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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Fly Me to the Moon! (1.0)

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Listening Post

Ume gave Kiyoko a weak salute in return and smiled some at her. "I'm Santo Hei Hatoyama Ume..I don't really have any say in it, but I we do get to work together more. And your speech is fine." She gave her a light pat on the shoulder and waited for the shuttle.

Once it did arrive, Ume had the NMX Nekos stand and walk over to get inside, she didn't have the strength to carry them one by one. Once she got inside herself she just slumped down in a seat groaning, she wanted to go to sleep but she was in too much pain to go to sleep and even if she did it was dangerous in her condition. She had done a considerable amount of healing on her own but it wasn't remotely enough to put her in a safe condition, and she spent energy she needed to recover on fighting as well.

When the shuttle touched down in the Soyokaze's shuttle bay, Chiasa released her restraints and stood up in one fluid movement. She with her helmet tucked under her left arm she walked to the hatch and activated it. She waited for the hatch to fully open before stepping out and onto the deck. She took a breath of air, not because she needed to; rather she wanted to get a quick analysis of the ship's environment. There was a significant level of hydrocarbons present. This told her two things, there had been fires aboard the ship, and that the environmental systems were struggling to keep up their efficiency.

She turned to the shuttle entrance and looked in. "You all have your instructions. I am heading to the bridge to see what state it is in." She then turned smartly and walked across the hangar deck as fast as she could an maintain a walk.
SOYOKAZE: XO's Office.

Elina Joitto sat on her carry-on waiting to be summoned by the XO, whom she was to report to. She watched the crew rush by her in damage control suits, evac suits, partial space suits that help protect against sudden decompression. Those in just plain duty uniform and combat gear. All going about their business, giving her, from a brief glimpse to outright stares at her.

She fidgeted under the stares as she waited for the XO/SAINT Officer to summon her. She definiely felt out of place as she was the only one not in an authorized military uniform of some sort.

The bridge had faired better, but at least it was still fully functional. There were blown out terminals that would need to be replaced, and several panels that hid some of the inner systems were likewise blown apart and left in a crumpled mess. Several technicians were already hard at work replacing the damaged or destroyed systems, although a few seemed to be curious about the many different screens that made up the dome, many had cracks in some yet still worked while others were just flat out broken.

On the upper deck, Takeyu rubbed the bridge of his nose as he stared at the various damage reports scrolling across the main screen, it wasn't as extensive as he'd thought but it wasn't exactly something that was good to have on your first combat day. Various sections were either exposed or damaged to such an extreme that they weren't habitable any further, casualty numbers weren't excessive - at least not for a ship this size. "Could've done better..." remarked the Captain in a near whisper like tone as he turned toward one of his bridge officers.

"Any personnel not assigned to damage control teams are to report to the ships medical officer and help with the wounded. Any soldiers we've lost in battle should be revived as soon as possible, any potential NMX prisoners are to be escorted to the brig for later questioning," the captain watched as the officer started issuing out the orders.

He turned back toward the viewscreen and then looked toward where the XO had been earlier, before her panel had been blown out. He already knew there there'd been mistakes in command and much of it was related to his slow response time to the threats that developed during the mission, he knew he had a long way to go but this was a learning experience and with the battles of today already recorded he would spend most of the time that the ship was being repaired just reviewing what he could've done better.

"Bring us down to condition three please," he asked. "But keep an eye out just in case."

"Condition three, aye sir!" said a bridge bunny, the dull red lights of the bridge shifting to a more neutral white.

In the lower sections of the ship, personnel ran about tending to wounded or helping with the damage done to the ship.
XO's Office

Nenene sat behind her desk, flipping through a series of volumetric windows with various information. The computer chirped, alerting her that her appointment was outside.

"Come in" she called to Elina.
Elina entered the XO's office, glancing around the room. She shut the door behind her. Then moved to the Officer's desk. She dropped the SAINT Encrypted padd on the Officer's desk with it screen facing up and active, showing the message. "Hi! I'm Elina."

