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RP: 5th XF [Yukika] Mission 00X-02: The Vanishing Point

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The communique from the Munin had come just a moment after the terrified operator on the bridge reported the appearance of the Mishhu fleet. "Hold position?" Aoiko asked, her white-knuckled fingers digging rows of grooves into the arms of her chair. "That is acceptable. We can do that. Tactical... Where is Tactical?" With nearly enough force to smash the panel, she opened up the video intercom system. "A situation has developed. All senior staff to the bridge," she barked. "Now."

She tried to force herself to relax, to sink back into her chair, but her muscles refused to listen. There are, she mused, fifty large Mishhu ships in front of me, Mishhu on the Iori, and I am being told to sit here and wait for instructions. I should do nothing until my superiors tell me to. With that thought, she released her death-grip on the arms of the chair and slid down a little. I do not have to do anything. This is acceptable.
Jatsu had opened the door to his bedroom and managed to put one foot inside when Meitner announced the Yukika at high alert. He sighed, thinking, Goddamnit, why does it seem like something always comes up to cancel my plans with Aoi? I wonder if the emperor can repeal Murphy's Law...

He started walking back to the bridge, then stopped for a second as Aoiko's message popped up in front of him. What the hell? She looks kinda freaked out. I haven't seen her like that since the Taisa's... "Shit!" He started sprinting toward the bridge. No way...there's no way! The Taisa even said nothing like that could ever happen! He darted through the doors into the bridge, then froze as he looked at the main display. He kept his eyes locked on it as he slowly walked toward Aoiko, then moved his gaze toward her. "Tell me that this is just another training exercise..."
>SET: Bridge of YSS Munin

"Are you sure you tried every frequency, comm?" Kazuhiko said, ears twitching.

"Affirmative, Taisa. They don't want to talk." The comm officer scratched her head, reviewing what she had just done to be sure she'd tried everything.

"Should we send an ultimatum, Kazuhiko-Taisa? If they will not reason with us ..." Shosa Yomitomo Asuko said.

"Why bother, if they won't even acknowledge we exist?" The commander felt like tearing her hair out. She dearly wanted to believe that the ships were empty, malfunctioning or a trick to distract them. She had already recalled the 17th Armor Wing from their mission against those damned pirates, as they would provide good cover for the YSS Yukika if she had to send it. The more she considered her options, however, the less confident she felt about waiting. She was patient enough, though her recent actions didn't show it entirely. Forty-two Mishhu vessels were in front of the 5th just begging to start a miniature Battle of Nepleslia, but she waited. Yet, she rushed a -- Seitô? Taii? -- onto the Iori for no other reason than she needed to know someone was on it trying to do something. And with 20 Mishhu on board ... She'll find a Kylie and be fine, Kazuhiko reasoned. There won't be any Iori anyway unless those vessels are destroyed. "Deus, where are we with the Iori's KAMI?"

"No where, Taisa." The avatar's eyes were still closed. "Whoever Ichiro is, he has manipulated the KAMI expertly."

Kazuhiko bowed her head in her command pit, letting her thoughts wonder, for a moment, what surprise could come next. She then shook her head. "Operations, who's the CO of the Yukika?"

"Seitô Murasaki Aoiko, Taisa!"

"By the Mistress, where are all the damn officers! Get me her record, now!" The record popped up in front of her. Yomitomo pulled it up as well.

"Taisa," she said, "several of the Arashi commanders are asking to inspect the SMX."

"I won't threaten something I know nothing about and has not fired on us," Kazuhiko said, absorbing the cadet's bio. "Maintain formation." She took another moment to finish the bio and orders. "I've heard of her. The Taisho pulled her favorite flyboy off of that ship to train on the Iori; that's why she was bumped to CO."

"Yes," Yomitomo said slowly, "but so what?"

" ... Those SMX practically teleported here, wouldn't you say?"

Yomitomo's cheeks paled slightly. "Y-yes, Taisa. I hadn't considered that."

"Teleportation could've taken a lot out of them. It might be why we register no systems online."

"Yes ... " Yomitomo didn't follow.

"This could be a test of new technology ..."

"Why send it right into our lap?"

"New technology, Asuko. It might not be perfected ... and therefore should be captured for study while it is still possible."

"But we don't know that, Taisa."

"We're going to find out." Kazuhiko brought up an image panel in front of her command pod. "Comm, hail the Yukika."
Suika hurried down the hall towards the bridge after hearing the call to general quarters. As she entered the bridge, slightly behind Jatsu she too was forced to take pause upon seeing the SMX fleet poised in space. While it was in it self surprising to see such a fleet, what amazed her more was that they were not already trying to kill them. The Mishu where, after all, not exactly know for there irenic nature when it came to other species.

Rushing over to her station she quickly keyed in her code to activate it. She began calling up various sensor readouts, both from the Yukika and from other ships in the fleet. The stations screen rapidly filled up with overlapping windows. Taking a bit to survey them she let a quite whistle. They where lucky indeed that these ships where seemingly inert; had they opened fire the Yukika would have likely been gone before the CO had called them to the bridge. Swiveling her chair back to face the CO she said, "Judging from the chatter, I would doubt that. Every ship in the fleet is in a uproar over there appearance.â€
Aoiko scowled darkly. "Our own ships should be moving against them now. Are they that busy arguing? Iori should be sending out orders any moment now." The neko at Communications mumbled something into her microphone, then turned. "Seitô, the Munin is hailing us." With a nod, Aoiko gestured to the main screen.

The cold grey eyes of Taisa Kazuhiko Minari bore down on the young Seitô. She was seated in her command pod. Though she did not know what the Seitô had been doing up to that point, she noticed the enlisted on the bridge with her. I should send an Arashi. "Murasaki-Seitô," she said.

