Star Army

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RP [YSS Koun] Decisions and Directions


Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
“Hey, can we talk?”Marigold asked Aliset, she seemed a bit nervous.

"Sure, what's up?" Aliset looked up from her theoretical models before closing her computer screen and standing. "Walk with me? I've been digging in that all day and I need some air."

“Yhea, sure.” Marigold said falling in with Aliset. Her kinky golden hair bounced slightly as they walked together. “So now that I’ve graduated and I’m an adult, I’ve been trying to figure out what to do. Grandad has been letting me help him out at the Senate, and it’s interesting, but I’m not sure if that’s what I want to do, yet. He seems to think I’d be good at it. Anyway, so I’m thinking of joining the Army, and I want to know what you think about being a Star Army Officer?”

"I think it's stressful, with a lot of good. And a lot of bad. And a lot of plain dumb," offering a smile, Aliset opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. "It really depends on whether or not you have a reason to sign up. And if you have a single doubt if it's the right thing to do. I'm probably not the best example to follow, though. I tend to go full send without really thinking things through. I knew several Helashio in basic, and I'm also a SAAMMS student on top of trying to balance my work life."

Marigold nodded, “When I look around, it seems like everyone served, at least a couple of years. Like the people from my class haven’t, but we are all relatively new to Yamatai. There is also a war starting, and last time we fought the Misshu, we almost lost. There is also this… attraction?” Marigold said as she struggled for the right word. “I’ve been trying the memory tricks, and I don’t get anything, but I do get this vague feeling that I would want to join the army, even though I know deep down never did. I don’t understand it.”

"I know the feeling. I… When I joined, I was the first. At least of my species. Height of the Kuvexian War. I met my first husband at my first posting. But it just felt right. I wanted to protect the community of the Kikyo Sector. The Senti, Nepleslia, Yamatai, all the same to me. But there was this… feeling. Something older than me told me it was the right thing to do. Sacre would say it's just some silly superstition, but I know the feeling and where you're coming from. You have one of those, too. A good set of instincts that will carry you farther than reason will." Aliset gave a shrug and a warm smile. "Use your brain to tell you why your instincts are telling you what to do. Use your instincts to follow your heart. Use your heart to do what you know is right."

Marigold nodded, “Thanks.” She replied and headed off.
Later that day, she came up to Sacre. “Hey, can we talk?”

Sacre looked up from her computer. “About what?”

“About joining the Army.” Margold said.

Sacre rose, stretching herself. “Ok, let’s talk about it over here.” She said, moving to the couch so the two sat together. “What do you want to know and who do you want an answer from? Me as mom or me as officer?”

Marigold sat and frowned slightly. “Both I guess? I want to know what I’d be getting into.”

Sacre nodded, “Ok, as a mother, I’d say don’t.”

Marigold’s eyes rose a bit, “But the army is your life.”

“Exactly, it’s my life. It doesn’t have to be yours. We are going to war with a terrible enemy. One who’s viciousness and cruelty is legendary. You will see and perhaps even do dark things that will stain your soul. It’s something you shouldn’t do if you don’t have to.”

Marigold nodded, listening to what her snake-mom said. “And as an Officer?”

“As an officer, it’s a good career. You will form friendships and bonds that will last your entire lifetime. If you are smart about it, you will leave with good, if common, skills that you can put to use elsewhere. You will know how to defend yourself and use weapons. If you want it to be your life, your career, it can be.”

Marigold nodded, trying to process the answer. “And on balance?”

Sacre took a breath, “When I joined, I was already damaged goods. I’ve seen and done things, some of which I’m not proud of, some I’m very proud of. I don’t know if I can recommend that without qualification. On the other hand, the Army has given me a life and a career. Through it I’ve met people with whom I’m bonded to forever in a way a civilian can’t understand. The army will take your measure, and you will know it by the time your enlistment ends.”
Sacre took a breath, “If I didn’t think it was worth doing, I wouldn’t have made it my life. But when I joined, I didn’t have options. You do. So you should consider it carefully, weigh your options. If you think you're doing it for your parents, don’t consider that. I’ll love and be proud of anything you decide to do.”

“Thanks. I’ve got a lot to think about.” Marigold said before leaving.

That night Aliset and Sacre lay together. “So Marigold asked me about joining the Army today.” Sacre said to Ali.

"Talked to me about it, too. Told her what my mom always told me," Aliset nodded. "Her mind seemed pretty made up. Still makes me worry. If she joins, she could see worse than either of us. All I can do is hope she's strong enough."

“I think she’s strong enough but I think we haven’t seen her mettle really be tested yet. It can be like taking sandpaper to your soul, but sometimes that’s what you need.”Sacre replied.

"Army life has a way of making you question what you thought you knew, yeah. I thought I'd be leading my people to a better life when I joined. Now… well, my people is you and the crew. Not some silly stagnant nomads." Giving a shrug, Aliset pulled herself somehow closer to the woman she loved. "Took me way too long to figure that out. Wonder what MOS she'll pick or if she'll go needs of the Army."
“The sense I got was that she would be going officer, but doesn’t really know what exactly she would want to do with it. I think she’s smart enough to be in Intelligence or Science. I don’t think she’s going to go medical as that requires a degree. One I’m certain she could get, but I don’t think she’s thinking that direction. Engineering is a possibility as is being a pilot or bridge bunny. I hope she doesn’t go infantry, but if she does I’ll have someone to compare the taste of crayons with.”

"Too sweet for Infantry. Too nice for Logistics or cook. Too trusting for intelligence. She'd make a Hell of a science officer."

The next morning, Marigold joined Sacre and Aliset for breakfast. She seemed a bit excited, but also nervous. “So I’ve decided to join the Army. I don’t know if I’m going to stay in it beyond my first commitment, but it feels like something I need to do.”

"Alright," Aliset offered a wide smile. "Big call. You know your MOS, yet? Or still deciding. Cause your Trials results have some really interesting opportunities for you. You want us there at the recruitment center?"

“I… Yes, I do want you there. It’s a big life event and you two have been there for every one I can remember. It seems right that you are with me for this one. I haven’t decided what MOS I want, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.”

Sacre nodded, “Figure it out before it gets figured out for you, even if it’s knowing what you don’t want. You don’t want to spend your entire enlistment doing something you hate.”

"Yeah, I went needs of the Army. Got warranted as a bomber pilot and it took me three years to get to being a Navigator. Shit sucked. I was a postage freighter captain. They could have handed me a new Plumie. In stead, I got a rickety Ginga."