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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Leo Star Fortress, Asura System - The battered lion of the Yugumo Cluster, Leo Star Fortress made another transition today as it was announced the Zodiac-Class Star Fortress, a surviving relic of the Cluster's past and a base of the Tenth Standard Fleet of the Star Army would be transferred to the First Expeditionary Fleet. The First Expeditionary Fleet had been using Leo's shipyards for the last year during the re-establishment of the fleet. The station which has remained damaged for many years since it was reclaimed by the Tenth Standard Fleet, has been promised a respectful and unique facelift. Under the orders of Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, the Zodiac-Class Star Fortress is to undergo refurbishment and restoration to become...
(SANDRA) 28日 9月 YE 42 - Star Army forces from the Third Fleet and the Rikugun successfully conducted an audacious Shigatsu 20日 raid deep within Kuvexian territory aimed at rescuing imprisoned Uchuugun soldiers, including a member of the Yamataian Imperial family. Recently declassified reports indicate that Ketsurui Aiko, a Taii in the Star Army, was held captive alongside two crewmates from the YSS Kaiyō II by a Kuvexian slaver-baron for over a month prior to being freed. "No horror in the Interstellar Kingdom's arsenal can compete with Yamataian resolve," Ketsurui-taii said in a Yuletide interview on the Kuvexian front. "I will always hold with me the most solemn gratitude for the brave Rikugun warriors and my fleet compatriots who...
Kyoto, Yamatai - The First Expeditionary Fleet's Flagship, the YSS Tokyo, arrived in the Yamatai System in time for the holiday festivities after a successful mission to the Tange System. First Expeditionary Fleet forces engaged the Kuvexians in the Tange System and successfully cleared Tange IV of a Rixxikor infestation using the new Type 42 Nodal Delivery Munition. Rixxikor reacted as expected to the new weapon's deployment, those who survived the initial bombardment were quick to remove themselves from the planet by any means they could manage. The Yugumo Corporation has promised colonists on Tange IV, that their world which was occupied by the Rixxikor since early YE 42, would be an immediate priority for relief and rebuilding...
Kyoto, Yamatai - In a memo today, Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, the new commander Star Army Personnel, announced that she would be conducting a review of Star Army of Yamatai awards and medals and making revisions as needed in the upcoming month and implementing the changes at the start of YE 43. Hanako said she was reviewing the similar medals of the Tenure Award (also called the Notable Career Award), Distinguished Career Award, and Experience Award and considering a merge. As an example, the function of the exerience award is essentially the same as a Service Award with a 5 pinned on it and is therefore redundant. One change has already been announced: The Starship Award's requirements will be changed from serving on 3 starships...
Ft. Minori, Nataria - Months after Nataria was attacked by fleets upon fleets of Kuvexian warships, the work continues to rebuild the heavily-damaged Fort Minori. Rubble has been removed and new buildings are going up, but the deadly attack looms in the memory of the survivors, who must ask: What's next? As the hub of Star Army Personnel Command, which is currently and temporarily operating out of Kyoto under the command of newly-minted Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, the massive base is still fulfilling its role by moving and processing huge numbers of personnel on their way to new assignments like the rebuilt Second Fleet, and other new ships of the fleet. But, for now, its seems like the Kuvexian War has entered a much calmer...