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RP: YSS Resurgence [YSS Resurgence] Late Night Talks

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Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 44.3
RP Location
YSS Resurgence
Nalini found herself enjoying being in the kitchen, she let Agrippina take care of interacting with the crew. She cooked, and cleaned, and got things ready for the next day. Occasionally, she might watch the crew while they were eating, observing their reactions and taking notes. However, right now there wasn't anyone else around and a lot to clean and prep for the next day. She put her tablet in a corner of the kitchen and told it to call Caeneus.

The old Separa'Shan answered, "Nalini! Good to hear from you, how are you adjusting?"

Nagashun started washing dishes. "Slowly, it's fine when it comes to the formal bits, taking orders and doing what needs to be done. I'm not sure I know anyone well enough to talk to them."

Caeneus nodded, "How well do you want to know them?" He asked.

"Well, you know, I want to know a lot about them. What they like, what they don't like, where they are from, what forces shaped them. Who their friends and family are. Everything really." She said, rolling a thing of dishes into the washer and activating it while she started on some more.

"People don't have to know everything to say hi to each other. They don't have your... advantages when it comes to getting to know people." Caeneus offered.

"I know, it's just... like even with Dr. Maindo I still could access her file, read all of her work, understand where she was coming from. She wasn't a stranger even when we first met." Nalini added, putting the dishes away.

"So your holding back because you want more information about your crewmates before talking to them."

Nalini sighed, starting to prep the kitchen for the next day's work. "I know what your going to say, most people don't know and can't pull up someone's entire life history in a picosecond. It's just... it feels incomplete I guess? I also get this fear, like their not going to like me and I want them to like me, and if I had all of the information I could control that."

Caeneus laughed, "Your shy. It's ok, you don't have to be an outgoing person."

"I'm not shy..." Nalini protested as they chopped some vegetables.

"All right, all right, can you do something for me?"

"What is it?" Nalini asked warily.

"I want you to hang out with the rest of the crew sometime tomorrow. Just join them in... well whatever it is a crew like that does everyday. Talk to them, and get to know them the hard way, rather than cheating and digging to already know how they are going to respond."

Nalini paused her chopping, scooting what she had made into containers that she put into the fridge. "All right, I'll do that. It's probably going to a bar or something, I'll see if I can join them."
YSS Resurgence

Sanda made her way to the Wardroom. She had just finishes talking with her sister and niece. Elanor Aeon was getting so big Sanda couldn't believe it. Of course so was Estrella. Poor woman looked like she was ready to pop. And she still had two months to go before the baby came. It made Sanda wonder if she'd ever become a mother. It really wasn't something she thought much about but after speaking with her family Sanda wondered about it. She needed a snack. Some cookies and milk. That made her smile. Remembering the late nights her and Estrella use to have. Eating cookies and just talking.

As Sanda made her way to the galley she heard someone else in there. She poked her head in to see Nalini, the new Separan cook. Sanda hadn't spoken much to her. All she knew was the food the Snakegirl made was pretty good. Sanda should know, being a bit of a cook herself.

"Hola." Sanda said with a smile. "Felt like grabbing a little snack. I know where Rossa hides the cookies." She chuckled and helped herself. With a glass of milk in one hand and cookies in the other Sanda went out to one the tables and set her stuff down before returning to the galley for a fork. As she grabbed the fork she glanced over at the Snakegirl. "You want to join me?"
"I think someone's coming, got work to do." Nalini said, closing the call with Caeneus as Sanda came swaggering into the Wardroom and just taking the milk and cookies before she could even really react. She had some work to do, so she felt a bit nervous about talking to Sanda. However, what Caeneus had told her was stuck in her mind. "Ok." She said, moving over to join Sanda. "What brings you to the wardroom this late at night?" She asked.
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Sanda took one of the cookies, a small chocolate flavored one with cream inside and stabbed her fork inside it. She then dunked the whole cookie in the milk and left it there until the air bubbles stopped before pulling it up and eating it. It was just the way she had grown up eating cookies. Your fingers didn't get wet or cold using a fork.

Sanda glanced up at the the Separan and smiled, "I've been talking with my sister and niece. It's been a few months since I've gotten to see them and we finally found a time that worked out for both of us to talk. But now I feel wide awake and just felt like getting a little snack." Sanda pushed the container of cookies towards her. "Help yourself." She said as she dropped another speared cookie into her cup. "So how are you liking the Res so far?" Sanda asked.
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Nalini had helped to make the cookies, and it did feel good to grab one of her creations and pour herself a glass of milk. She hadn't seen the dunking of the cookies, but vugely remembered it was a thing some people did. She mirrored Sanda's movement with the fork, dunking the cookie and holding it there for a few moments before pulling it out, but she didn't quite realize the air bubbles were what she was looking for. She took a bite as Sanda talked about her family. "I don't have much to compare it to. My ascension was in the aftermath of the occupation, there was a a war on, so I decided to join up. However, I was in cooking school when Glimmergold happened. She's my first ship, and I've enjoyed the traveling and seeing different places. I didn't get out much growing up in the Jungle. So it's good, I love the cooking. It's very satisfying to make things that other people enjoy. You've served on different ships, how are you liking it?" Nalani explained.
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Sanda chuckled. "Actually, the Res is the only ship I've really served on. My first deployment was at Glimmergold. The Res wasn't actually ready yet so they put the what crew the Res had at the time on some ship they had fitted out just for the fight. I don't remember now exactly what it was called. But I have done a lot of different things on Res. Each mission has been completely different. Some have been ship rescues, some planetary. Some have just been walking around gathering intel. You never really know what you're going to be doing mission to mission on the Res."

She ate a couple more cookies then said, "I've enjoyed your cooking so far. Rossa does a great job, but I'm glad she finally has a little bit of help. I do some cooking myself and try to help her out when I can. I grew up cooking with my sister. She's got her own restaurant now." That made Sanda think of cooking with her sister. Comfort food. "You wouldn't happen to know how to make asopao? or locrio? With fried plantains? Oh that is heavenly stuff. Maybe we can cook some together sometime?"
Reactions: Wes
Nalini felt stupid, she really should have known that about Sanda. "We do seem to have a varied mission profile. I'm glad you are enjoying my cooking. I don't think I appreciated exactly how many different types of cuisine or how different things can taste before I became a cook." She explained. She thought for a moment, deciding to go for something a lot closer to the truth. "I've seen asopao and fried plantains made, I think we've made locrio once. So I'd love to pick up on your family recipes. I haven't made many traditionally recipes, just what was taught and what I've picked up on the Resurgance. I imagine you've had a lot of Nepleslian food I haven't." Nalini explained.
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