Aoiko rose to her feet and bowed low. "Taisa," she said flatly. "The fleet seems to be in a confusion, but the Yukika is ready to serve. What are our orders?"

"The fleet is my concern, Seitô," Kazuhiko said. "And if it is confused, it is because I mean it to be." She turned to say something to one of her subordinates, then looked back at the screen. "Your orders are simple. Approach the Mishhu with weapons powered down and under stealth. Perform every imaginable sensor sweep you can, then relay the information back to me."

Aoiko nodded, and bowed again. "We shall begin immediately, Taisa," she said, motioning to the communications neko. Turning to the front of the bridge, she called out, "Hikomaru-san, you heard her. Power down all weapons and shields, and engage stealth. I would like us to fly around to approach them from a different angle." She slowly sank back into her chair. "With all haste, please."

Kazuhiko nodded. Her familiarity with her subordinates is normal for her experience level. They at least obey her with respect. "There is another matter, Seitô."

Aoiko's attention snapped back up to the screen. "Hai, Taisa?"

Good, Kazuhiko thought. She's learning. "I've had enough cadets today. MEGAMI, this is Taisa Kazuhiko Minari." The Yukika's MEGAMI responded. "Award Murasaki-Seitô a Shoi pin." She looked back at Aoiko as MEGAMI materialized the pin and dropped it on her desk. "Don't make me regret my faith in you, Murasaki-Shoi. Serve the Empire well." The image winked out.

Aoiko bowed, once again, as the image disappeared. She bit her lip softly, staring at the pin for a moment, then looked back up and around the bridge. She quickly switched pins, dropping the Seito in her pocket, and leaned back in her chair. "Very well, then," she said. "Let us proceed."
God damn it, just when I get all the access panels back on the engine, I have to rip them all back off to get at the internals. I've got a right mind to just scrap the damn things and claim ignorance. Roger was acting on the information that the commander had passed down to the engineering bay; they were going in "lights off", which meant no shields, no weapons. Roger had made a comment about the similarity to walking around Neplesia without any pants on, but orders were orders, and he was left to making sure that if they needed to, they could turn tail and leave the Mishu in the dust.

"Well, if nobody else is going to use the excess field power, then I am." The chief engineer gave a quick whistle to Minako to relay the fact to the operations officer that he was going to be shunting all the unused juice into the engine reserves. "We can't burn rich on the way in, or else all the stealth in the world isn't going to hide the giant heat source five feet in front of them. But should we have to beat feet, best we have the oomph to do so. Make sure you add the oomph part; that's a technical term."

As Minako went to grab the handset off the wall, Roger began to remove the various panels about the engine, locating all of the internal safeties and tagging them with plastic cords. He didn't want to have to be scrambling about the engine looking for that last damn switch when the Mishu were trying to express just what they thought of someone trying to play peeping Tom on them. Then, telling Stronach to look but don't touch the cords, he sauntered over to the wall console and began keying in the neccessary commands to route additional power to the engine when he commanded it. Most people would have just ordered MEGAMI Meitner, was it? to do such things, but he wanted a direct interface with what was going on. With a final command, the conduits in the ship readjusted their circuitry to pass straight into the engine. When Aoiko gave the command, if she gave the command, they could be at 300% normal speed in a millisecond. Roger just hoped that they didn't have to sprint for too long; while rugged, the Yukika's engine wouldn't fare well with prolonged increased burn. Engineering, don't fail me now...
Well shit, I guess this is for real after all, Jatsu thought. He took a deep breath, then looked at the neko at the Communications station. Well, the station I was assigned to is already taken... He looked over at Hikomaru. The station I run on the Akuro is taken... He looked back toward communications, and noticed the station next to it was unmanned. "Ma'am, uhm...well, first, congratulations. Second, my orders said to work comm, but it's taken. Should I take sensor systems?"
Aoiko nodded up to Jatsu. "Please do," she said, "and prepare to perform every sensor sweep we are capable of. That should be quite a few, if I recall correctly." She looked back to the viewscreen, and took a deep breath.

"Take us in, please."
Jatsu nodded. "Understood." He sat down at the sensor station and brought up multiple windows, one for each sensor, and configured everything except the direction to scan. He looked at Aoiko, then turned back to his station and sighed. Why the hell are we going in with weapons down? We should just destroy them now and get it over with.
Shoi Murasaki Aoiko was quite visibly unhappy. Her already-pale skin was ashen, and her fingers were digging grooves into the arms of her chair. An uncomfortable silence was over the bridge, as if the slightest noise would break the tenuous protection of the ship's stealth. Swallowing hard, Aoiko nearly slammed her finger on the intercom button. "Kard-san," she said, "I would like you to do whatever is in your power to keep our engine silent, please." She frowned slightly as she glanced around the bridge. "I would like to ask the same of you, Suika-san. I want no radio traffic to leave the Yukika. Also, please keep an ear on the fleet communications. It is infuriating not knowing what is going on." She stared up at the viewscreen, and the massive Mishhuvurthyar ships looming in her view. "Kimura-san. You may begin your scans."
Jatsu nodded. She seems really worried... He keyed in the coordinates to scan, then ran the scanners. I should probably do something...I think it's my job to make sure she stays happy, or something like that. But I can't exactly start yelling across the bridge when it's completely silent...ah, damnit, I really need to get telepaty installed on my next leave. He glanced at the scanner windows as they ran, then looked up toward Aoiko. He smiled, then quickly brought up a new window, typed into it, then popped it up in front of her.
Don't worry, we have the best stealth technology in the galaxy. They won't find us. So...does frying a bunch of Mishhu count as dinner, or do we need to actually eat something before any after-dinner activities? ~.^
He turned back to his station just as the scan was finishing, then looked over the results. "Hmm, this is weird...no lifeforms detected. There is, however, a large cluster of nanomachines on one of the Blrakkrashiverinth. All ships are active. Wow...those five small ships in the front have a phenomenal energy output. Each one is generating the same amount of power as five...maybe six Aether drives." He scratched his eyebrow as he stared at the results. What the hell is going on here?
Roger clacked the handset down. Silent AND fast? You sure don't ask for much, Aoiko... He grumbled slightly, causing the remainder of the engineering team to glance his way. Roger himself sauntered over to the engine proper and stared deeply into its metal recesses, as if a thorough inspection might elict the answer he sought. Suffice to say, it didn't.

