Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Mandatory Upgrades

The first in itself is not bad, but it's high-maintenance. It will require people to make answering posts you...probably won't bother to look at or monitor anyways.

The second saves you that, but also has this personnal touch from Yui reaching out to her own. more importantly, it shows Yui as a being that thinks and reacts to bad situations just like our characters are. On a roleplaying-level, I like it much more. It doesn't solve everything... but then, maybe we should save ourselves too via the senate.

The NH-29 was supposed to be its own species. You changed that at some point... but now that it isn't the latest hardware out anymore, maybe that can be changed back to what I actually designed... and the whole species issue resolved? That way, the equipment body aspect of the nekos would remain, but only in the nominally more powerful bodies?

Let's face it: the tech in the nekos isn't something neighboring factions overly envies anyways - so keeping it all hidden/copy-protected is really not worth that much of a bother. Humans don't worry about it and seem to be doing fine. >_>

As for the module, maybe the "native (NH-29) nekovalkyrja" would not need it? It seems inefficient to me anyways; just have them log in on a PANTHEON node, and the latter securised device would then route all demands this way if they are authorized.
Well I mostly agree with what Fred said. Though number 1 is a bit more better because then you get to keep the body forever. Not sure, why number 2 has you "upgrade" on death. Seriously put away the "upgrade" on death part of seconds option and it is a rocker.

I got a question though? Wouldn't it be easier to just retcon Yui's order away and plays as if it never happened?
I think the first part works. Can we assume the orders get approved, though? So we're not waiting for posts ... though if it's just a boilerplate ...
ShotJon said:
I got a question though? Wouldn't it be easier to just retcon Yui's order away and plays as if it never happened?

Probably due to how Sigma reacted to it. He's the only one - I think - whom made an in-universe IC reaction to it.
Since the order makes a distinction between Neko and Geshrin/NH-22C:

Nekovalkyrja using older body types are required to transfer into an NH-33 model by 1 January YE 36. Geshrin and NH-22C Yamataians should transfer to Minkan bodies.

then it follows that the wording for article 4 allows for Geshrin/NH-22C to remain in the Star Army after YE 36 without punishment:

4. Soldiers are barred from receiving any favorable personnel actions (awards, promotions, or pay increases) until the transfer is completed. Any Nekovalkyrja who remains in an older body type after the start of YE 36 will be subject to disciplinary action for failure to obey my direct orders.

though, of course, they would still be barred from favorable personnel actions.

Is this correct? If that wasn't the intention, it should probably be edited.
That is a correct interpretation, Raz.

Why aren't Nepleslians and species from tribute systems (Kodians, Phods, etc.) also barred? Other than really cool new spacebear-in-uniform art, what do they have that natural born Geshrin or Yamataians — many of whom are pretty much ideal citizens because of their actual lifetime of socialization — do not?
ICly, The idea is that natural species don't become obsolete, whereas the Minkan has replaced the Geshrin and NH-22C.

On the OOC side of things, I'm trying to reduce species clutter. Hopefully the Minkan will be the civilian body to last for a long long time.
Case in point when I started playing 5 years ago. The site said that "Geshrin as a species have mostly been replaced (via mental transfers) by their improved version, the Yamataian, and are considered obsolete." So most new human characters were NH-22C Yamataians or Nepleslian. Then lately more and more Geshrin have been showing up.
Another question. Will Star Army Personnel Management honor exceptions to article 4 issued by a soldier's chain of command? In other words, will Chujo Minori's people stop Chujo Fujita or Chujo Opal or Chujo Shida's orders if they were to ignore article 4 on the chance they value certain personnel assets who cannot upgrade for ~reasons~? Or would that create an awkward bureaucratic mess?
How do the 22 bodies become any more obsolete than the bodies they were created to replace in the first place? That seems like remarkably faulty logic to me. Even if you go with the "your body is equipment" theory, a restriction order based on one body should apply to all if the only reason is age of the system. I'd like to see a MUCH more thought out reason than that, especially IC where this is supposed to make sense.
Another question. Will Star Army Personnel Management honor exceptions to article 4 issued by a soldier's chain of command? In other words, will Chujo Minori's people stop Chujo Fujita or Chujo Opal or Chujo Shida's orders if they were to ignore article 4 on the chance they value certain personnel assets who cannot upgrade for ~reasons~? Or would that create an awkward bureaucratic mess?
No, Star Army Personnel is bound to follow command's orders. Any officer that interferes with a command from the Star Army's commander would definitely face a court martial and it'd be the end of their career.

How do the 22 bodies become any more obsolete than the bodies they were created to replace in the first place? That seems like remarkably faulty logic to me. Even if you go with the "your body is equipment" theory, a restriction order based on one body should apply to all if the only reason is age of the system. I'd like to see a MUCH more thought out reason than that, especially IC where this is supposed to make sense.
Because the NH-31 is a replacement for the NH-22, the NH-22 is no longer required and the Star Army of Yamatai is actively trying to phase them out. Ideally, the restriction will encourage the YSE population in general to ditch the NH-1 and NH-22 body types. I can, as faction manager, just say most of the population switched to the Minkan body, but I can't do that with the PCs. That's where the order comes in.
Why is this still being even disscussed when those upgrades are not even mandatory anymore? Except for NH27s of course.

Case in point when I started playing 5 years ago. The site said that "Geshrin as a species have mostly been replaced (via mental transfers) by their improved version, the Yamataian, and are considered obsolete." So most new human characters were NH-22C Yamataians or Nepleslian. Then lately more and more Geshrin have been showing up.

I think most people make Geshrins because they want to play geshrins aka the good old. Geshrin still feel natural, unlike NH-22C or Minkan who are clearly artificial, which could be still a good reason for you to play geshrins. Besides Geshrins are cool, people want to play cool stuff and if you compare it to Minkan, then there is quite clearly much less geshrins anyway, so it is not as if Minkan body was not used. It is, it is used a lot.
Shotjon: The upgrades are still mandatory. When I posted possible solutions for the NH-29 there was very little support for them, so I never implemented those.
Shotjon: The upgrades are still mandatory. When I posted possible solutions for the NH-29 there was very little support for them, so I never implemented those.

Little support? I don't think Fred, Myself, Aendri, Kai, and Sigma count as little support, Wes. ^^; I'm all for those two solutions. The latter one obviously works best due to it being less of a burden on you.
There was quite a bit of support to rescind the mandatory orders Wes, not just here on the board but also in IRC.
The Nekovalkryja update order has been amended to allow NH-29s to continue to be used until the run out. This will allow them to gradually phase out as their owners upgrade or get killed.
Except they still won't get any promotions and commendations for their service correct? If they 'do not' upgrade.