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[YSS Komainu] Pre 00 - Overhead Baggage

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Well-Known Member
RP Date
Ye 41
RP Location
Unnamed SAoY Station
Busy busy busy, it was a Yamataian Military base afterall, so of course people with uniforms bearing various colours were running around all over the place trying to ensure they didn't piss their CO off for being tardy - ships came and went in a near-constant stream of activity, some full of soldiers while other vessels were more cargo-orientated.

At one of the rows of seats in one of the many waiting areas was a young woman with mocha-coloured skin and wildly contrasting choppy bob of white hair pulled back behind both knife-tipped ears, she wore a version of the standard infantry uniform more commonly associated with male soldiers though a few slight curves about her form and the delicate Yamataian features told any onlookers she was certainly a she - cornflower-blue duty jacket partially undone at the neck as she sat there, duffle bag on her lap, eyes closed and almost looking asleep as far as most passers-by were concerned.

It was the loud thump of a duffelbag that would possibly rip Kage's mind back to reality. The sound was soft and muted - so it would've been hard pressed for there to be weapons in it. Yet looking up at the honey blonde elf with lowered ears, sunglasses perched over petite nose and a peculiar small bottle in her hand, would mayhaps indicate this wasn't just your usual in a place where usual was already very much unusual. The elf slowly sat down and slumped down in her seat. Screwing the cap of what seemed to be water, though had a very distinct smell of not-water, she took a precarious sip. Before leaning her head back and exhaling a soft breath. Hugging the fur-lined black hoodie closer against her frame.

Kage's mocha eyelids had gently lifted at the sound next to her, revealing ghostly white irises beneath silvery eyebrows, eyes which slowly drifted to offer the older Elf the faintest hint of a frown only to be followed up with a soft exhale - one of her free hands moving to seal her duty jacket up to the neck as was regulation.

"Day drinking is not a good look for an intelligence member~" Kage spoke softly, her eyes staying trained forwards as she spoke to the blonde elven lady, her words sounding crisp and purposeful despite their hushed and hollow tone, "~though remain reasonably uninebriated and I'll have nothing else to say on the matter."

"I'm not," Carthage retorted with a soft snicker, taking another sip. "I'm having breakfast," she added with a shrug, before glancing over at Kage, huffing softly and shaking her head. "I'm hard pressed to take advice or criticism on my habits or my inebriation from someone who hasn't even made proper introductions first." The elf elected to rest her head on the backrest of her seat, slowly closing her eyes. "What's it to you, then?"

"It is nothing I need to speak further on~" Kage offered in retort, shifting in her seat slightly to better face Carthage and bow her head swiftly, the action itself tight and clearly practiced, "Santo-Hei Akuma Kage, ma'am," was the quick introduction offered.

"Good, then we're in agreement," the elf spoke. Glancing over at Kage as she bowed, lowering her sunglasses ever so slightly. "Ah - the failed Samurai, wonderful," she retorted bluntly, before leaning back in her seat. "I've worked with your mother - briefly, that is," she added with a shrug. Pushing the sunglasses back up and leaning back in her seat. "Carthage Sasken-coburg, if you're dying to know," she added, deliberately leaving out rank. "If you're half as smart as I estimate you, you'd realize I'm the last person you wish to lecture," she cooed with another deeper swig of the small bottle.

"I was merely stating an observation, and if you are referring to my progenitor Akuma Reisu then you should know~" there was an ever so faint chink in Kage's stoic armour, her throat tightening with a gentle gritting of her jaw and those already rather narrow Yamataian eyes narrowing ever so slightly before she continued, "~that she is legally no longer my mother~ would I be right in assuming you are also headed for the Komainu?" Kage inquired, having long abandoned the bow she'd offered Carthage as the Neko decided to change topics.

"So was I," Carthage retorted with a soft sigh, before casting a sidelong glance towards Kage. "Some things, we simply don't discuss, hm?" She asked with honeyed words. Fully aware of the effect she had with her remark. "You are correct in assuming," she added, slowly closing her eyes again. "I'd repay the courtesy of asking the same, but I know for a fact you do, apologies."

"This does not necessitate and apology, it is your job to know these things," Kage offered with a small nod, maintaining the perfectly upright posture that the mocha-skinned ghost had held thus far, so far seeming to back up a lot of things in her file about the abandoned Neko maintaining her mother's samurai ways despite never having been ordained as one.

