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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
"There's a protest outside of the Senate today, the third in the past week focused on the lack of ESDF responsiveness against the steadily increasing reports of piracy," the crimson-winged reporter announced as the screen behind him panned across a gathered crowd of several hundred Elysians, many of whom toting signs they shoved upwards to make them visible. Scrawled on the signs were varying messages, often four words or less; "PROTECT OUR PEOPLE!" "DOWN WITH THE IDLE!" "ESDF NEEDS ACTION!" The feed zooms out again, as the reporter resumes speaking, "The Senate has so far refused to authorize Yamtaian aid for this issue, leaving many citizens at the fringes of our civilization at risk. With even entire vessels and merchant fleets...
22日 4月 YE 45 Sato Junichi, YINN Correspondent A video plays of a Mizumoto Class Frontier Development Vessel (in Fujiko Development Corporation livery) is seen developing navcomm buoys within an asteroid belt. Jinshan Class Mining Ships can be seen in the background, multistruct beams deconstructing a cluster of asteroids. In a groundbreaking move, the Ryu Keiretsu's joint venture with Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing (Fujiko Development Corporation) has announced a major purchase of Yomawari-Class Navigation and Communication (NavComm) Buoys. The aim of this initiative is to bring order and structure to the Fujiko, Rufusland, and Ukmirt systems, which have long been characterized by their resident population's anarchic nature...
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