Elina flopped down into the nearest vacant seat as she waited responce from the officer.
XO's Office

Nenene watched Elina as she walked in, deposited the tablet, then settled into the chair across from the purple haired neko. Nenene's ears twitched as she retrieved the flat device and read the text on the screen. She swept her hand through the air, clearing the collection of volumetric windows she had open to her left, out of the way. "Hello, Elina, I am Shoi Ise Nenene, Executive officer of the YSS Soyokaze" the SAINT operative turned XO introduced herself with a nod.

She set the tablet down and placed her hands on her desk. "So, what would you like to talk about?" she asked.
XO Office

"That's what I'd like to know. As you can see I am to get in contact with you." Elina smiled as she spoke. "After being stuck in Moon Town 2 for several years. I'm not sure if I'm still employeed by Saint as a freelancer. Lost contact with my handler. I'm an entertainer by profession." Elina spoke in her well modulated voice. Not afraid to make eye contact. "As this being a military ship, and me being out of the loop and mainstream of things...." She gave a shrug as her voice faded away. "Do I get a room? I need one to get freshened up and changed into clean clothes. I'm a wreck!"
XO's Office

Nenene smiled softly. "As far as SAINT iconcerned, yes, you are still in our employ" she said and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her desk.

"Unfortunatly we lost contact with your handler as well, I assume they met with a bad end" Nenene went on. "So from now on you can consider me your handler" she let that sink in, for while she was in a white paneled command uniform, she was a SAINT operative.

"You will have a room, but first I need a full debrief of your activities on the colony and what information you have for SAINT" she said and opened a volumetric window, loading a SAINT encrypted recording program.
XO’s Office : Soyokaze

“I figured that much when the ship I was on gotten captured by the NMX.. Along with the rest of the passengers. They killed the crew, except for the Captain till they landed on that rock. Once they subdued the local population, they just let us go to mingle in with them….” Elina continued to speak on how they went about pacifying the two Moontowns and then pretty much left them along by taking over Moon Town 3. Which was pretty much an ore processing plant and shipping and receiving for Space Freighters to pick up and drop off merchandise. Then how the local government deteriorated to warlords till a one rose into power over the rest. NMX would patrol the two towns heavily till the populace was pacified and the major troublemakers disappeared. She had managed to find a small transmitting station within the Moontown 2 that was used to help direct emergency recovery operation of ships that crashed landed on the Moon within the area, where she was incarcerated and open a typical city radio station so she could entertain the local populace and gather Intel on the NMX and hopefully some passing Yamataian warship would pick up her transmissions.

She had found a small radio station within Moontown 2 and set up her radio station to play her music and send out broadcast into space, covertly. She had used an old travelling song to relay messages, since she could transmit her songs and announcements that the NMX wanted the locals to hear and their propaganda of compliance with them. She told of several Government Officials within the Yamataian Government had blew off the early warning of the invasion of the NMX from Freelancers and several UOC Officials about the NMX Invasion.

During one of her automated shows she would set up so she wouldn’t have to be at the radio station all of the time. She picked up a disturbance in program as it was being received by small radios that the Mooners had at their workstation and gathering places. She was contacted by a passing Saint or Scout ship requesting for more information on the situation on the Moon of the Gas Giant.

She would gather what information she could gather and then send it out in one of her songs. To alert those of SAINT that were listening in, that a coded message was being sent out on the airwaves in one of her many newly created songs, she would announce that the song was produced by Rainbow, her codename from the time when she was a popular Singer and that was how she passed information onto her Handler beside the usual dead drop system.

She wound down of her activities on Moontown and how she gotten rid of the incriminating evidence that she was gathering information on the NMX. Since everything was recycled for multiple usage.

“Anything else you need to know for your report?” Elina asked when finished with her report to Nenene.
XO's Office

Nenene saved the recording and encrypted it in her personal archive once Elina was done.

"No, that will do for now" she said and accessed the computer, locating a suitable cabin for Elina to stay in. "I have a cabin set aside for you" she said, loading the cabin number and its location onto a small tablet and handing it over.

"Once you're settled in we will find something for you to do aboard the ship"
Elina nodded and took the offered tablet. "thank you," with a smile and stood up and left the Nenene's office. "Seeyas about the ship." As the door closed.
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