Star Army

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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 4.0] - Dawn

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"If I'm in still the neighborhood around then I would love to hear all about it." Seth replied grinning slightly as he payed for his food. He ambled off to find a place to sit in the jam packed madhouse he found himself in with a casual "Have a nice day miss," uttered over his shoulder.
Diner 9

While Shrie waited to Six-Four or Tam to reply or react and for the staff to bring them their food, she looked around. The Fyunnen's eyes were noting the people around, looking for weapons and since the place was packed with nepleslians, most people had a weapon. But it was normal, there was no need to be worried, Shrie told herself. She just needed to be wary, but not paranoid. Shrie noticed Seth going through the crowd and obviously looking for place to sit. Sure she did not know him much, she felt kind of sorry for him. It was not like there was not free spot for him in the booth, so she raised her hand and waved him over to join her and the others.
Diner 9

Six Four weaved through the crowd behind the big Fyunnen, doing its best as well to avoid any patrons or potental threats that may have wanted to continue the show.

"Spirit yes, though more of a brawler than a warrior. Would sell well on certain channels if they dressed the same and combated in an arena of lime gelatin." The freespacer said shuffling itself into a seat, placing its plastic number card on the edge of the table. As it sat down it picked up the roll of silverware that was located in front of it, taking the metal utensils out and setting them neatly in front of it on the table before placing the napkin on its left thigh. Upon doing so it interlaced its hands together and realized that it did not have a beverage and quickly made a mental note to ask the server for one at their earliest convenience.
Diner 9

Shrie frowned and looke back at Six-Four. The idea of fighting for pleasure of others brought up some bad memories in the fyunnen. She looked down on the table. "I. Hate fighting like that. For a show. It is bad." She said with her voice full of unease. "One should fight for others. But to protect."
"9" Diner

"You too, cutie!" the cashier called cheerily after Seth before turning back to the next customer in line, the sweetness and pleasant aura not missing a beat as it continued to pour liberally out for the never-ending mob of customers cramming in through the door.

Even though the restaurant was largely back to normal now, a few murmurs and excited gabbering about the fight that had disrupted the peace just moments before. Some of them sounded like they were speculating, and in some cases arguing over who would have eventually emerged victorious had the local security forces not intervened, but the majority seemed to be doing little more than panting while recounting the various body parts that had been exposed in the scuffle.

At a few of the tables nearest to where Six Four, Tam, and Shrie sat, a number of patrons were curiously staring at the motley assortment, which was strange, considering the variety of people packed into the small diner. The most likely explanation was that Shrie stood out so much that most of the gawkers found it impossible not to have their eyes drawn to them, if only for a few seconds. Any time one of them locked eyes with another patron, the other guest looked away, going back to minding their own business, but doing almost nothing to disguise the fact that they'd been staring at all.

However, several rows away from them along one of the rows of windows, Six Four spotted the bull-like man with no neck who had approached her when they first entered, and although he was steeped in conversation with two other stocky and equally powerfully-built men at his table, his eyes were locked firmly on the Freespacer. When it seemed that he noticed her looking his way, the disarming smile flashed across his face again, and he winked, continuing his conversation.
Diner 9

Six Four cocked its head to the side with the wink, wondering what he was implying. Something in his eye maybe? Putting it aside it went back to the conversation at hand.

"Understandable, though this one would prefer that there was no more fighting. Quite messy and a pain for this one to clean up. However this one does realize that it serves a purpose, quite a paradox and or quandary."
Diner 9

Seth caught the wave from the corner of his eye and turned to the source of the movement. Recognizing the Lorath, he nodded in acknowledgement and strode over and slid into the booth. "Thanks for that, I didn't think I'd ever find a table in this crowd."
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Tam inclined his head toward the new guy in a mild greeting as he looked the man over surreptitiously. He also eyed the various tables that were staring at them and analyzed if any of them were a threat before going back to looking around at his companions and waiting for his food to arrive.
Diner 9

"It was... nothing," Shrie replied to Seth with a nod of her head. She noticed the looks she was getting. It was normal, there were almost none of her race and especially very few Fyunnen in these parts of the space. Most nepleslians would only see lorath in pornography. Not to mention that Shrie did not look exactly normal with her scars and bodysuit. The Fyunnen woman would make sure to meet any gaze she noticed. Looking weak would not be ideal in unknown place like this.

"There will always be fight." Shrie replied back to Six Four. "But...we make sure there is little of it. We can. I think."
Diner 9

" That seems like an impossibility, the universe is much to big for two individuals much like ourselfs to stop all of the fighting. Well improbable anywayway, a .000000000003 percent chance of success."

