Star Army

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RP [YSS Shinsugo] Mission 1: When Men become gods


Well-Known Member
RP Date
YE 41
RP Location
Cold, cold space
YSS Shinsugo
Wardroom - Early Morning

The Shinsugo was quiet as it headed on course to the first mission, the ship's crew was doing whatever they wanted at the moment, as the day hadn't fully started yet. Delanna was awake and was on the bridge with a smirk across her face. She decided to turn on the ship wide speaker system as she giggled a little "Wakey Wakey crew, it is time for your brief and we will have lovely breakfast while we discuss what we will be doing, I can't wait to see everyone in at most 30 minutes." After the announcement Delanna went straight to the Wardroom without and detour. Delanna finally got to the Wardroom and sat down as she waited for her crew, they had left the port and she had asked them to meet her in the wardroom to discuss the first mission of the new small crew. The only person in the room with her at the moment was the Chef who was making Delanna some fish as she wanted something to remind her of home. She had papers and information on the Mission, she had plans on top of plans and wanted to discuss and share with the crew, get some ideas from them with how they would like to handle the mission.

Delanna sipped on her strong caffeinated drink as she waited, she sighs a little and wondered what the crew would really think of the mission, she was a little at the whole leading everything, but she had people she knew helping her out and a crew that seemed friendly enough. She was happy to be waiting on the crew as she knew there was time before they got close to their target.

With the announcement from the captain and just what time it was as well, the Officers had started to get up and ready for the briefing and the daily work that they needed to do. The XO started to bang on doors to rooms with a little smirk "You heard the boss, now get up and get your butts to the wardroom if your not there by the time Delanna asked you to be there, I will put you on cleaning duty so make haste." She started to make her way to the wardroom, for the meeting, wondering how many people are now rushing to make sure they are at the wardroom on time.
YSS Shinsugo
Wardroom - Early Morning

Jokes on the XO! Since Tomomi obsesses over AI technology, she typically gets up quite early to maximize the amount of time that can be used towards it and her duties. She entered the Wardroom, yawning. It took a few minutes for her to register Delanna's presence as she was gathering her own heavily caffeinated tea. "Eep! Good Morning Captain!" Tomomi finally said, doing her best not to spill the drink as she puts it down and salutes.
YSS Shinsugo

Atika watched the ship awaken with interest. Nearly the instant the she was told to show up in the wardroom, a hologram appeared with her usual appearance. The hologram took a seat, "Morning Captain, what are we having for breakfast?" She asked.
As the XO banged on everyone's doors, one half of the snakelings was already awake, with the other still fast asleep. Shui'Shan's biology really took sleepwalking to the next level.
Shan had been awake for a while and would be scrolling some social media, were it not for the fact they were in deep space with the amount of reception associated with such distances. "Oh... right, mission..."

With this being their first real eposition aboard a ship, the new life came with many new ups and downs. The early waking hours didnt mean much to Shan, but Shui clearly had some adjusting to do. "Hey, wake up sleepyhead." Two firm pats on her cheeks managed to wake the snake sister up, but just barely. "Hmmm.... five minutes..."

With a sigh, Shan got up anyway, figuring the snoozin snek would come by soon enough. Getting dressed in a fresh new uniform, Shan tried to stretch out her limbs and tail a bit, but quickly got smushed in the crew cabin clearly notdesigned for Separa. "Mrhh... At least the temperature is good... " Indeed, the interior was currently lit in the pleasant reddish glow of heatlamps, almost reminiscent of an Essia sunrise. Shan left the cabin and made her way to the wardroom, feeling the slight chill from the metal floor plates.

