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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
SANDRA reporters have learned that all contact with Fort Jal, a small Star Army base on planet Miu I in the Miu star system, has been lost. Upon investigation by SANDRA correspondents and Star Army Recon forces, it appears that the soldiers there were all killed by mercenaries working for the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. The base was one of the smallest Star Army forts, primarily composed of temporary containerized habitat modules and minimally manned. It was primarily there to cement Yamatai's claim on the Miu system. A surprise attack by a large group of enemy-allied paramilitary mercenary forces behind Yamataian lines left the occupants with little chance. The attack was apparently such a surprise and so lethal that there was no...
Kyoto, Yamatai - This evening Star Army Intelligence revealed new reports detailing the size and scope of the enemy forces invading the Kikyo Sector, based on observations by scout ships, sensor networks, civilian reports, and data from the Battle of Hanako's Star. Here's what we know so far: The Kuvexian Navy: Currently the Kuvexian Navy is the strongest force in the invasion and makes up less than 30% of the invaders but because they are clearing the way for other invaders, it is often encountered by Star Army of Yamatai forces and typcially does the work of actually capturing star systems. Kuvexian Naval forces are operating in what SAINT describes as "Battle Groups" which are fleet-size elements of 2,800 ships each. The Typical...
Kyoto, Yamatai - The Star Army of Yamatai announced today that, isolated and surrounded by the Kuvexians, Hanako's Star was attacked by five massive fleets of Kuvexian Navy Warships in rapid succession, smashing the Star Army's best defenses in what quickly became a last stand by Taisho Eikan Minato's Sixth Fleet and by the Tenth Fleet, which had been send to reinforce the defense. At this time, it appears that losses are almost total and survivors are few. With the Star Army pushed out of the way, the Kuvexians have begun the ground invasion of Hanako's World, depriving the Empire of one of its most beautiful and abundance tropical planets, which produced a significant portion of the Empire's food supply. OOC: For more info see...
Kyoto, Yamatai - Star Army Officials reported today that all contact with Star Army forces in the Kazumi System (formerly called UX-6) was lost and that the Kazumi Star Fotress and all starships there were destroyed in a rapid and massive invasion by golden-hulled batteships from the Kuvexian Interstellar Navy, followed by a seemingly endless wave of corporate profiteers and opportunistic privateers. Additional star systems conquered by the invasion forces are: UX-1, UX-3, The Kuvexians have also begun taking over non-Yamataian star systems near the Southern borders of Yamatai and Nepleslia like Sbuhfaba, Moriva, Kimirthro, and Nellrun. Reports of additional systems being claimed by swarms of enemy ships are coming in every few hours...
Hanako's World - Reports are coming in that Kuvexian Ships have appeared in huge numbers to enter the Ketsurui Military Sector. Taisho Eikan Minato, commander of the Sixth Fleet, is reporting heavy losses defending her fleet's home system, Hanako's World. The frontier star systems of UX-11, UX-13, UX-15, UX-16, UX-17, UX-19, UX-20, and UX-21 have already been completely overrun and claimed by the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. These worlds primarily contained mining outposts and defensive Star Army of Yamatai facilities, such as the UX-13 Training Center, and their loss will reduce the Star Army's ability to make new starships. Kuvexian planetary forces have reached the surface on Hanako's World and on Himiko. Due to the speed of...