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Yui 7 Scout


Inactive Member
This is a heavy refit of the old Yui-class Scout; intended to take advantage of the old ship hulls of the Yui 2, 3, 4, and 5 which are still common throughout the setting and still have a good 20-22 years left on their original life expectancies.

Link to Wiki Article:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... ui_7_scout

New related Secondary Wiki Articles also in need of approval:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... ock_cannon
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... nial_sword

Concerns had been raised on IRC by a player (which I currently forget, but it wasn't Nashoba) that this craft would push on the Midori's niche; but given that the SAoY is supposed to be strained for resources, it would be a waste if the most common ship Star Army ship ever made weren't reused -- especially since they're only 8-10 years through their 30 year life expectancy. To try to keep the Midori from suffering, the craft uses a good deal of the Midori's parts and links to those articles where appropriate. A consequence of this is that the Yui 7 has inherited the Midori's ease of repair.

A lot of the systems have also been inspired by the Plumeria-class, and have similar content, though I've tried to write them in my own words where possible rather than just straight copy-paste. Part of this was to make the craft reflect the man who designed it (a Sakura/Plumeria Engineer), while also to give the article substantial detail -- detail over and beyond that found in other submissions to properly represent a craft with the Yui's history.

It should be noted that the original Yui hulls have 20 SP. To explain their change to 15 SP for the Yui 7(recommended value by Wes) ICly, the Zesuaium hull is to be replaced with Yamataium as material stores permit -- both to minimize the reliance on hard-to-fix Zesuaium and to standardize it with other craft in the setting.

As can probably be guessed by now, this has been discussed at length on the IRC in the design phases, and has Wes' approval as a KFY design.
I'll admit I like this design. Not only do Toshiro's arguments make sense to me, but I find it serves as a very appealing plotship as well.

I won't get into the trenches and go on a Midori vs Yui 7 argument. I think those considerations are up to Star Army of Yamatai fleet managers. If there is a degree of competition coming from this, perhaps this could serve as the impetus to some wargames to determine the preferred design ICly (much like what happened early in the life of the Mindy power armor).

My opinion of this, summed up, would be to recommend approval.
An edit to the wide beam mode of the main weapon has been made, to keep it from being capable of destroying a planet. Both modes now have the same volume of energy (~53,000 km^3), with the first being 15 meters diameter by 300,000,000 km and the second being a 30 degree cone with 308 km range and a maximum 25.6 km diameter at maximum range.

While this will still be useful at Pod and close Starship ranges, it is not overpowered enough to destroy a planet. It also has the added benefit of drastically improving the firing rate. It is now once every five seconds.

Also, this was a voluntary change after a discussion on the power of the Aether Shock Weapon in general. I'd actually already tried to decrease the wide mode's range, but am much happier with it now.
Sense you already got Wes's approval this submission is Approved

And the sword and cannon too.
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