By the time they got to the wardroom, Shui had woken up slightly from the chilly floors. "Brr... cold..." Shan gave all present a light salute before taking a seat. "Good morning Chusa, Shoi, everyone." "Mornins... " Seeing the two faces next to eachother, their differing attitudes towards early mornings were very clear.
Wardroom - Early Morning

Delanna smiled as she saw the crew start to filter into the wardroom, her body language showed she was calm and ready for what was going to happen. As she stood to give a bow to those entering "Hello Tomomi, I see you also like Tea, that is good to see, Boel is just cooking breakfast so if there is anything you really want, don't hesitate to ask her." When she was finished with Tomomi, she turned to Atika when she appeared "Ah morning Atika, well I asked for some fish, I managed to get some from my home-world delivered, so I am happy. Boel is making some eggs, breakfast meats and some porridge for the people who want it, I guess you will just sit enjoy our company?" Atika was the first AI Delanna had to really deal with one on one and she just hoped she didn't offend.

Delanna then bowed to Shui'Shan "Morning, you two I am glad you managed to get here on time. If you need anything ask Boel to cook it, but that is only if you don't want eggs, breakfast meats or some porridge, once the others come I will talk about the plans." She slides the documents out so people could read, they talked about a small station on a planet, with no name just a number.

Boel brought out the fish for the captain and salutes the other crew members "Breakfast is ready, unless you want something special, come and get it from the counter please." She heads back to the kitchen and Delanna smiles "oh my, this is perfect, I haven't had this in years." She looks at the others and waits till they get breakfast, as the rest of the crew come in, Irinth sat beside Delanna "Hey fish-stick, thank you again for that book of yours, you have a interesting mythology." Delanna chuckles "Dalvis nokis halvio danihir" she realized that she spoke in her own tongue "Death is the beginning of glory."

As crew moved around her "Our first mission, is a little research station, not much there, but it has gone dark, their reports to SA have stopped and they are unresponsive when SA tries to hail them." She looks over the documents "our mission is to go to this base, inspect it, find what has happened, clear it out if needed and hail a new team to take over."

"Eggs!?!" Shui perked up almost immediately, thoroughly intrigued by the prospect of eggs for breakfast. "How can i ever say no to eggs?" With a sigh, shan continued. "Remember you can't just eat eggs for breakfast Shui, we've been over this." They slithered over to the booth, taking a plate with a hefty portion of tasty foods.... Despite Shan's gripes, a third of it still consisted of eggs.

As they ate, the cap'n went over the plans, explaining the purpose of their first mission. they glanced over the manydocuments, but they didnt show much more than the basic summary Delanna shared with them just now. "Hm, unusual indeed... So we will have to go down and search the premises for clues..... how will the team, or teams be set up?" Shan asked, as Shui's mouth and mind were currently stuffed with slightly crunchy sunny-side-up eggsies. "Hmmmm!~<3"

Tomomi hurriedly shook her head as she fruitlessly tried to make herself smaller in some attempt to escape. She was not used to having the attention of a commanding officer on her. Once she breathed to herself for a bit, she went over to Boel and asked for an extra sizing of eggs in exchange for the porridge. She was in an animal protein mood today. She smiled when she got what was requested and sat down nearish from the CO.

She listened to the initial details as she ate. Being an IT Specialist/Ship Operator, she really didn't have much to say at the moment.

Atika materialized a bowl of cereal as part of her holographic persona, "No worries, I can still eat with you. Eating is a social occasion!" She responded brightly, using the holographic spoon to scoop some of the holographic food into her mouth. She listened to the mission brief. "If we can load me into the system, I'll probably be able to diagnose any system issues they have." She suggested.

Delanna smiled as she saw the others getting their breakfast and sitting down to listen to her with keen ears. Boel brought over Delanna's fish and went straight back to the kitchen with a smile and a little hum.

Delanna eats as she spoke to the group "My plan was to have two squads, go down and split off, one will be lead by Aayliah, their job will be to search the area for survivors and hostiles, clearing out the area place by place. The second team, will be lead by, Tomomi, since you are our ships IT specialist, the job of you and your team is to get power back on to the facilities and find data of what has happened. then when the two teams have finished their missions, they can join back up and get to work for the new team to to be hailed,"

Tomomi nearly choked on her scrambled eggs upon hearing she would actually be leading something. She quickly try to mask her choking noises by coughing and returning to properly chewing the food. One part of her was excited to be handed some responsibility, but two parts of her were terrified at the prospect. Would she be sent to a random planet to set up a frontier outpost once again if she failed?