"Hmmr~..." Carthage only hummed in response, glancing at the bottle, which was nearing empty. Deciding on a final swig, she relished the burning sensation down her throat. "So, why Komainu?" she asked with an arch of her eyebrow.

"It is where I was deemed needed, and given my~" Kage's explanation paused momentarily, her silver brow creasing ever so slightly as she thought about the easiest and most concise way to get her point across, "~given past incidents, rather, I am in no mind to object to my placement there - is it permissible to inquire as to why you are going there, ma'am?"

"It is, please speak freely, this is no conversation between superior and subordinate," she added, before leaning forward and rubbing her temples. The headache didn't help her mood either. "They needed Saint coverage, I was placed here, simple as that."

"Saint buisiness is not my business so I... it matters not, forgive me, I am too used to treading lightly~" the Neko couldn't help but politely apologize to Carthage, her tail - which had been limply resting over the edge of her seat - slowly coiled up beside her with the softest sounds of fur shifting against fur, Kage letting a slow breath roll through her chest.

"Operative, if I had to warrant an educated guess?"

"Do you honestly think I'd be dumb enough to let sensitive information slip?" She asked with a soft chuckle, before shrugging and lowering the bottle with a soft breath. "Correct assumption, what gave it away?"

"Of course not, there is just no point in me asking a question I would never get an answer to~" Kage answered with a small sigh as her head pivoted to slowly face the elf once more, hands unzipping her own duffle bag to retrieve a canteen from within, "~regardless, I took notice which groupings of muscles seem to have endured more strain... you do not appear to be built for desk work," the Neko noted, unscrewing the lid with one quick flick of her thumb before a few small sips were taken from her canteen.

"I see, so you were checking me out?" Carthage hummed with a faint chuckle. Cupping her hands behind her neck. "I think I might be a bit too old for you, but if you can't contain yourself," she glanced over at Kage, offering a faint grin. "We can excuse ourselves to the loo."

Kage simply finished drinking from her canteen and began slowly screwing the lid back on, offering Carthage one raised eyebrow and the blunt answer of, "I'll politely decline that offer~" as the vessel was stowed away among layers of neatly-folded clothes and carefully stored gear.

"Hrm~... Suit yourself," Carthage retorted with a soft shrug. "Your loss," she added, before she glanced back at the ceiling, though the grin still growing. "Because it'll be the shag that'll make everything else seem like a poor excuse for stimulation."

"Are you quite finished, ma'am?" the Neko asked, her ghostly gaze showing no intention of even remotely considering taking up Carthage's offer, quite uncharacteristically so considering so many of her species would jump at such an opportunity if rumours were to be believed - though it appeared that Kage was different in that respect.

The sunglasses dipped down ever so slightly as those oddly different coloured eyes seemed to stare right through her. Fascinated, as if reading her mind. Though only a soft chuckle, as she pushed her sunglasses up again and leaned back. "If I may say, very alike to your mother, or ex-mother." The faintest of chuckles, in and of itself, haunting. "I wonder if you'll cave faster."

Mention of Kage's mother got a similar reaction out of the ghostly mocha cat this time as it did last, though it was a bit better hidden behind a soft breath, "I was raised solely by the woman I was also asexually reproduced from so there will obviously be similarities though... as you know, there are differences, so time will tell~" she offered, goose bumps running up Kage's back as she prepared to speak further.

"You like picking at old wounds it seems, may I inquire as to why exactly?"

There was a semblance of control she could excercice, good. Just mentioning the poor Neko's mother was enough to make her think things over. It was not too difficult to ascertain, but the fact remained the very same reaction was given twice. Which was no coincidence. "Oh? Am I? Sorry - just an old woman rambling," she retorted with a shrug. "Any question - that won't compromise SAINT-related knowledge, ask away," she offered with a faint breath.

Kage looked off to the floor for a moment, contemplating her question before following through to it, "Why pretend to not know I know what you are doing?"

The elf glanced back over to Kage, pushing the sunglasses up her nose again. "Do tell, what am I doing, then?"

"My guess is testing for angles to potentially exploit if you need to, do not misunderstand, I understand it is what your position requires and I am by no means offended by it - though you are showing your hand, so to speak," was the retort given before Kage looked off out the big window, watching the constant trickle of vessels landing and taking off.