"What seems to be the matter, sir? Anything we can help with?"

Oh god, Stronach wants to help out. Now I know I'm doomed. "Not unless you've got a giant muffler stashed away in your back pocket; the Shoi would like us to make the engine silent."

"Actually sir, if that's the case, why don't we just increase the damping fields?"

Roger raised an eyebrow and gave off the sound of a venting pipe. "Riight. And I'll fuel my coffee pot off of all the rest of that magic source of power we suddenly... have..." The realization of what he had just said hit him like a brick out of a cannon. Holy shit, Stronach just had a good idea... holy double shit, I just got taken to task by Stronach. Damn you, now I have a tougher time rationalizing pushing you out an airlock. "... all right then, that's what we'll do. Stronach, reroute the energy that's just hanging around from the deactivated weapon and shield fields into the engine damping field. With any luck, the coils will hold, or else everybody in a light-year around us is going to notice a suspicious amount of free-space radiation coming out of the middle of nowhere. Minako, with that in mind, keep an eye on the coils. Flood them with extra synth if they start running hot; as I always say, got lots, use lots. With any luck, we'll zip through unseen like a... well, nevermind. Get to work, men."

As the crew took up their new duties, the chief engineer grabbed the handset off the wall and pinged the bridge. "Commander? Yeah. I think we've come up with a damping field solution, but tell whoever's on sensors... wait, it's Kimura? Hm. All right then, tell him to keep a scan going on our rear for particle emissions; tell him also that I'll give him 50 smackers if he picks up more than 20ppm on the readings, though you might want to add the caveat that there might not be much left of anyone, nevermind me, to pay off the debt should that occur. Tell the helm to expect a bit more resistance in manuvering; the extra damping fields might be throwing our normal propulsion off. Engineering out."
"Acknowledged, Engineering," Aoiko said, tapping the intercom switch. She nodded to Jatsu, calling, "Send that data over to the Munin," to Suika. She settled back into her chair, staring at the viewscreen for a moment. "Helm," she said, very slowly, "bring us up to that lead Blrakkrashiverinth. Prepare to dock." Sitting up, she snapped open the crew rosters and hit the intercom. "Kard-san, are you terribly needed down there at the moment?" She motioned to Jatsu as she awaited Roger's response.

Roger grabbed at the handset yet again. "What's that? No, I think I can spare myself. I'll be on deck momentarily." He clanked down the comm and with a shout, remanded the crew to his prior orders. Wonder what she wants me above decks for? He wasted no time with the travel, taking the stairs a pair at a time and visibly triggering the bridge doors early to allow him through. "Now then, commander?" He said, inquiringly.

Jatsu nodded, and sent the sensor data to Suika. He looked over at Aoiko as she motioned toward him. "So I suppose our main concern is that nanomachine cluster?"

"That is correct," Aoiko said, still staring at the viewscreen. "Kard-san. I would like you to head up a boarding party. As much as I'm sure it will pain Hikomaru-san, I would like you, Minako, and Kimura-san to enact a raid." She swallowed hard, forcing herself to turn to regard Roger and Jatsu. "Go in, throw around as many explosives as you can, investigate the nanomachines if it is at all feasable, and return here. Take whatever you will need from the armoury."

Hah HAH! Blank check, baby! Roger nodded. "Understood. If I might?" Roger said, motioning toward the intercom. He tapped the call button for the engineering bay. "Minako, tell Haruo to get out of the kitchen and cover for you; I need you for an assignment. Head to the armory." He killed the comm channel and gave a quick whistle to Kimura. "That goes for you too, Jatsu; get the second shift guy to come in; I want to have a quick meeting in the armory and get us equipped."

Jatsu stood up and stretched. "Sounds fun." He looked over at Roger and shrugged. "My station was empty when I got here...so I don't think there's anyone to call. Well...no point in waiting around. Let's head down to the armory." He looked over at Aoiko and smiled. "Well...guess I'll see you when we're done, ma'am."

Aoiko looked straight at Jatsu as she pulled herself up from her chair. "Ensure that you do," she said flatly, and walked out of the bridge, around the corner to the armoury.

The armory was replete with numerous small arms deemed necessary for a scout ship, should it ever need to conduct external operations. "Right then. Now, I plan on using what power armors we have available, but as the commander said, our job is to smash and grab. We will each carry a demolitions bag with 18 units of plastic explosive within; I will be in charge of planting the charges, but if the situation is such that either of you two have to plant them, their use can be summed up in three steps. Plant the charge, then flip the activation switch, then, when out of the blast radius, activate the remote detonator. All right, both of you grab a bag." Roger himself slung a sack full of explosives over his shoulder. "The power armors we will be using are armed with plasma carbines, but in the off chance we are forced to ditch the armors, I want us to still be reasonably armed, so take a GP-12b each and a vest of body armor. The GP-12 can be disassmbled and carryed in the armor's cargo space. The armor... well, we'll just have to haul that along." Roger himself grabbed his venerable GP-7 off its rack and took with it the ammo case. "Grab as much ammo as you can; I don't know what we're goign to run into, so if we have to put up a wall of fire, then I want to be able to." Roger caught sight of Aoiko just as he stuffed the last magazine into a holder. "Commander, I didn't expect to see you down here, is something the matter?"

