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Zen Armaments Corporate Purchase


Well-Known Member
To: Zen Armaments
From: Origin Industries

Origin Industries is currently looking to expand and is familiar with a subsidiary of Zen Armaments which may be of interest. Currently, we are willing to offer a sizable sum for the the ownership of Oshima National Industries, and are willing to further negotiate the terms and conditions that would apply. The opening offer is being forwarded now. We hope that it is satisfactory however.


Yuno Fumihiko
Origin Industries Representative
Dawn Station

From: Zen Armaments - Public Representative Group
To: Origin Industries

At current contractual agreements the corporation and its assets are listed below,

  • Oshima National Industries (And all related personnel)
  • Planet Oshima, Hades System and all surface assets belonging to the corporation.
  • Hades Inner Alpha Belt in its totality.
  • Hades IV, roughly 60 percent of its economically acquirable FOL (Fusion Optimized Liquids) and or said surface area.
If sold all control of said company would be given to Origin Industries with the understanding that any resulting sales of items from said company would result in a minimum of 5 to 10 percent royalties being placed in attached accounts. Additionally Zen Armaments requests the right to manufacture the Indigo class starship as an end producer acquiring its sub systems from both Origin Industries and Oshima National Industries at a price of cost plus two percent. Our counter offer is included in said attachments.

Signed, Amy Lima
Zen Armaments Representative of Hades Operations
( OOC @Soresu - Is this approved by you? )
To: Zen Armaments
From: Origin Industries

Further discussion regarding the minute details will be held later, but for the time being, Origin Industries thanks you for your time and accepts the groundwork offered here today. Additionally, we hope to continue business with you in the future.


Yuno Fumihiko
Origin Industries Representative
Dawn Station
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