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Approved Character [YSS Wakaba] Kari Sunde

Awesome to see your character, though if you have an officer within the Yamatai a good chunk of information is kinda needed. As in...how did she get to that stadium to get there.

Something that might help, check the timeline and then events
It is of course also possible to lower her rank to standard enlisting
Awesome to see your character, though if you have an officer within the Yamatai a good chunk of information is kinda needed. As in...how did she get to that stadium to get there.

That aside, I don't really understand what you're saying here. What's this about a stadium?
Alright looks good to me I let a character mod check it, but good for me

On the note of information edit:

If you create an officer, then you require to have a history that proofs how she got to there, officers are not born out of the tube and get the rank, they require to have experience and with this bio it was lacking that in her history
RaWolfe: how do bridge bunnies work now that they start as officers? Do they start with a different occupation then transfer to be a bridge bunny?

Andrew: I tried to make her more of a Nordic warrior type.
Rawolfe was just saying to add some history on how she became an officer. A blurb of going to basic officer training would have been sufficient. So if you want to be an officer, go for it.

Starship Operators go through the same training as before, they just graduate as officers now.
Ahhh, I think I see the confusion. The accelerated starship operator program is for existing characters/NPCs. Sunde, being newly recruited, would just go to Basic Officer Training and then to the Starship Operator Course.
Okay. Does this work as a history:
Note that she won't be available until the end of the in-game month.
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