Jatsu grabbed his equipment and set it down by the power armors. He looked up at Aoiko as Roger called attention to her entrance. Hmm...coming to see me off? How sweet... He smiled at the thought, though he didn't honestly believe that was her reason for being there.

Aoiko raised her eyebrows a little as she selected a submachine gun from a rack. "I will personally be overseeing the cover on the docking hatch," she said. "The nodal system will allow me to continue command from there, but it is rather essential, mmm?" She lifted up another satchel of explosives and hung it over her arm. "That, and ensuring the Blrakkrashiverinth's airlock does not continue to function as such after you leave."

Roger merely raised an eyebrow. "Well, like my father always said, 'Don't argue with a woman carrying a bag of explosives.' Right then. I assume you'll be using a Mindy then; Jats...er, Kimura and I will be in Super Phalanxes, as will Minako, unless you're more adept with the Mindy. Right. Right." The group had since transitioned to the starboard armor bay. "Deck chief! I need to get armour clearance pronto! Serious stuff here, if you know what I mean." He said, making a fairly obvious gesture towards the commander. "Okay people, and commander, suit up. I know none of use are armor pilots, but this is just going to be a simple insertion; I suspect it's going to be clammed up shut, but I should be able to open it up. We'll be flying 2x2 until we get there; Jatsu and I in the lead, Minako and the commander covering us. With any luck we'll slip through like coal on blacktop." Roger began to pull on the armor, hoping those around him were following suit. "Systems check, people," he said, powering on the various circuits."

Jatsu got into his Super Phalanx, occasionally glancing over to Aoiko. Once he was suited up and the systems check was finished, he picked up all the equipment he left on the floor and slung it over his shoulder. "Ready."

Aoiko watched the three preparing their armour, noting Jatsu's glances with raised eyebrows. "I will not be needing armour," she said, "as I shall be remaining primarily in the ship proper. Is everyone ready?" Aoiko motioned to the upper-level airlock, and led the way to the doors. Kneeling down and bracing the stock of her gun against one arm, she gestured, three windows bearing views from the three powered armours appearing before her. "Now then," she said softly, pointing her gun directly at the airlock door as she sent a mental command to the MEGAMI. Almost agonisingly slowly, the hatched opened, revealing...


"Hookay. Stay steady. Let's give 'em a minute to see if they're trying to bait us. Minako, cover the left, Jatsu, the right." Roger was a litle miffed. Figures. I get put in charge of something and they shut the lights off on us.

Jatsu peeked his head in and looked around. "So...uhm...where'd all the walls and floors go?"

Aoiko fingered her explosives satchel idly. "I cannot say," she said, leaning over the edge and peering off into the darkness. She squeezed her eyes shut, a few times. "There is nothing in there," she said, finally, rising to her feet. "Which should make your job in finding the nanomachines much easier, I suppose."

"You suppose. Well, only one way to find out. Headlamps on, team, and engage thrusters. Looks like we're going to have to do a bit of aerial manuvers after all. Follow me." Roger said, slowly flitting into the darkness. "Stay quiet, but report anything you see."

Jatsu turned on his lights and floated into the ship. He turned on his scanners and set them to find whatever they could within the ship. This is really, really bizarre. Why the hell is it just an empty shell?

Aoiko settled back, cradling her gun as she watched the three screens, the views showing nothing but blackness and the occasional expanse of grey metallic hull, and the sensors nothing but the vast walls and the single point of life at the centre of the ship. It took some time, and the Shoi flipped through intelligence reports of the rest of the Mishhu fleet in the meantime.

After quite a while, Jatsu, Roger, and Minako's audio sensors picked up a faint trace of sound in the distance, coming from the point of the nanomachines. Minako mumbled something under her breath as the three approached.

Taisa Kazuhiko Minari, commander of the <i>YSS Munin</i>, had almost waited long enough.

"Are all armors deployed?" she asked her operations officer.

"Hai, Taisa. All armors have been accounted for. No other activity has been cleared."

" ... What are our numbers?"

"Count is 1243 Mindy-1E, 20 Kylie-1B and 12 Kylie-1C to their 18,000 LAMIA. The Iori must've produced more. Also, we have 72 V1 Hoplites."

"Where are our LAMIA armors?"

Deus, the Munin's KAMI avatar, sighed beside his commander. "I am attempting to bring them online. Ichiro has fed them a virus of some sort; I suggest they remain in statis as they have, Taisa."

"My pilots are going to be chewed to pieces by that many LAMIA. Are you suggesting I bring my ships in to be needled to death?"

"I cannot say, Taisa."

" ... Change formation. 'Wall of fire.' Hold weapons pods for now, but be ready to deploy them. I want the destroyers dispersed among the main group. Any other data from the Yukika?"

"Negative, Taisa," the comm said calmly. "The data they're sending us continues to suggest the SMX are not a threat."

"Asuko? You agree?"

Kazuhiko's XO nodded once. "The LAMIA are more pressing."

"Then we will prepare to fight our own. Give the Yukika more time for now; I want those LAMIA available. The Iori is still silent, I assume?"

"Hai, Taisa," the comm reported.

" ... I hate waiting," Kazuhiko muttered.
"Slow up team, looks like we've got something ahead. Fan out." Roger lifted the carbine to his armored shoulder as they now closed in on the source. "This could be our target, so keep your eyes and ears open for defense mechanisms. You picking anything up on sensors, Kimura?"

