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Abandoned Submission Yu-M1-2B Series "Molly" Light Mechanized Power Armor

Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I do have a couple of questions:
  1. Is it really necessary to give people a suit that can let them easily go from star system to star system without the aid of a starship or shuttle? Do players and GMs want that? (opinions wanted below). I'm a little worried about this making some types of craft obsolete.
  2. This seems to be better than the Star Army's best current power armor, the Mindy 4, with next to no drawbacks. Who is it intended for (the end user)? Star Army special forces?
I do have a couple of questions:
  1. Is it really necessary to give people a suit that can let them easily go from star system to star system without the aid of a starship or shuttle? Do players and GMs want that? (opinions wanted below). I'm a little worried about this making some types of craft obsolete.
  2. This seems to be better than the Star Army's best current power armor, the Mindy 4, with next to no drawbacks. Who is it intended for (the end user)? Star Army special forces?
1. As a SAoY player and GM, I say yes. I think a power armor that can go from star system to star system without the aid of a starship or shuttle is rad af.
2. Mostly Nekovalkyrja and Minkan who are capable of handling it and have a high enough PA pilot rating (Keeping the exact rating there vague). There might be the odd human or non-Neko pilot here or there, but they probably aren't common. I wanted an elite armor, not an exclusive one.
i'm not 100% I meant to leave the fold drive in when I copied from whatever I copied to make the original tenshi but lol rad.

also it faster and cheaper because no zesu. you will get splat more easy i guess?
It could be a damage tier lower than the mindy 4, if that is the case. As it stands they're both tier 4.
Yeah I don't see it as being T3, it's just narratively different.

The original concept was just "cheaper than a Mindy, and faster because it is lighter," but I have let Cyan fly with it.
It's nice to see an armour that Rikugun can use as well as everyone else. It's not everyday one comes along so I thought I'd reply with a couple questions. Perhaps we'll see some of the more proficient Rikugun Rangers in these.

I'm just curious about how this compares to other PAs currently outside of what's mentioned in the article. Is this as stealthy as a TARSA or less so, given this seems more geared towards fighting?

It sounds like this fights better than a Mindy, other than not being able to use photonic barriers and ICFS together, or teleport. Most of the other drawbacks are more to do with it being marketed to a smaller section of the Star Army from what I can see. Is the lack of Zesu (other than on the aether gen) mitigated by other defence systems? That might inform the discussion in regards to DR.

The increased stealth and lower requirement for maintenance sounds like something that would interest people playing SASO characters or those in expeditionary fleets. I was under the impression that the Mindy already had some stealth and electronic warfare facilities, but I can't recall the extent of those. Could you give an idea of some electronic warfare (or stealth) capabilities this may be capable of beyond the Mindy?

In terms of jumping between systems, I know the TARSA is a fast PA, is this faster in real terms? The ability to deploy and redeploy between systems without a support ship is strategically useful, although it's a step apart from standard Yamataian doctrine and more something I see the more quick-reaction and sneaky bodies doing, given it's surplus to requirements when a plotship is involved. Maybe Seventh Fleet would find a use for larger teams using these. That's my two cents there for Wes. Interested to hear more.
I do have a couple of questions:
  1. Is it really necessary to give people a suit that can let them easily go from star system to star system without the aid of a starship or shuttle? Do players and GMs want that? (opinions wanted below). I'm a little worried about this making some types of craft obsolete.
  2. This seems to be better than the Star Army's best current power armor, the Mindy 4, with next to no drawbacks. Who is it intended for (the end user)? Star Army special forces?

I think that the whole "advanced pilots are needed" thing is ultimately not something that most players are going to end up RPing, I personally suspect that most players will play it like a better Mindy with more built-in guns. I think ultimately I'd like to see more drawbacks associated with this, especially ones that players will be forced to live with rather than being able to brush off, such as strain on pilot joints or any difficulty with piloting it.

Currently, it's essentially a better, cheaper Mindy that's far faster in every regime (Including atmosphere, where frankly I don't think PA has any right going as fast as an Aerodyne and in fact we have guides in DRv3 that say that the mach 5 tier of speed is to be reserved for aerodynes)

Where I think I personally draw the line is this level of FTL on power armors. I share Wes' concern about power armor with fast FTL displacing other types of crafts. In the past the Mindy 4 was equipped with emergency FTL drives, presumably to allow it to reach safety in a deep space emergency). There's not really a precedent for an FTL drive this fast and small (even the Mindy had to make tradeoffs between compactness and efficacy) as far as I'm aware though I could be wrong. An FTL drive of this speed and scale essentially eliminates the need for any kind of shuttle or landing craft since the armor is as fast or faster than one and has its own ability to insert into a star system.
Technically it has no built in guns, those are accessories

It has a supercavitating aerodyne shield.