"Oh-... Hm~... I'll start off by saying no, I'm merely quite obnoxious at times. Think a little bit further," she leaned back in her seat, lacing her fingers together behind her head. "You said it yourself - I'm an operative. What could I possibly gain from exploiting you? I'd be far nicer if that was my intention."

"Well then~ my apologies~" the younger woman spoke, sounding surprised that she'd been wrong and even visibly so as her silvery eyebrows arched above her eyes - taking a silent moment to ponder further before speaking again, having recollected herself in the short moment of contemplation, "Beyond testing how easily I may crack to it I appear to be drawing a blank~ I have the training... though am still rather young and inexperienced, forgive me~"

"Apologies accepted," she retorted with a shrug. It seemed a well-placed and determined lie also threw her off. Though, it was something she could guess. Young and inexperienced. A soft snicker came from Carthage. "I offered to help with the inexperienced on the loo," she murmured, before chugging down the final contents of her bottle.

"...and I politely declined your offer."

"I heard you the first time," Carthage retorted with a soft shrug as she exhaled a soft breath. Leaning forward to grab her duffel bag, unzipping it and feeling around. "What I wanted to say is that it's both counter-productive and frankly dumb to remark it. You can't change young, you can change inexperienced," she hummed. Flicking out another, similair bottle to the first. Taking a slow sip.

Kage nodded slowly, taking in the older woman's words of advice, "That is my intention, I suppose I should count myself lucky to be headed in the right direction then~" she mused, clearly a lot more self-aware breed of creature than the peppy cat-girls Carthage was used to dealing with.

"I should correct myself, young changes over time," she took another sip. "Yui, I'm old," she exhaled softly, before shrugging. "Then again, I don't think you're afraid of new things, like most of you cats are. So, you'll be fine-... Somewhat."

Kage considered asking just how old the honey blonde elf was, she'd noticed the ever so slight wrinkles about her features and knew enough about elves to connect the dots but decided it was in her best interest to maybe avoid that topic for now, "New is not something to be afraid of, different is something to be cautious of~" she offered, looking up at the taller woman.

"Not entirely, different is something to consider, nothing more than that," she retorted with a soft breath. Taking another slow sip before exhaling a soft breath. Even though she wasn't even looking at Kage, she spoke. "Something between my teeth or are you just staring?"

"Neither," Kage offered, her gaze returning to the large windows, "Simply admiring a breath of fresh air, nothing more, ma'am."

"Carthage," she corrected, scraping her throat. "I'm no ma'am. Though I'm quite admirable, that is correct." She retorted with a soft chuckle.

The Neko let out a short, amused breath in response before watching one of the smaller ships come in to land, her eyes drifting to the volumetric display that read what flights were doing what currently, flicking towards the information with her chin before speaking, "That's the ship we are meant to board, no?"

Carthage had already gotten up, the duffel bag tossed over one shoulder as she glanced back to Kage. "Yes," she retorted with a shrug, moving off to the correct terminal.

"Right~" Kage spoke, silently getting up a few paces behind the elf, finding her way to Carthage's side with a few long strides before falling back to her usual style of walking - keeping up with the taller operative's steps. "I'm glad we have become somewhat acquainted, it should make working together in the near future easier, ma'am," Kage nodded, head held high, each step graceful and light like a dancer's though as purposeful as ever.

"Maybe, as long as you keep calling me ma'am, it won't," she retorted with a soft, somewhat annoyed sigh. "I already feel old, ma'am doesn't help," she glanced over to Kage, pushing the sunglasses up properly. "Understood?"

"If you insist, Carthage~" Kage responded with a somewhat disappointed breath though it wasn't a bad compromise, she just hated using people's names and much preferred faceless pronouns whenever possible, it made the inevitability of moving on when necessary easier to deal with.

"I strongly insist," she assured with a snort, finishing about half of what was left in one go, before tossing it in the nearest bin. Content enough to remain silent, now that the Neko wouldn't winge her with the whole 'ma'am' shtique.

With a simple nod Kage was ready to get her bag and person scanned, check in her weapons again and hop on the flight - planning to fall back into the half-asleep state that the older elven woman had roused her from earlier.
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