Jatsu slowed down. "Yeah, picking up some sounds at two o'clock. Approximately 400 meters." He turned his head toward the source. "Guess there's something in here after all."

The sounds in the distance grew slightly stronger as the power armour's audio sensors tuned in on the source. The voice was still very faint, and almost inaudible, but sounded quite similar to spoken Japanese, being repeated over and over in some sort of chant. Minako scowled underneath her mask, and again mumbled something under her breath before asking over the comm, "Who's Ichiro?"

"Beats the hell out of me." Roger toggled the comm to the command channel. "Commander? We're picking up something; sounds like voices; this might be the core. Minako reports hearing the name 'Ichiro'; do we have any data on anybody of note named that?" Man, this is kinda creepy, all things considered.

Jatsu shrugged. "No idea." He sighed, thinking, Well, I guess we can find out once we analyze the nanomachines.

The source of the sound, and of the nanomachine trace, lay on the bottom of the massive empty hull. An NH-12 sprite, naked but heavily sunburnt from the neck up, stared up into the blackness above. "Ichiro is the master," the thing mumbled in Japanese, "and we are the servants. We must lay down our lives for him to climb the Pantheon." Motionlessly, it continued staring and chanting as the three approached.

"There is no record of any significant Ichiros in the Fifth Expiditionary," Aoiko's voice came over the line. "Aside from one or two low-level engineers. What, precisely, is that?"

"Engineers, huh? Now I know we're in trouble. Sir, we seem to have an NH-12 here; and I think it's the source of our signal. She looks pretty roasted in the head, in more than one way; take a listen to what she's saying." With that, he motioned to Jatsu to open up an audio feed to the commander. Meanwhile, he began peering about the surrounding darkness, looking for what could have possibly prompted this sprite to end up here.

Jatsu nodded, and opened an audio channel to Aoiko to relay the neko's chant. "Well...I don't think any low-level engineers would be considered masters. I also doubt they'd have been able to set up something like this."

"Quite, Kimura-san. Are there any weapons that you can detect? If not, perhaps you ought to recover the sprite. We could perform closer analysis in the medical lab."

"Weapons?" Roger took a quick scan. "Nothing's visable, assuming you don't count the NH-12 and whatever nanomachines are zipping about herself. Sure, we can manage a recovery; I'm going to just go ahead and suggest a severe level of quarantine; we don't have a clue as to what the heck is her deal. Do you want us to go ahead and rig the ship to blow?"

Jatsu smirked. "I like that idea. Even if it's gutted, it's still a Mishhu ship." He paused for a second. "Woah, wait...this is a Mishhu ship. Why the hell does its sprite look like a Neko?"

"Plant your explosives along whatever seams you can find," Aoiko radioed back. "We will have things covered here. And we will just have to find out when we have the creature on board, mmm?"

"Acknowledged. All right team, you heard the lady. This isn't going to be a precision job, so I'll let plant your own, as it were, so don't screw around. Get to work." Roger hefted his demolitions bag and unzipped the top of it, reaching for a suitable block of explosive compound. The seams were going to be a bitch to find in this ridiculous darkness, but they had to be somewhere.

Jatsu opened his bag and headed toward the ceiling. "Well, if you guys are going to cover the bottom I guess I'll take the top." He turned on his scanners to find the seams in the hull. Hope these things are precise enough to find them.

The seams were easy enough to locate through the armour's precise sensors, the HUD offering helpful suggestions as to the placement of the explosives. It didn't take long at all for all of the prepared bombs to be arranged along the superstructure of the hull.

Roger plunked down his last unit of plastic explosive with a grunt of satisfaction. He couldn't tell about the others, but just his explosives would be enough to rip open the mainline of the ship like a giant tin can. He grabbed the detonator from the now empty bag and checked to make sure its batteries were working. With an encouraging hum, the detonator switched on, and a red light lit up, telling him the status of his explosives. Roger grinned evily and returned to where the NH-12 lay.

Jatsu placed his final charge, closed the bag, and put it back over his shoulder. After a quick backflip, he made his way back to the Neko. "Alright, guess it's time to head back and watch the fireworks."

The NH-12 did not protest as Minako gently lifted her up. It simply went right on repeating the mysterious phrase, its head and limbs lolling back as she floated up and back towards the Yukika.

Aoiko herself had not been idle during this. The entry hatch between the two ships was quite laden with explosives. Aoiko was overseeing two other NH-17s as they planted the bombs, herself surrounded by a vast panopticon of video screens. She waved to the three as they approached, and the two nekos ducked inside the Yukika after arming the explosives.

Roger gave a quite salute upon their return. "Well, that's pretty much all she wrote; we've retreived the source of the nanomachine signal and wired the ship to blow. Any other orders, ma'am?"

Jatsu subtly waved to Aoiko as he passed through the hatch. "Well, I'm guessing that getting away from the imminent explosion would be near the top of the list."

"Quite," Aoiko said as the three entered through the hatch. Quite suddenly, a terrifying ripping noise tore through the air from the hull. Aoiko darted back to hit the switch, slamming the airlock shut, then whirled to Roger and Jatsu, scowling. "You set them off already?"

"What? Hell no!" He said, holding the detonator aloft to show the trigger safety still engaged. "What the hell was THAT then?" He said, whirling about to to look at the airlock.

Jatsu quickly spun around, nearly falling over. "What the hell?" He looked at Aoiko and raised his arms. "Hey, don't look at me, he's the one with the detonator. ...and apparently, he didn't do it, either."

