Star Army

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Laz Public Network Yuki Toshiro to YSE (Encrypted): Yet Another First Contact


Inactive Member

Message is quantum encrypted with heaviest civilian encryption available

Gartagen Data.rar attached

To: Yamatai Star Empire, Empress' Palace
(To be directed to appropriate organizations)

From: Commodore Yuki Toshiro (Civilian)
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

I'm obligated to inform the Empire that another first contact has been made, this time with a race known as the Gartagens. On searching for an alternate site for my shipyard, I went East with the intention of then heading North, but encountered a group of five ships on the edge of a star system just outside of known space. After contact was established it was determined that this was a race which had never before made contact with another space-faring civilization, out to colonize other worlds on which to populate their race.

Contact was initially guarded, but peaceful, and they have signed the Rights of Early Contact upon the reception of language data. As required by the Rights of Early Contact, information on accessing PANTHEON on the level of Limited Civilian access has been made available. They have also been advised not to expand to the Galactic South due to the dense existing population and the war, though I haven't the authority to dictate their expansion or negotiate it for the Empire.

At this point I have a Gartagen Delegation on my ship, there is talk of perhaps visiting their capital, and the conversation is going extremely well. They are a warrior race, but have similar policies to our own for first contact regarding information exchange, and approach it with a careful "peace first" concept.

The only hangup at the moment is that I've only just realized after looking at information on the YE 30 is that we're just within the expansion route of the Abwehran Star Empire.

I request a ship be dispatched with a diplomat to represent the Yamatai Star Empire during first contact assuming that permission is granted from the Abwehran Government, as I lack the authority to fully represent our nation. The files included include their language information, the location of their planet, data on the ship class and shuttle thus far identified, and biological information, as well as other details since gleaned from contact.

A note for the vessel's captain: They prefer a somewhat warmer atmosphere than we do, so it may be prudent to note this if they come aboard a Yamataian starship. Care should be taken due to the added complexity of the Abwehrans potentially being involved. I would also hope that care will be taken in ensuring they are taught to recognize NMX and SMX craft, and to stay away from them in their travels.
Re: Yuki Toshiro to YSE (Encrypted): Yet Another First Conta

Message is quantum encrypted with heaviest civilian encryption available

To: Yamatai Star Empire, Empress' Palace
(To be directed to appropriate organizations)

From: Commodore Yuki Toshiro (Civilian)
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-000)
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

The Abwehran Star Empire has been contacted, and will be sending vessels as outlined in their message below. They also consent to representation of the Yamatai Star Empire at this first contact. This is an FTL-capable civilization, I should mention, with goals of expanding for their race.

If the YSE wishes to be present, they are welcome to meet the Gartagens along with the Abwehran envoy at the Gartagen homeworld.

Coordinates are XXX.YYY.ZZZ.

Abwehran Commander said:
Message transmitted in Abwehran Equivalent of encryption.

To: Commodore Yuki Toshiro
SRSS-000 Yggdrasill
Yggdrasill Salvage and Mining Fleet

From: The Office of Iris Schneider
Adviser of State
Abwehran Star Empire

On behalf of Her Majesty, Empress Bertina Rosenthal, and His Majesty, Eckert Rosenthal I, I would like to express my appreciation for bringing this to our attention. Though while you are in the General Area of Abwehran Expansion, that does not necessarily equate to entering Abwehran Sovereign Space. Since you haven't entered any Abwehran-held system, you are legally in neutral space and have no need for our permission on anything.

On the matter of the Gartagens, I have advised Her Majesty on this matter. In response, we are ready to send an envoy to any meeting site the Gartagen Representative would choose. While we would prefer to send a single Destroyer to meet with our new neighbors, we cannot realistically endanger our agents in light of the Galaxy's current state of War. While the Abwehran Star Empire is officially neutral in the War between the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia/Yamataian Star Empire Alliance against the Sfrarabla Nougpift, we fully realize the dangers around us. Thus, we will be sending a single Battlecruiser with a Division of three Destroyers as escort. If this is unacceptable to the Gartagen Representative, please inform us so we can negotiate security protocols.

As for Representatives from the Yamataian Star Empire attending, we believe it is fair for them to be involved.