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Laz Public Network Yuki Toshiro to Abwehran Star Empire (Encrypted): New Race


Inactive Member

Message is quantum encrypted with heaviest civilian encryption available

Gartagen Data.rar attached

To: Abwehran Star Empire
(To be directed to appropriate organizations)

From: Commodore Yuki Toshiro (Civilian)
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

At first, I owe your nation an apology, for the circumstances under which these events I am to relate take place outside the current bounds of your empire, but along an unexplored portion just within your expansion route. I neglected to realize immediately as this is due to the fact that your expansion path was a addition to the YE 30 Treaty and not in the main body of the document at the time I read it three years ago.

I am a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire and operate a salvaging and mining business which utilizes a shipyard, and was heading up and around the Northern edge of explored space. I planned to turn North and search for a more distant location for my shipyard, to locate it further from the conflict with NMX forces. Unknowingly, I went slightly too far to the Galactic East and into your space before turning North.

It was at this point I detected five ships at the edge of a star system, preparing to leave. After making contact, it was revealed that these craft and their race were indigenous to the star system, that they were in the process of departing to expand and find new worlds, and that my meeting with them constituted their first contact. This race is in apparent possession of Faster Than Light travel, I just caught them on the start of their voyage.

My nation's law requires me to inform them if I find a world with life on it, which I have done, and requested a ship be sent if your empire agrees. I also request the same of your race, that a ship be sent to participate in this first contact -- especially since they wish to discuss expansion rights and find a better homeworld for their people.

I am not very familiar with your people, and am hoping with every fiber of my being for their sake that you are a signer of the Rights of Early Contact, or that you will sign it now -- I honestly don't want to see a new race brought into an annexed or conquered state. I have thus far been operating in compliance with this document.

They are a warrior race with a "peace first" policy, and are open minded, but they have been clear that they would fight to defend their sovereignty and people if attacked or forcibly conquered(this came up when I warned them about the NMX). My contact thus far has been peaceful and meaningful.
Re: Yuki Toshiro to Abwehran Star Empire (Encrypted): New Ra

Message transmitted in Abwehran Equivalent of encryption.

To: Commodore Yuki Toshiro
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

From: The Office of Iris Schneider
Adviser of State
Abwehran Star Empire

On behalf of Her Majesty, Empress Bertina Rosenthal, and His Majesty, Eckert Rosenthal I, I would like to express my appreciation for bringing this to our attention. Though while you are in the General Area of Abwehran Expansion, that does not necessarily equate to entering Abwehran Sovereign Space. Since you haven't entered any Abwehran-held system, you are legally in neutral space and have no need for our permission on anything.

On the matter of the Gartagens, I have advised Her Majesty on this matter. In response, we are ready to send an envoy to any meeting site the Gartagen Representative would choose. While we would prefer to send a single Destroyer to meet with our new neighbors, we cannot realistically endanger our agents in light of the Galaxy's current state of War. While the Abwehran Star Empire is officially neutral in the War between the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia/Yamataian Star Empire Alliance against the Sfrarabla Nougpift, we fully realize the dangers around us. Thus, we will be sending a single Battlecruiser with a Division of three Destroyers as escort. If this is unacceptable to the Gartagen Representative, please inform us so we can negotiate security protocols.

As for Representatives from the Yamataian Star Empire attending, we believe it is fair for them to be involved.
Re: Yuki Toshiro to Abwehran Star Empire (Encrypted): New Ra

Message is quantum encrypted with heaviest civilian encryption available

To: The Office of Iris Schneider
Adviser of State
Abwehran Star Empire

From: Commodore Yuki Toshiro (Civilian)
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

The Gartagens agree to your arrangements and their Union Navy guarantees your safety. They specifically said to bring as many ships as you need. These are signers of the Rights of Early Contact, and with to meet at their homeworld.

It is at Coordinates XXX.YYY.ZZZ.
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