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Zoya: The joining process

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Inactive Member
As it is simply neater and easier to do via forum...

To join the ship, simply post here. You don't have to make a character before posting, but I don't care if you've already made one either. We'll talk about positions available and such. If you have questions before making the commitment of posting here, feel free to PM me.

Races do not matter to me, so long as its not Mishhu mind. However, the professions do. The Zoya is a indie ship, she makes her own funds. We can't have 5 pilots or something to the likes. Passenger positions are fine, and you can stay along as long as you have a means of paying. (So your character using the ship as a means of business front is perfectly fine, so long as s/he pays the rent.)

Now then, before I go on to far, the staff positions. Certain spots can be doubled up, however. This list is for the ones availble, the ones currently about will be on the ship's plot wiki.

- Engineer/Techie (We can have two I suppose)
- Ship's AI (Discussable on details via PM... If nothing, I'll NPC it)
(Well positions are running low fast... )

Now, passenger characters can be paid for duties to help with the rent paying, like being a trade diplomat (If you do it well) or cooking (Well) or so on.

There is no format for doing the OOC application, just don't do a wall o' text or something. Either post the character URL or skim over details (Race, profession, etc) if it hasn't been made yet.

Now c'mon, we need to make some spacer tales.
To join the ship, simply post here.


I'm aiming toward either pilot, tech, or passenger at the moment... having trouble locking down a single concept. So nobody worry about me; I'll just take whichever seems unfilled when I finally decide on something.
You said I could join, so join I shall. I'll go for combat/ security, if that's all right.

And I must has teh medicalz!
I think I want to join in on this. I got dibs on pilot!

btw kel Have you ever read the elric saga?
Alrighty then. Sub gets a cookie, Nannie, Nev, and Kel do too.


Sub is the combat d00d, Nev pilot, Zeph techie, Annie Medic, and Kel passenger or techie. Another at least is deciding.

... :mrgreen:

Ninja edit: Oh! And please post if you want to be a new comer or not. A few already aboard mates is Hookay, but I'd prefer the most of ya to be newly hired. Or at least one, so we can have that intro sequence.
My char will be a new hire. Since I'm setting her up to have pretty much abandoned her former ships and currently looking for work. :mrgreen:
I'd like to join up if I could...but I don't know what my char would do. He's a navigator by trade, but you tole me you'd rather I not do that position being a newcomer. Aslo, you said it'd be mostly JP and I'm not quite sure how much JP'ing I'd be able to committ to...at least once a week, but beyond that, I dunno. *shrug*

I guess I could a low paid passenger or merc soldier...but how does the money system work exactly? I mean, is it a "you keep track of your char's funds" system or what? I can't seem to find anything about that.
Well... If you can't JP much at all... Then I wouldn't really suggest joining a JP-only plot ship. This going for everyone in general, mind.

Anyone else? And chop chop, make some charries.
Kel said:
And I end up going for a cook. 'Indecisive' is my middle name!

Like I said, you had best have other skills other than cooking. Otherwise expect to be a passenger. Crew tis to small to have a full time cook!

Although a cook on a ship who uses the ship, with permission, as a mobile restrauant of sorts would work.
Probably passenger, yes, unless her doing all of the cooking/cleaning stuff would merit a crew slot. If not, well, that's why she's got a barrel fulla money.

The AI can be NPC'd for now, I won't mind. We need Jake to start work on the bios, while the rest of you need to make yours up, Or post it here if its made.

Otherwise we're pretty much set to get ready. Last call for any passengers that want to be with us, too. Jake needs to post a confirmation, so someone get Doshii in here.
'ey! Chop chop, Character maketh! Sooner it gets done, sooner we can start.

I wanna start this lug of space debris before Xmas!
Yet another insta-proved character for El Subinero, as I am affectionately known in absolutely no circles, squares, or other geometric designs.
Well... since it's JP-only, I suppose I don't have very much of a reason not to join.

So... I'm werkin on an arms dealer/bounty hunter/quarter master for ya. Neppie, of couse.
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