taking hold of Asuka's hand, Hanna led the red-headed Neko down the hallway in a graceful floating motion, leading Asuka around the corner with an exuberant giggle.

Thanks to @Ametheliana for her unending patience with me throughout this entire process! I am so happy with the results! This is truly the best plot on the site! Hanna will love and cherish these weapons!
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