Star Army

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YSS Sakura


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The Sakura is a new ship, possibly of the Nozomi class (it'll be fairly small I think), that I'm considering for use in a Star Army novel and/or in Role-play.

YSS Sakura will have a charming male captain who will have a Hanako-like companion called "Milky." The crew will be largely Yamataian, with only a few Nekovalkyrja. Sexes will be pretty balanced.

The Sakura plot, if there is one, will not be launched until July, after I get back from annual training with my Army unit.

*shrug* I got nothing good or bad to say since my lack of Yim precludes me from partaking more actively *shakes fist at Y!* YOU EVIL BASTARD.

And why a "charming" male? why not some hardcore, hardass mofo who's seen more fighting than anyone ever should? mwaha I'm kinda tired of these "soft" commanders who believe being friendly with your crew works. I'd rather see a commander who isn't afraid to whup a private's ass into shape if they need it.
Stararmy has more than enough of the cliche badasses and cliche 'poor me' people as it is. Why not shoot for some original character types?

You should focus on just writing a book. Another RP ship will just stall out on posting like the other RP ships have.
I like it. A new ship has been on the drawing boards for a while hasn't it? What ever happaned to the idea of a cililian ship?
The colony ship idea will be implemented once the Nozomi completes its current mission.
No Zack, there's way too many nice guys. I'm glad Tyler brought it up, there's a whole load of soft people and it's been getting on my nerves (when I happen to look at those posts). Of course, I'm not saying everyone should start being a tough guy, just do something original.
Why Thad, we are saving the "tough guy" roles for you. ^_^

Anyhoo, what kind of characters are you looking for, personality-wise?
Well Thad does it right. He can make his character seem 'badass' without having to run around saying, "Look at my badassness!" Like so many of the other characters here.

and I have enough trouble comming up with personalities, why don't ya'll come up with original stuff?
Our characters are original.
It's interesting to see the early concept for the YSS Sakura plot. The captain we ended up going with was Rufus Sydney and then after the Lorath conquest debacle, Hanako took over. I never did make a character called Milky. I really have no idea why I thought that was a good name. Haha, it sounds like a sprite name, possibly raunchy. I'm going to add to my list of possible NPC names though!