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Approved Character (YSS-Kaiyo II) Miles Belmont


Everything Is Magical
This is my first character so it propably needs some touch ups but here goes (will get a drawn pic of character soon)

Miles Belmont is a player character played by club24

Species & Gender: Minkan Male
Year of Birth: YE 14 age 25
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Medic
Rank: Santô Hei
Preferred Plot: YSS Kaiyo II
Physical Description
height-180cm, body type-lean, fit aprox 68kg, skin color-tanned, eye color-one green one grey (genetic anomaly), ear type-elven, hair-black and fair length shaggy, eye shape-round, facial description-young face with small black sideburns,
Miles Belmont has an overall professional demeanour but also has a good sense of humour, is usually serious and will attempt to remain calm and make focussed decisions under pressure. Miles Belmont is motivated by a desire to serve the Yamatai empire to the best of his ability and to explore and discover new technology and planets across the universe in the name of Yamatai. Miles Belmont tries to get along with everyone he works with to ensure that the team is effective and can rely on each other. While trying to get along with everyone he is not socially outgoing and prefers to only be with small groups at a time and with people who share similar interests to him.
Miles Belmont was born in YE 12 in the city of Geshrinopolis. Born as an NH-22C Miles Himelon was always interested in the science and technology of the Yamatai empire and the benefits they could provide to people and their lives. In his early life he became fascinated with the rejuvenating and healing abilities of the Yamatai technology and paid close attention to medical staff whenever he saw them, always asking questions to further improve his knowledge and understanding. In YE 31 when the new Minkan body began to be produced Miles was determined to get one for himself driven by his passion for discovery and exploration of technology and the allure of finding a new way to better other’s lives and as soon as he was old enough to join the Star Army he signed up for Medic training course so he could provide support to his ship mates while furthering his own knowledge of the various species and their technology.
Social Connections
Trained in the academy with Soren Haerelon (Chartacter of SirSkully yet to be posted)
Brother is Mikodimus Belmont
Skills Learned
Optional section. Miles Himelon has the following notable skills:
Star Army Common Skills
Inventory & Finance
Miles Himelon has the following:
Star Army Standard Kit
Miles Himelon currently has 3000 KS.
Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):
Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM YES
Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more YES
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I didn't see this. @Wes do you think you can put this onto a wiki page for the both of us? I'll be able to link wiki articles for it if you can just do the copy pasting! ^0^
I can make a page for this character after they're approved.
Please use complete sentences in physical description.

YE born vary throughout the profile. Please change that.

His name changes to Himelon at one point.

Let's change this: "Trained in the academy with Soren Haerelon (Chartacter of SirSkully yet to be posted)"

Flesh it out a bit more as far as history goes?
Miles Belmont is a player character played by club24

Species & Gender: Minkan, Male
Year of Birth: YE 14 age 25
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Medic
Rank: Santô Hei
Preferred Plot: YSS Kaiyo
Physical Description
Miles is on the taller end of the Minkan height spectrum with a measurment of 180cm. His body is on the lean side but he is in fit physical condition and weighs about 70kg. His skin tone is that of a light tanned white colour and he has a green eye on his left side with a genetic mistranslation between his old and new body resulting in the other being grey. Miles opted for the elven type ears for a better sense of sound perception across long distances, he has black fair lenght shaggy hair and the traditional nordic round eyes. Facial description is a young looking face to match his age and a set of black sideburns but no moustache or beard. Will usually be dressed in the Star Army standard Medic uniform while on duty but in some special occasions will be wearing clothing to match.
Miles Belmont has an overall professional demeanour but also has a good sense of humour, is usually serious and will attempt to remain calm and make focussed decisions under pressure. Miles is motivated by a desire to serve the Yamatai empire to the best of his ability and to explore and discover new technology and planets across the universe in the name of Yamatai. Miles tries to get along with everyone he works with to ensure that the team is effective and can rely on each other. While trying to get along with everyone he is not socially outgoing and prefers to only be with small groups at a time and with people who share similar interests to him or are working towards the same common goal as him.
Born in the city of Geshrinopolis now Kyoto in YE 14 Miles Belmont is the eldest of the Belmont brothers with Mikodimus born three years after him. Miles had a fairly standard life living on the homeworld and was able to explore his own interests and desires in life without interfearance, he was caaring of others from a young age and would try to find ways to help others whenever he could. Miles was always interested in the sciences and forces that control the universe, throughout his basic education he pursued the biological sciences further and became facinated by the inner workings of all lifeforms and took it upon himself to study the behavioural patterns of his own brother as personal research.

As he matured and grew Miles could often be found to be exercising keeping his own body in a healthy condition or researching the biology of various other species that had been discovered across the universe by the previous scientists of the Yamatai Empire. Before long he had discovered the potential of technology in aiding with all forms of the biological world and developed a keen interest in it as a result, in his later education Miles focussed on the ability of technology to heal and improve the biology of all creatures as well as continuing to study the biological component as well. Miles also submitted several prototype designs of new devices to aid in the biological world but none were ever accepted.

Miles' interest in technology and facination lead him to enlist with the Star Army as an army medic allowing him to continue his studies and research while also being able to help those around him, after finishing his education later than his brother Miles applied to join the ship he had joined earlier in order to watch over him as he values his family as much as his ambitions to find more lifeforms and better ways of using technology for the aid of scientific research.
Social Connections
Brother is Mikodimus Belmont
Skills Learned
Star Army Common Skills
Inventory & Finance
Miles Himelon has the following:
Star Army Standard Kit
Miles Himelon currently has 3000 KS.
Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):
Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM YES
Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more YES