One of the windows around Aoiko suddenly flickered into life. She scowled again, and turned to it, raising an eyebrow as her eyes flickered over the text. She punched up another window, and with a grimace, just short of shouted, "Suika-san! What do you mean, the fleets are _gone?_"
"What is the meaning of this?" Aoiko demanded as she stormed onto the bridge.

None of the technicians said a word, each only glancing up for a moment before turning back, heads down, to their screens. The Shoi's jaw clenched as she stared up at the viewscreen, displaying only a flat black.

"It just went that way suddenly," one Nito Hei said quietly. "When the away party returned to the ship, everything vanished."

"Two entire fleets, a space station, and all the stars just vanished?" Aoiko snapped. "Or are our sensors dead?"

"Diagnostics on the sensors all check out," the Geshrin replied. "Either those fleets did vanish, or we've been moved someplace else."

Aoiko sighed and closed her eyes as she settled into her chair. "What are our options?" she called out to the bridge in general, before punching the intercom button beside her. "Haruo-san? Bring a bottle of sake and a cup to the bridge, please."
Jatsu shook his head. "Well, the first thing we should do is figure out whether we moved, or the rest of the universe did...and the answer to that is obvious. Next, we should figure out why...but I have a pretty good idea of that, too, seeing that there's only one thing we brought onto the ship that wasn't here before, which was coincidentally brought from a ship that just popped into existance."

He started walking toward the scanner station. "I guess the next thing is to find out where we are." He looked down at the Nito Hei sitting in the station. "Should I assume you're at least competent enough to have already started looking for landmarks, or do I get my chair back?"
Roger crossed his arms and harumphed. "This all seems entirely too contrived to be happenstance. I'm with Kimura on this one; I'd say we just got the dramatic version of a parcel handed to us; when they made sure we got the contents, the packaging went away. Lemme tell you first hand; a girl like the one we hauled in doesn't just pilot herself in and hand herself over to us like that without SOMEONE pulling the strings to make her move. Something's going on, commander, and I haven't got a damn idea what."

He strode over to the nearest comm. "Engineering, report. You guys notice anything weird happen over the last hour?"
Aoiko slumped slightly in her chair as she glanced around the bewildered faces of the bridge crew. Haruo rushed in a moment later, setting a little platter with a bottle and ceramic cup on the arm of the captain's seat before bowing and hurrying out. The Shoi gratefully poured herself a little of the strong-smelling drink, quickly downing the cup.

The Nito Hei scowled a little as she vacated the seat for Jatsu. "Please report to the armour bay," Aoiko called as she refilled her cup. "I would like as many personnel as we can fit into power suits, whatever may happen." The monitors before Jatsu were, as the neko had said, utterly blank. The space outside the ship was vast and empty.

"Nothing here, sir!" Stronach's cheerful voice came through the comm. "Though it is rather dark out of the airlock and armour ports! Everything okay up there, sir?"

Jatsu tilted his head. "Well damn, that doesn't help." He sighed, then set the scanners for the maximum distance. "There has to be something somewhere..."

"This is ridiculous. Somebody's poking fun at us and running." Roger roughly clapped his hand to the side of his head. "I'm going to relish giving whoever's pulling the strings a shiner when I get through with him." He sighed. "Do you want me back in the engine bay, or in a suit, commander?"

The geshrin stood up rapidly, as if the mire of thoughts within him exploded. Facing towards Aoiko, he pointed out, "So far, we're as good as cold dead without computers or navigation systems. I will, personally, find out what is going on outside."

Hikomaru was taken aback by his commanding officer's shouting, but he took it in stride as best he could. "LAMIA, Shoi. LAMIA and weapon pods from the Iori ... the fleet looked like it was under attack."

Jatsu stood against the wall watching the conversation, occasionally glancing to see how Meitner's scan was progressing. LAMIA...the Iori...they're right outside. We never moved, he thought. He looked at the injured neko he belittled on the bridge. I'm such an idiot...

Roger grumbled. "If we're getting hammered on the outside, then we should probably focus on staying alive rather than trying to investigate what's going on with the chick, especially if the nurse here says that we're not going to be able to get anything out of here." Though in all honesty, what Jatsu did earlier is what I want to do right about now... "Commander?"

Aoiko flopped back against the wall, staring for a moment into space. "Why is the Iori shooting at us?" she asked, glancing around all assembled. "Is it... Another mutiny?" She shivered suddenly, and peered into the now-empty sake bottle, then let it drop to the floor. "What do you think we should do?" she asked again to nobody in general as she watched it roll.

Hikomaru just looked at his commander and wondered how things had become this bad. Certainly he wasn't about to suggest they do anything.

Jatsu closed his eyes tightly. "We're sitting ducks with our scanners brok..." He opened his eyes. "Wait, why haven't we been attacked yet? Our armors got attacked right when they left the ship, yet nobody shot at the Yukika?" He looked at Hikomaru. "Did you see anything else out there? Any anomalies or anything? Or did you provoke them? There must be some reason..."

Something just struck Hikomaru. "The Mishhu vessels ... we saw them, but they didn't appear on our sensors. At least, they weren't on mine!"

The commander just asked US what to do? Fuuuuuck. Roger smacked a fist into his palm repeatedly, the veins on his forehead noticably beginning to stand out. Oh god, Aoiko... look what you're going to make me do. "Well, there's one thing I know we need." This is going to cost me, big time. He grabbed a nearby bottle of saline, uncapped it, and with a little thought of bye bye pension, dumped it over Aoiko's head in an attempt to sober her up. "We need you, commander. The lives of this ship are counting on you to make a decision; we'll go to our deaths at your word, but YOU've got to give it." Roger grabbed another bottle. "You can court martial me afterwards if it comes down to it, but you can't court martial me if we're all dead." He dumped the second bottle over her and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Do you understand, sir?!"