And I said above i don't think I meant to keep the fold drive in the original tenshi article when I copied it from some ship, but it's in there... (An accessory, maybe?)
I like the idea of the hyperspace fold unit being a dorsal attachment you only take when you need it, that way there's some trade-off.

I guess the other thing is I'm looking at the CFS propelling the armor at 2,500 times the speed of light and I'm reminded that at one point I was trying to keep power armors from having FTL or much FTL, which is why the super-advanced Mindy 4 space power armor only has a top FTL speed of 10c. Is there even any other power armor in the setting beside the Mindy that has built-in FTL?
I thought the CFS was only 11? That's base tenshi. Maybe 12 for big tenshi? This was my original stats for SAoY version...

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 8.35.30 AM.png
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I like the idea of the hyperspace fold unit being a dorsal attachment you only take when you need it, that way there's some trade-off.
As far as this goes, I'll retcon it off the Corpsec Tenshi and make it as an attachment that's compatible w/ mindys too
A hyperspace fold dorsal attachment already exists and was made for the TARSA, but Skully would know more about the specifics than I. Type 41 Advanced Reconnaissance and Scouting Armor on Star Army Space Roleplay.

As per my previous post, I share the same thoughts as Alex insofar as this seems for the most part like a better Mindy in most every respect before accounting for shared hardpoints. I'm a little concerned this may end up unintentionally usurping the Mindy, TARSA and others by being better at combat, stealth and electronic warfare without much downside. Unless I'm not picking up on a downside that gives it its own niche like the TARSA being very fast and stealthy but that being at the cost of combat performance.
Why isn't this allowed to compete with the Mindy 4? The Mindy 4 will still have a place in the Star Army, but it's been 6 IC years since its release. In that timeframe the NDC has updated their Revenant platform 3 times and made a plethora of other advancements while Yamatai in comparison has been relatively stagnant. I know half of the writers on the site hate Yamatai nowadays, but if other factions get to make advancements to their tech, then Yamatai does too.
Why isn't this allowed to compete with the Mindy 4?
The funny thing is you've just run into something that other factions and equipment developers inside and outside of Yamatai have been running into for years. This is a question that people have had for a long time, "Why can't I make something better than what Yamatai has?" or "Why can't I make something better than the Mindy?" are questions that have been asked when someone in Yamatai tries to make a new power armor, or when someone outside of Yamatai tries to make something that approaches Yamatai's equipment capability.

As for other factions innovating, the key point there is that they're still not allowed to exceed Yamatai's capability in most or all respects of technology. Yes, the NDC is rapidly innovating but if you look at the Revenant III, it's a giant stompy armor reminiscent of the Terminator armor from 40k, just a little bit more mobile. It's hardly as if the NDC is leapfrogging the SAoY in anything.

This exists, from the perspective of someone who I'm sure people think dislikes Yamatai a lot, mainly so that site staples and icons don't become obsolete. The Mindy's what's on the Hinomaru, after all, and I think that if we must restrict other factions' tech in order to make sure the Star Army isn't overtaken in relevance then it's logical that we try to protect the Mindy's relevance in the same way.

Additionally, I think that Yamatai's not innovating much in terms of increased performance of hardware simply because it's reached the upper limit of what we're comfortable with for the stories we want to tell on SARP. There's simply no further upwards to go.

But at the end of the day, I think that a lot of the talk in here isn't people having problems with this being simply just more capable than the Mindy, it's people having a problem with it being more capable than the Mindy, cheaper at the same time, and having no real downsides that players will be forced to contend with since no player's going to really have to deal with joint pain or trouble piloting this and those are the main downsides of the Molly.
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The technology level of the setting is already quite high, and we find ways to make it work for us, but I don't want to advance the tech level (particularly speeds of starships and other things that go in space) because there's already complaints about the universe feeling too small because things are too fast. For years FTL has been capped at 10c for power armors and generally discouraged for them. It's another thing if there's a bulky attachment that adds capability but having a human-sized person in a suit of armor zip through the cosmos at starship speeds is something I don't think fits well in the setting. Think about what it means if suddenly it's convenient for someone, without a ship or shuttle, to use this suit to jump from planet Yamatai to planet Nepleslia.