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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Apollo, Essia (YINN) -- The seventh fleet has been pouring into Essia, ships of all shapes and sizes are docked with the Himitsu Star Fortress and in every city or town with a landing pad. Many ships are granting leave on Essia in preparation for a long deployment. The precise location of this deployment is currently unknown. Chujo Issus Elapide, Seventh Fleet's chief of communication, said Kayōbi more than six hundred ships are in Essia ready to launch into a deployment far from Yamatai's borders. Notably missing are Seventh Fleet's two dreadnaughts, YSS Battle of the Binary Stars-II and YSS Battle of Essia, and their escorts. It isn’t clear why those two capital ships are missing when almost the rest of the fleet is gathered in...
Central Fleet Depot - In a move to augment the culinary experience of the troops, the Star Army of Yamatai has incorporated the Type 45 Field Ration by Komorebi Foods into its inventory. This ration brings a delightful assortment of desserts alongside essential food items, hitting a sweet spot with the soldiers. It is the Star Army version of the new Individual Sustainment Field Ration. As a competitive measure, Ketsurui Zaibatsu has also sweetened the deal by adding dessert packets to the Type 38 Field Ration. Soldiers now find comfort in the newfound availability of desserts, which is a morale booster amid the demanding life in the cosmos. The long shelf life of these rations underscores the Star Army's readiness for military...
YINN: AKINA-TSENLAN YE 45.8 The emergency interim election called to replace seated senator Airwin Caeyara (Tetsuya Eitan) as he stepped down from both the Senate seat and as Aestaesys of Tsenlan to return to the United Norian Imperium as Sol'Aestaesys has concluded. Without much surprise, Cheol Eitan, the new Aestaesys of Tsenlan has taken the spot as Akina-Tsenlan's Senator on the Yamatai Imperial Senate. Cheol, a former MERN Admiral, who also has aspirations to join the Star Army has had a life devoted to service and to the Norian people. He's promised the same cooperative representation for both the Yamataian and Norian populations on Akina, and to continue to support the building of the City of Asarthotar as the home for the...
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