Aoiko yelped as the saline hit her face, the blush in her cheeks fading quite rapidly as she sputtered, looking frantically around the room and bringing her arms up to ward off a little bit of the second splash. With almost exaggerated slowness, she slowly took Roger's wrists and pulled his hands from her shoulder, opening her eyes to look into his. "Thank you, Kard-san," she said rather dryly, "but I am not certain why you felt the need to do that. I am operating on very little information and no experience to guide us through this matter." She flicked Roger's hands to the sides, and paused to squeeze a bit of the solution out of her hair. "One of my crew members has been wounded by an Iori LAMIA," she said irritably, "but they are not shooting at us. There are Mishhuvurthyar vessels nearby, but our armours' sensors cannot detect them. And _we_ cannot detect anything at all." She tossed her hair over her shoulders and scowled. "You will forgive me if I find myself at a loss."

"That's definitely strange," Jatsu noted to Hikamaru, "but it doesn't really-" He looked over at the now wet Aoiko, then to Roger. He started walking toward Roger, as he finished, "It doesn't really explain why they're not aiming at us. Definitely needs to be looked into, though." He put his steel hand on Roger's shoulder and squeezed it firmly, then sternly whispered, "I don't advise you do that again."

Minako stepped between everyone again. Her voice was, as usual, loud. "Everyone! I think the sprite has something to say about all this ..."

Roger sighed, slightly relieved. "Call it a precaution, commander. I know we're working with not a whole lot of detail, but I... nevermind." Then, quietly, to Jatsu he stated, "I won't. I'm concerned, Jatsu, not erratic." He spoke back to the commander. "Commander, Jatsu's right. We need to take a closer look at things; our stealth field should still be up, and the engines are still ready for a boost if we need to get aw-" Minako cut him off mid sentence.

Aoiko nodded to each of them as they spoke, her eyes lifting a little as she watched Jatsu's hand. She motioned to the sprite, and raised a hand for silence.

Minako gestured everyone to come to the sprite. Its mouth barely moved ... Minako bent down a little and pressed her ear to the sprite's lips. She spoke each word as she heard it. "Let ... down ... thy walls ... of protection." The sprite closed its mouth and said nothing again. "Let down thy walls of protection?"

Jatsu let go of Roger and looked to the sprite with anticipation, then quickly narrowed his eyes after she spoke. "So the enemy's telling us to take down our shields. Yeah, that's a great idea. Damnit, Meitner...haven't you extracted anything yet?"

"To me, that sounds like the mother of all traps," Roger stated, crossing his arms once Jatsu had released him. "Even I wouldn't recommend that, and... well you get the idea." He brought a hand up to his scraggly chin. "Unless... unless it's possible she's not talking to us? Jatsu, would it be possible that this girl is just acting as an antennae for some sort of mass-broadcast message?"

Aoiko drew herself up, looking a little less than dignified in her soaking-wet dress whites. "That could certainly be true," she said, gazing down at the sprite. "It did not seem to be communicating to us with its earlier message. Perhaps it could be referring to the Iori?" She paused, idly scratching her cheek. "Or, it could simply be more religious nonsense." She glanced over to the door. "I do sincerely wish we could communicate with the fleet, or even see outside. Perhaps we should move to the bridge."

" ... " Hikomaru looked at the floor for a moment, then looked up. "Shoi ... we were getting fleet chatter when we slipped outside the CFS. The moment we went back in ... it was gone."

Jatsu shrugged. "It's poss-" he started, before Aoiko answered for him. He held back from laughing. She's already starting to speak for me, huh? "Err...yeah, what she said. Anyway, bridge sounds good, doesn't seem like we're going to get anything out of her and we should probably figure out what's screwing with our scanners and comms."

Roger cracked a small grin when no one was looking. That's more like it, commander. Even if you're stuck in a rut without a rope, you at least try clawing your way out. "Sir! It sounds like our stealth field is screwing up the comm systems for some reason. I reaaaaly don't like the sound of it, but maybe we need to pop into view for a few seconds while we sort things out. Maybe if we hide behind something while we do that, we won't be a sitting duck; the Yukika's pretty small in comparison, after all. In the meantime, we can take the stealth field energy and dump it into the engines; it should give us about the same amount of boost as when we had it the other way around, in case we need to burn rubber anyway." Then, he paused, and now it was his turn to blush and look embarassed. "Ah, commander, about your uniform..."

Aoiko quite smartly walked towards the door, pausing as it opened. "Kimura-san, please take the logs from the power armours and see if you are able to project the current location of one of our less mobile battleships. We will move just behind it, and decloak. It is worth a try. Kard-san, Minako-san, go to Engineering and prepare for using the stealth field energy to boost the engines. I will..." She looked down at herself, and closed her eyes. The air flickered around her, and a moment later, every sign of saline was gone. "I will be on the bridge. Please hurry, now."

Jatsu nodded. "Shouldn't take long, I'll be on the bridge in 5," he said as he walked out the door. He quickly arrived in the armor bay and loaded the scanner data from the armors, then compiled them into one window. His jaw dropped slightly as he looked at it. Damnit...what the hell's going on out there? he thought, then shook his head and started looking for suitable cover.

"Aye, sir! Minako!" Roger called, motioning toward the engineering bay. The made due time to the bay, where Stronach and Haruo were rapidly flittering back and forth among all the panels. "Keep doing what you're doing!" Roger stated firmly as the two of them entered the bay. "Minako, go to the power conversion panels and do the same modifications we did back when the commander wanted us slow and quiet, but use the stealth field energy instead of the shield and weapon energy, and shut off the overdamping I jury-rigged; I don't think anyone's going to notice a little extra engine wash in this mess. Stronach, Haruo! Expect some fluctuation as we switch gears; we may go over pressure a few times, but as long we don't redline for too long, I don't care; she's built tough!" Roger himself ran over to the engine and began switching the manual safeties he'd futzed around with earlier to the configuration neccessary to receive the different energy flow.

