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RP: YSS Rave [YSS Rave] Giggles and Gossip

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ON> YSS Rave

After receiving orders to transfer onto the YSS Rave as a "loaned" soldier for a mission he was given the bare essentials about; and riding an aeroshuttle to the target ship; Tyriel departed the transfer shuttle holding his wings against his back so he'd fit out and slid down the ladder into the rear of the Rave. He flicked a stray bang off his nose and swept over the interior of the ship with his icy blue eyes. "So this is the Rave, no much different than any other ship I've been on. Hallways are a bit cramped with these boxes though." He muttered quietly.

Kikyô stood waiting for him, as his orders had come from her she figured it was her duty to meet him, she straightened her uniform, a habit she had gotten into young whenever she was waiting for someone or about to meet someone. She looked down at the data pad she held and scrolled through his file as she waited.

Tyriel headed through the hall and came face to face with Kikyô and bowed his head respectfully to her, having spotted the Taisa pin. "Greetings Lady Taisa." he said in a quiet voice, his long snakelike ponytail falling over his shoulder slightly but curled back over it and went down his back. The completely impure archangel had on the specially made for Elysians GSA uniform with red panels with a Chui rank pin.

"Greetings Chui, welcome aboard the Rave. I am Taisa Ketsurui Kikyô, it is a pleasure to have you on board." She said formally.

"My pleasure to be aboard." Tyriel said a bit bluntly. "As you already know, I am Tyriel Leythes." He said.

"How was your journey?" Kikyô asked, "Smooth I hope."
"Usually is with those Aeroshuttles, I'm just glad to be here and able to walk around." The angel said. "I understand I'm supposed to be security aboard this ship?"

"Your orders are to assist me in whatever I might need." Kikyô smiled, "No security this time."

He just smirked wryly and nodded. "That's a relief. Security is tough work. So, what do you want me to do now?" he asked, his smirk disappearing and giving him a kind of grave look.
Kikyô suppressed a laugh at the security being tough comment, "I'm sure you'll find working with me more challenging than your security work."
"I enjoy a challenge." Tyriel said.

"As for your duties you have none until I learn what mine are." Kikyô said, "Perhaps you would like to visit your accommodations."

The angel nodded. "That would be most expedient." he replied.

Kikyô raised an eyebrow at the word expedient, "Well follow me, you can tell me everything about your skills your service record did not."

"What does my file say about me? I'll fill in the blanks then." The angel said. "I'm an assassin, so I have those needed skills; along with poison mixing."

"Any experience at gathering or extracting information?" Kikyô asked.

"Some." Tyriel replied. "I have some experience in both areas."

Utsumi poked her head out into the hallway. "An Elysian?!" she exclaimed, apparently quite surprised. She didn't remember any Elysian being ordered aboard. The young brown-haired neko played with her thick braid in with both hands behind her back. "Um, hi there!" she giggled nervously.

Kikyô smiled at Utsumi, "He is a new transfer."

Tyriel perked a brow at this new neko and gave her a handsome smile, but it had no warmth in it. "Hello." He said to Utsumi. He fluttered his black-feathered wings a bit in silent agitation at her sudden appearance.

The little oriental neko smiled but didn't say anything. It looked like she was waiting for the two to continue, but with her listening.

Kikyô continued up the hall, "I was about to take the Chui to his quarters, care to walk with us?"

Tyr rolled his shoulders back with a bit of a popping sound emanating from them and looked up the hall and continued along.

"You will be sharing your quarters with me." Kikyô said to Tyriel as they walked along, she looked at Utsumi and rolled her eyes.

Utsumi crept along behind them.

"Sharing quarters with such a lovely young lady, quite the honor." He said in a silken tone of voice. He decided to stay on her good side for the time being.

Her eyes narrowed, but she kept her tone level, "Get any ideas and you are out the first airlock."

"I don't get ideas with any woman who isn't an Elysian." He said in an equally level tone.
Kikyô spoke telepathically to Utsumi, ~Then stop talking about how lovely I am.~ Out loud she spoke calmly, "Are there any other skills you possess that I should be aware of?"

"Not really." Tyriel shrugged.

~He probably doesn't like nekos, just our boobs. T.T ~ Utsumi sent back, complete with a little anime-style face.

Kikyô nodded, "I see." She said aloud as she replied silently to Utsumi, ~This is going to be a wonderful trip.~

Tyriel frowned a bit, getting a feeling they were communicating telepathically; nothing he could do about it though. As they walked, he thought about how he'd need to behave here.

~Make sure he doesn't try to glue wings on you!~ Utsumi joked, giggling aloud.
The arch gave her a look as if she was crazy when she giggled, looking over his shoulder for a moment.

Kikyô barely suppressed a giggle, ~I'll make sure of that, airlock remember.~ Trying to cover up the laugh she smiled at Tyriel, "Something on your mind?"

"No, nothing." He said his tone indicating he was closing up to them both. He was still a little annoyed at the feeling he was getting.

Kikyô smiled, "Are you quite sure?"

His eyebrow twitched slightly. "I'm quite sure."

Kikyô looked up the hallway, ~He seems to have a nervous twitch...~ She thought to Utsumi.

~If it's possible later, I'm getting my own room. ~Tyriel thought to himself.

~Elysian arch-angels seem to have more mental issues than their plebian slaves~ Utsumi noted. ~I wonder if he feels strange not ordering some poor staving girl around?~ the Japanese catgirl made a pouty face.

Kikyô smiled at Utsumi, ~I know what you mean, I'm not fond of them myself.~ She stopped in front of a door after the rather long walk, "Well here we are."

Tyriel kept quiet until they reached the room. "This it huh? Probably just like all the others, a big nest in the center of the room and not much else." He gave a cold smirk.
Kikyô looked at him and opened the door, "If you don't like it why did you join the Grand Star Army?"

"For my own reasons, I can deal with minor inconveniences," he stated matter-of-factly.

Utsumi waited outside the door, fiddling with her hair, while leaning against the wall by her shoulders.

She walked in, "Care to come in Utsumi?"

"Yes ma'am," Utsumi took it as an order and entered the nest obediently.

Tyriel stepped inside after the door opened and set the bag he carried with him off to the side. "Not as bad as last time."

Kikyô sat down on the floor next to her bag and started to throw everything back inside, "You don't need to stay if you don't want to Utsumi, it wasn't an order."

"Do you want me to go, ma'am?" Utsumi asked, her eyes wandering to Tyriel's wings.
"Not at all." Kikyô said. Her eyes trailed over to Tyriel, "Where did you get your training?"

Tyriel didn't notice her looking at his wings as he kept them as compacted to his back as he could; oddly the feathers were black and not the usual white. "ECN before the treaty, it kind of collapsed after that so I came to the GSA."

Utsumi stayed put, absently rubbing her palms on her bum through her tight bodysuit, gently bouncing from the wall.

Kikyô nodded, "Forgive me I actually must be going, I have to speak with someone. Feel free to make yourself at home." She picked up her back, "Coming Utsumi or would you care to stay here?"

The archangel occupied himself with organizing his things off to the side within easy reach if he needed it.

"I will stay and help him unpack if you want, ma'am," Utsumi volunteered. She was a nice little neko.

Kikyô nodded, "Whatever you'd like dear." She opened the door and filed out, she had work to do.
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