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RP: YSS Resurgence [YSS Resurgence] Shame and Showers

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Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 46.1.6
RP Location
YSS Resurgence
YSS Resurgence
YE 46.1.6

Freezing water coursed over Cheilith as she showered in the shared showers. The neko scrubbed down again with soap and salt. It had been over a week since she had woken up and been told she was a traitor. That she had also lost the Greatsword of the Ice Queen Mountains that the Empress had given her. However, watching her companions recover from wounds she had given them, seeing the mistrust in their eyes, and the missing weight of the sword all added up. Intellectually, she knew it was somehow the Misshu’s fault. But that didn’t make her feel any better. “harai tamae kiyome tamae rokkon shojo.” She chanted over and over again as she tried to wash the shame away.

In came the resident Caelisolan aboard the YSS Resurgence! Having just concluded some training in the VR room, Chiheisen craved a shower to wash her exhaustion away. The Elysian, perhaps not the most comfortable with washing herself without much privacy, used her large sapphire wings as makeshift towels, covering most of her body from any prying eyes. As she walked past, Chichi glanced towards Cheilith, acknowledging her presence. The Elysian had been a little colder than normal after the previous mission, perhaps remaining bothered by what had happened. She moved over to one of the showers rather quickly and turning the water on, the Elysian shuddering silently as she began to bathe.

The two's eyes met for a second. Cheilith looked away in shame. Another day, another cold look that ate away at her. She repeated the chant as she washed herself again. Then she paused and looked over at Chichi. “I'm sorry, you know.”

The Elysian glanced over to Cheilith as the cold shower soaked her wings and body. She undid her ponytail, allowing her messy hair freedom to do whatever it wished. Chiheisen simply shook her head, reaching for some soap to begin the cleaning process. “...For what?” Came the cold Caelisolans response, her focus returning to bathing. She knew what Cheilith meant…

Cheilith looked away in shame, just standing under the freezing water. “For… whatever it is that your blaming me for. I don’t know what went wrong, I don’t know how I was such an easy target. But, well- I’m sorry.”

The Caelisolan exhaled as she listened, actively continuing to wash herself. She placed her hand on where a charred donut hole had once been, unnoticeable due to her wings covering most of her body. “It was not you, it was the Mishhuvurthyar. No apology is required”

“Then why do you all act like it?” Cheilith asked with a sudden ferocity, punching the wall. She turned her back to the wall and slid down to sit in the falling water. “I tried to ignore it but couldn't, I tried to be better but can't, I tried to purify myself but I don't feel it.”

The tall Elysians' eyes shot towards the nekovalkyrja, after hearing the ‘thump’ caused by the now sitting Cheilith. Chiheisen hesitated as she watched the neko, remaining silent for just a moment. “...I don't know. The memory keeps bringing me back, I suppose.”

Cheilith took a breath,breathing in a bit of the water in the air around her. “Funnily enough, it’s the lack of memory that’s bugging me. Have you died before?”

“I have not yet been resurrected via Soul Transfer, no. I was close, however…”. The Elysian continued to bathe idly, her gaze still fixed on the upset neko.

“It's not the way you think it is in the movies. You just lay back, put your head in the transfer device and sit back up like in the last day you haven't turned traitor on everything you love. You don't even know that you've been restored from back up. That day didn't happen to you, but it happened for everyone else. It might not be so bad, but it feels like it changed everything.” Cheilith pulled her knees to her chest and held them.

Chiheisen listened and thought. She felt bad about Cheilith's situation, having been resurrected to face distrust from the crew. “...I apologize if I have implied that you are guilty of the actions that were forced upon you, it was not my intention”. The Elysians tone perhaps shifted, if only slightly, perhaps lacking her usual ice-cold demeanor. “I suppose this is an intended after-effect of these Mishhuvurthyar weapons, to sow distrust in a crew”.

Cheilith nodded, “Just because you know it’s an enemy attack doesn’t make it less effective.” She stood, looking at her skin rubbed raw from overwashing. “I should probably go.” She said sadly.

“Try to keep it from getting to you” Chi-chi mumbled audibly, the Elysian returning to her bathing. “Use logic. You were taken over by an enemy and were forced to do something you normally wouldnt. Therefore, it cannot be your fault. You do not need to blame yourself”
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