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Interest Check YSS Mazu, Restart


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Former Crew, new prospects...​

As stated before we plan to go ahead with a rehash/redo of the first mission for the YSS Mazu. It will be a branch of the Hinomaru Sunrises plot. It will feature a return to the Yuuki System which had been started in the original thread (https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/episode-0-yss-mazu-chōyō-maru-朝陽.67023/). The remixed plot of course will drop inactive crew, take on a new crew, and any former players are welcomed back. A new "starter thread" has gone up, as an adapted continuation from the original mission and connected to the current events in Hinomaru Sunrises (https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/episode-0-aside-yss-mazu-complications.68218/).

If anyone wants to jump in that was not on the Mazu prior shoot me or @Yuuki a discord message.
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