Aoiko, meanwhile, settled herself on the bridge. "You will be recieving a plotted course soon," she called over to the pilot. "I know it will be difficult, but please try your best to follow it. And be on the alert..." She glanced around the crew. "Everyone, please be on the alert. We will be entering a combat situation very shortly. Hopefully, we will pull through it with no great loss other than Takahashi-san's arm."

"There," Jatsu said as he noticed a large immobile object. "Now...how to get there..." He looked at the beginning of the data. The armors came out around here, so the armor bay is right here...which means the Yukika's facing this way. He smirked as he plotted the course, thinking, Well, I did that even faster than I said I would. He sent the course to Aoiko, then started walking to the bridge.

Roger watched the engine flow diagram change as they made their course adjustments. He grabbed an intercom. "Commander, we're all set down here for boost speed; without the damping, we should get a pretty impressive kick even if we're just using the stealth energy; tell the helm to be careful not to run us into the side of this thing. Regular impulse should be unchanged." To the crew, he nodded. "Keep the flow steady guys."

As the stealth dropped, everything came into play. The 5th's situation became abundantly clear -- four more ships had been abandoned and finished off due to the damage they had sustained. Shuttles, power armors and LAMIAs were buzzing around the wounded Command Group, picking up survivors and retrieving the injured. The Munin had taken an aether bolt straight to its keel edge, leaving the underbelly of the thin ship glowing with still-hot twists of metal. Only the Dainslef was untouched. Several Nozomi scouts had been destroyed as well.

Aoiko's eyes widened as she surveyed the damage across the fleet. "What... Happened here? Get me a broadcast line, and tell me what is still hostile!" She adjusted the recording window before her and opened a communication to the fleet. "This is Shoi Murasaki of the Yukika," she announced. "We had experienced sensor and communication interference and were unable to reach the rest of the fleet. Requesting orders, and a status update."

A scratchy message was abruptly killed, replaced with an even scratchier live feed. The Neko on the other end looked a bit frazzled. "This is Shosa Yomitomo Asuko, executive officer of the Munin ... and your orders were to remain cloaked." She smiled a little. "But we are glad you did not, for now. Our scout pool has been almost entirely disabled; they took the forefront of the damage."

Jatsu quickly walked to the scanner station as he arrived on the bridge. What the...the fighting stopped? He looked up at the live comm feed. Well, at least we're not alone anymore.

Roger had left the handset off the hook deliberately; right now he wanted to be able to get in contact with the bridge as fast as possible if it came down to it. As such, he heard the commotion of Aoiko trying to get status reports of all the ships. Holy hell, it must look pretty bad out there if Aoiko is flustered. He muted the handset and shouted over the engines din. "All right men, we're now in the thick of it, with our pants down and our asses hanging out like never before. The commander's depending on us to keep this ship moving, so I hope you've all got your balls firmly grasped." He paused for a moment. "With obvious exceptions, that is."

"I apologise for disobeying orders," Aoiko said, glaring again at the screen, "but we were under some rather unusual circumstances. Is everything under control now? And what can we be doing?"

Yomitomo-Shosa looked at a screen next to her, or seemed to, before responding. "Check your sensors and see if you read the Akuro trying to escape ... if you do, pursue it! We cannot afford to let it go."

Jatsu's eyes widened. "Woah, what?" Akuro...escape? Pursue? He looked at the sensors. What the hell's going on? The Iori's attacking us, we're ordered to chase after our flagship...

I heard THAT. "Holy hell," Roger muttered. If the enemy's got hold of the Akuro... no wonder why we're in deep shit. He looked back toward the engines. At least we'll be able to catch it if we have to. He half wanted to run up to the bridge to see what exactly was the situation, but he needed to stay here for the moment, especially if they were going to have to have to sprint after the Akuro.

Aoiko nodded, grimly. "I see. We will set forth straight away. If it would be possible to send us any information that is available about the situation, especially regarding the Akuro, we would very much appreciate it. If there is nothing else..." She motioned to Jatsu. "Extend sensors as far as they will reach, please. Kard-san! We will need those fast engines, as soon as you are able."

Yomitomo-Shosa nodded. "There is only one thing I can tell you -- the Kagemusha ran a sensor sweep of the Akuro. Onboard is your former commanding officer, among others. So you know ... "

Jatsu nodded and readjusted the scanners, then sighed. The enemy has the Akuro...one one hand, it means I'll probably be on the Yukika with Aoi longer, but on the other hand...damnit, I hope Freya, the Taisa, and the Taisho are okay...

Roger unmuted the handset. "We're good to go, commander; just tell me when to let 'er rip- Did she just say our former commanding officer?" What in the hell is Admiral Katsuko doing on the Akuro?

Aoiko nodded. "We shall certainly refrain from turning our vast arsenal against it, and make every effort to preserve the lives of those on board. Thank you." She bowed low, and closed the communications. "Jatsu-san," she said, "please find the Akuro as soon as you are able. We will close to it with all possible haste. If we cannot disable the engines there, we will attempt to board it, and failing that, keep a close watch on its movements." She closed her eyes and sank silently back into her chair.

"It just left the Iori," Jatsu said. "Heading toward Nepleslia." I can't believe this is happening...

"WHAT?" Roger screamed into the handset "What the hell does Ichiro want with my homeplanet?!?" Oh that's it, now it's PERSONAL.
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