Six Four said to Shrie matter-of-factually, though everything coming from the digitized helmet speakers had that sort of tone to it. As Seth sat down the freespacer cocked its head to the side, "Find a table? This is one of at least thirty tables in this resturant, this one has found at least 8 just looking this way." It took a moment for 64 to realize that he meant a table to sit at, and made a note to go back and brush up on expressions. "This one apologizes, it did not mean to insult your visual capabilities, yes it is very crowded in here."
Diner 9

Shrie looked at Six-Four with a very puzzled look. The Fyunnen had a lot of trouble understanding the freespacer half of the time. Shrie just could not see why she was getting these responses. No one else talked like Six-Four. It was mostly because the Fyunnen never met any other Freespacers, thought she was sure that most them would be as weird as the doctor. The whole thinking started to give Shrie a headache. She closed her eyes and started rubbin her head, hoping for some kind of placebo effect to make it go away. It of course never helped.

"I. I did not mean all fighting." Shrie said back, her eyes still closed. "I talked about when it happens around us. That we can try... to stop. Death is bad."
Diner 9

"This one understands your stance on this discussion." Six Four said nodding its head. Judging from Shries physical apearnace and how they found her the doctor reasoned that the Fyunnen probably had a rough life growing up, or suffered a series of unfortunate events prior to them finding her. Either way however, Six Four remained reserved and silent in its own views of death seeing as it was a necessity and sometimes needed as was the case back on its mothership where the old useless and broken were re purposed to create the newer generations. "However stopping fighting even around us is improbable, take for example the fine examples of civilized people that were recently escorted out by the anchorites. To unpredictable and lacking in common sense and decency."
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Diner 9

"I know," Shrie replied, still rubbing her temple. She finally opened her eyes, setting both the green one and colour-less one on the Freespacer. "Break fights by fighting. Not best, but works. It is a... ugh... an irony? How do nepleslians say? Fight flame with flame? Not sure. Only thing I know though. Fighting. Always fought." Shrie sat back and took a deep breath. She also though about two women, who were escorted earlier. That was not a real fight though. More like childrens play.
"It's alright. These things happen sometimes." Seth replied to the 'spacer. He wasn't used to dealing with Freespacers and the way this one talked was kinda throwing him for a loop. He decided to stay out of the ladies' conversation about violence seeing it as a topic he didn't feel comfortable talking about.
Diner 9

"Understandable." Six Four said to Shrie, wist occupying itself with the silverware infront of it, " This one could tell, your person is a bit.. worse for wear. The one called Shire isn't lacking any limbs or organs is she? I'm sure our new acquaintance here could spare one or two."

Six Four turned to look at Seth, his reflection clearly visible on its face plate. After a second of science the freespacer trembled a bit before what could only be robotic laughter came from it.

"Humor: This one was only joking, most likely Shrie's body would reject nepleslian tissue, this one would also have to run several biological test on you to make sure you are not contaminated on a biological level from any sort of illicit activity or partner."

The doctor 'laughed' a bit more, shaking its head a bit before drumming its gloved cybernetic fingers on the table to a tune only it could hear.
"Even then I'm not quite sure I could give someone my organs after all I am rather attached to them." Seth said chuckling awkwardly. A brief look of worry crossed his face as he shot Shrie a questioning glance. He can get along well with many different types of people but this doctor was a strange character like nothing he'd ever come across. "Has anyone ever told you that you're hilarious before 'spacer?"
Diner 9

"My limbs are fine. Organs too I think." Shrie replied automatically, even though she was not sure why she should even want weak nepleslian bits and pieces. "I only lost my wing. But long time ago, old wound. My knee is bad though, it is not such a trouble though." Shrie explained again. She was not exactly ready to talk about all the wound she really had, how her had hurt every now and then or that she had old piece of cybernetics still lodged in back of her skull.
"My organs would probably cause anyone who was given them massive toxic shock syndrome" Tam said as he finally reacted to the conversation taking place at the table with him after he decided that none of the other people in the restaurant were likely to cause much of a threat.
Diner 9

"Irritated: What is it with knees and this ship, this one has half a brain to recommend physcial therapy for all crewmembers knees." Six Four said before sighing and shaking its head, " This is why this one has robotic legs, much better than biological parts in maintenance."

The doctor redirected its attention towards the newcomer, " Thoughtful: Not that this one can remember, odd yes hilarious no. Though this one has been told that it must be joking on more than one occasion... perhaps its is because this one is humorous? More research is required for a better answer."
Diner 9

"Well," Shrie said and looked up deep in thought. She was coming up with a way to tell what she wanted. Unknonw to Six-Four a lot in the Fyunnen was not bioligical. Her eyes were augmented, one a bit broken which cause a lot more blinking, she had artficial skeleton and most of her joints were motorised because of that. Similiar with her muscles, which were laced up to be a lot more effective. This was why she was a lot more durable and could survive all she could. That said, it was not in top notch state by know, especially her knee.

"I am..." Shrie thought as she spoke. "Not complete anymore. Lots of metal in me. Joints, bones. Better eyes. Old upgrades though, not working best by now. Hurst sometimes. Especially knee."
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