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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 2.0] - Salvage

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Cockpit - Concordia Veil

Amelia idly stared at the Star Army vessel go on about its drill. She reached around the underside of the Dusk's helmet to remove it, unlocking with a click and releasing it with a hiss as the pressure inside the helmet equaled with the pressure of the cockpit, then turned around to regard Oreza. "Well, at least they're not threatening to blow us up and sell us as slaves if we don't do as we're told," the astrogator replied, shrugging her shoulders and scratching he head as she waited.
Shuttle, Cockpit

Dylan startled when he saw the Yamatai ship doom up. What the hell are they doing here? He thought. But he was relieved that some help had arrived. But he was still waiting for Six Four. " Where the hell is he?!" Dylan said. Then he got back on the radio and broadcasted: " I repeat, this is Dylan Bjarkmar reporting. Does anyone copy? And Six Four, where are you?"
Concordia Veil - Lounge

"Psh," Sienna replied lazily, slumping back into the couch on which Oreza had put her, and accepted the glass of water with one hand. She squinted with one eye at the glass, holding it inches in front of and slightly above her face, watching the light filter through it. "Fine, fine, whatever... long as y'all keep that roller-coaster ride going," she murmured with a sleepy grin, but when she finally pulled her hypnotized gaze off of the glass and looked where Oreza had been standing, the big man was already gone. She snorted and shook her head, then kicked her feet up on the couch and set the glass on her stomach to lie down with one arm tucked behiind her head. Raising the glass to her lips to take a drink, she fell asleep before she could, and her grip relaxed, laying the glass down sideways on her collarbone, dumping its contents all over her neck, shoulders, and chest. It didn't seem to bother her, however, since seconds later she was softly snoring, sprawled out across the sofa, one leg dangling off onto the floor.

Six Four peeked its head around the corner as the light started to fade away. Keeping the pipe handy it slowly crept back towards the exit, keeping its wits about it as it slowly tried to escape and stalk its former pursuer. It carefully took each step through the debris filled hallway ducking to avoid the occasional chair or other piece of space detritus. Its own flashlight was very dimly lit, casting an eerie glow down the hallway as the faceless Freespacer crept slowly inch by inch with its pipe ready to be hurled at the first sign of trouble.

From: Stichtech $&# 64-4406-2207
To: Concordia Veil

This One has tossed the last survivor at the ship. Please do not vaporize any moving bodies floating around in space. Exception, the individuals currently trying to kill us. This one is currently trying to escape the derelict ship once again without being killed by aforementioned individuals, only one known currently perusing this one.

System Note: The sender of this message may have deleted, or altered the message coding, please check with your data provider if not all the text is shown or readable.
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Concordia Veil - Cockpit

Leaning closer to the displays and placing the helmet behind and above her on the command platform once more, Amelia fished the radio headset for herself. It seemed like the Yamataians weren't answering whoever that person was, and it was already getting bothersome. Putting the device on, she pressed one of the sides against her ear, "This is the ISS Concordia Veil, just stay where you are and try not to scratch the shuttle, Dylan. The Yamataians are here," she said.

The astrogator let her hand go of the headset and turned to one of the volumetric displays, changing the message she had sent to the SAoY vessel to the one from Six-Four. She quickly wrote a reply and sent it.

From: Concordia Veil
To: Stichtech $&# 64-4406-2207

Help is here, standby
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Dylan listened for a while after he did broadcast. A mysterious voice came through, asking him to standby. After a minute or two had passed, he looked to the small ship below him. " Could I text them perhaps?" He said. He looked for a writing console and opened a link. Then he wrote:

 From: Dylan Bjarkmar
To: Unknown vessel

Hello, My name is Dylan Bjarkmar, and I'm in a shuttle directly above you.  I will try to align this shuttle's airlock with yours, do you copy?
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Six Four was curious as to what this help was, why wasn't it kept up to date with the situation outside? It would have a stern talking to about that with the capitan, or it least it thought so until it remembered that the one called Sienna was currently in no position to be talked to. A note to mention it was noted to itself before Six Four began to make the trek back towards the surface. As it neared the 'exit' it noticed a few more sets of lights, ducking back into cover it slowly poked its head around to get a better view of the sets of lights. Fourtunetly it seemed that the new lights were coming from something that didn't seem to hostile, though judging from the suits and weapons they were military, and yammatian at that. The Doctor sighed to itself shaking its head. 'Why did it have to be yammatians? This one would of much rather preferred something else, Garts even, but not the space cats.' Shaking its head again it figured it might as well make the best of the situation, taking out its data pad it typed up a bold message to display to them as it approached as friendly as possible.


