Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Can You Hear Me, Major Tom?


Inactive Member
Hello everyone out there in Star Army land! I'm a veteran play-by-posts RPer and storyteller by nature, I once had the dream to build an open sci-fi RP forum like this but lacked any resemblance of motivation, initiative, or effort.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm ecstatic to have stumbled upon this glorious system you all have created here--you saved me a lot of work! ;)

I've done my browsing of species (my stars, who let those frightening Mishhuvurthyar in here?) and I've pretty much set my heart on the Iromakuanhe. They are still playable, yes? I've picked up that there are not any active campaigns with them, but I was hoping to be an explorer that could just stumble into any on-going campaign that would take me.

Greetings and welcome to SARP! And I have to say, well done on uncovering that much already on the wiki without any help - there is a daunting amount of information on there to slog through for a first timer!

You seem to have gotten yourself started fairly well, but it may be worth jumping into the IRC channel a few times and talking with some of the members lurking there. There are usually at least one or two who are active and will answer any questions you might have, as well as give you some ideas (and shamelessly plug their own plots, LOL). You might want to have a look at the list of active plots on the wiki, which will give you all of the relevant information about the most high-profile and active RP threads going on presently. Most of the GMs would probably be happy to have an Iromakuanhe aboard, although each plot's requirements will vary.

I also noticed that you stuck a note on my discussion thread regarding the independent plot I'm working on starting! While I'm thrilled that you are interested, I'm afraid the maximum number of people the plot can accomodate have already shown an interest in it. However, I haven't put up an official sign-up thread to solidify everyone's place yet, so if someone backs out, disappears from the discussion for too long, or if you can sweet-talk one of the interested parties into letting a newcomer take their place, you're welcome to join! Please feel free to continue to participate in the discussion on this thread as well, whether there is room for you or not, as I'm eager to hear as much feedback as possible, as well as get a feel for who will be active enough to keep the plot moving as quickly as I would like it to. Even if I can't make room for you at first, there's no guarantee a spot won't open up for you in the future. :)

Don't hesitate to ask PM me or ping me on IRC if you have any further questions. If I can't help you, I bet I can point you to someone who can. :)
Hello everyone out there in Star Army land! I'm a veteran play-by-posts RPer and storyteller by nature, I once had the dream to build an open sci-fi RP forum like this but lacked any resemblance of motivation, initiative, or effort.
Haha! I think a lot of folks do, and you're probably better off as a player than an admin because running this place takes a lot of effort and can sometimes be very stressful (and sometimes, expensive). But somehow we've made it through 11 years without dying or turning into an impenetrable clique or other horrible fates. You and your ideas are very much welcome here and I really look forward to seeing how you'll bring your ideas to this sci-fi universe which is a big amalgamation of many imaginations, as well as the stories you'll join and create via RP.

As far as I can see, there's no dedicated Iromakuanhe plot to join right now, but characters are mostly faction-portable and you can have him join a plot in Nepleslia or Yamatai or an independent plot like the one Sienna is about to start. You can also start a thread-based RP in open roleplay (note: Open RP forum doesn't require character approval or anything, so you can hop in as desired).

As with Sienna, I'm here to help and do whatever I can to make this site work for your RP needs, so just ask.
Awesome, thanks for the greetings! I'll hop around some threads and see what sort of shipmate they're looking for as I build this character, I'm confident I'll find my niche :)

I'll hit up IRC too for some questions when I have time later. Particularly I want to know the process/rules on starting a character with a ship, something small like a single-seat cockpit scouter/fighter. (Or those sweet, sweeeeeet, probably-now-expired frame runners.
I'm okay with you starting with a ship or a frame, provided it's issued by a government or something. Open RP would probably be the way to go for that. If you want to personally own it, earn cash in the RP somehow (we limit new characters to 3000 KS or the equivalent for fairness' sake).
Fantastic, thank you for all the help! It so happens I just uncovered the area addressing ships, I will give it a good read-through before I go taping metal together to brave the stars.
If you have a particular type in mind, let me know and I'll try to help you find one. The toughest part is of course that Star Army's ship design community is obsessed with military starships and if you're looking for a civilian one, they're harder to find. Though I'm not sure which you're looking for. We can also custom-make a ship if needed.
This is the most comprehensive list of civilian ships I've found on the wiki so far. There are more out there, but Geshrinari Shipyards seems to have the most detailed civilian ships currently available, if you'd like a place to start.
I... love you both. You are refreshingly patient and compassionate for as long as this forum has operated. Thank you :)

And as far as type of ship, I'm between something agile with decent weaponry but low shielding, or something stealthy and sensitive. The pilot I have in mind would either be an interceptor or a scout, but a frame runner would be neat if all else fails :P
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Another note with Origin Industries stuff- It is perfectly acceptable for your character to use their starting cash as down payment on a loan for a ship, just talk with the FM of Origin, whom happens to be me, about it, and we can iron out some details, like figuring out which ship class would be most appropriate, and what the best way to go about acquiring something would be.
A civilian Tenba seems like it'd be a small, useful ship usable by a single character. It's it's only 40K. I didn't really find anything that size (e.g. Runabout) on the Origin side, with the Courier 2C being kind of too big.
Origin has the Mule ultralight freighter, which is around the same size as the tenba, but only costs 24,000 ks. The tenba is somewhat nicer, but the mule has a better cargo capacity, so it can be taken into consideration.
There's another option, although you'll have to talk to Nashoba first, as it's a work in progress currently and isn't available for use in the RP quite yet. He's working on a list of used Jinsoku small freighters available for purchase at a discounted price, and although most of them have something significantly wrong with them, it would leave you with a smaller debt to pay off with a small down payment. I imagine they will be approved for use within the next few weeks. If you work with the faction manager for the organization that manufactures a specific ship you like, I'm sure you could work out a similar arrangement. Flawed, beat-up ships that come "as-is" give more RP opportunities (since you'd have to deal with malfunctions and repairs yourself) than brand-new ones still under warranty anyway. :)

The only other stipulation is that the used Jinsoku with hull number F7-0124 (the last one on the list I linked) is already spoken for, so don't touch it unless you want a very irate Nepleslian with questionable morals after you. *wicked grin* :)
Oooo these are all lovely and perfect!

I'm thinking:
Jinkan-class Escort
Ge-V1-1a Hoshou Fighter
Or F7-0013 / F7-0920 from Nashoba

What are the limitations on me starting my character with a ship I create?

(I still have not been on IRC yet, thank you all for continuing to answer my questions here while I deal with RL busy things!)
There basically aren't any, other than the aforementioned starting gear limit, and common sense (basically, it has to be plausible the ship could have been obtained--you can put that in your character history).