This one is Unit 64-4406-2207, please refrain from shooting this one, it is a doctor and has had enough excitement for one day. Side note, do you have any replacement medical saw blades, This one has appeared to have broken its.

The Freespacer could see a heavily-armed squad of Nekovalkyrja in armor. The Yamataian Nekovalkyrja were clearly talking to each other, although not one audible word passed through their lips or microphones. During this time some looked to their leader but there was always at least one with her eyes on Six Four. After their silent discussion, the lead woman waved the spacer closer. "Are you a crew member of the Concordia Veil?" she asked, immediately followed by more questions. "What is your nationality? Are you a member of the Wired Rovers, Guild of Cyberempathy, or the Opportunists' Social Club? Are there any other life forms aboard this wreck?" The Nekovalkyrja were now scanning Six Four with handheld sensors and undoubtedly looking her up in various intelligence databases.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

Shrie watched her screen, a trickle of sweat slowl traveling down the side of her head. Yamatai was here now. That was both good and bad. They did come to help with The Vampire, but where Yamatai got, troubles usually followed closely. Every Lorath knew that. Shrie looked Amelia's way. "You think cats go in here?" Shrie asked, being clearly nervous. "I do not like cats." She added as a tiny bit of explanation why she was worried. It was actually a bit more than that. Shrie was worried if Yamatai would somehow had some data about her past involvement with Lazarus. To be frank, there was no chance of that happening, but she was still worried.
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Six Four cocked its head to the side before stowing its datapad in its suits cargo pocket, and firing up its suits own radio.

"This one is not apart of any of those organizations, however it is apart of the
FFCS, the Fellows of the Freespacer Collective of Surgeons. This one primary task is a surgeon and is also a qualified doctor, psychoanalyst is a function this one is trying to improve due to.... Certain members of this ones crew." Six Four said in its usual computerized droning, taking a moment to pause to either let the information sink in or to catch its breath, "This one is from The Dauntless Machinist, and considers its nationality to be a Freespacer, though it does fall under the protectorate of Nepleslia... which would make this one a Nepleslian if this one understands correctly, but this one is a Doctor not a Politician and the fundamentals of individual ownership by an authoritative group of individuals in charge of for all intensive purposes an imaginary structure controlling several regions of space rather silly. This ones actions are not dictated by this governing so it is in charge of itself. However this ones gentic kin does pilot for the NSN, in particular the NSS Venus so it has to show some sign of appreciation."

Six Four payed no heed towards the Armored individuals as it droned on , answering their questions in its normal roundabout fashion.

"As for living orginizims abord this ship, This one has located none, though there maybe some still alive in pockets or sealed rooms on this vessel. This one rescued one, a Geshrin if it recalls, though hard to distinguish in a space suit. Last this one knew of him, this one had thrown him at the Concordia for rescue, odds of survival this one calculated at 72.48777 repeating of course , fairly good odds considering we were being attacked by hostile forces. Forces of which this one has no knowledge of origin or affiliation. There helmets were decorated in something this ones sister would consider 'cool' though what relative temperature has to do with dress this one has no idea."

From the looks of it, the yamatians would most likely get the freespacers lifestory if they let it continue.

Oreza shrugged as he watched the sensors. "I agree, they are often trouble" he replied to shrie. "But they did chase off the slavers and we are in their space. If we were in Nepleslian space one of our ships would bd poking around just as much" he said.
As Dylan closed in on the Veil, he could now see many more details from the small ship. With his little knowledge of ships, he made out that it was a Cargo Runner, but which type he did not know. He saw that the airlock was on top of the ship, and steered towards it.
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After some blind poking around with the controls, Dylan managed to figure out how to reorient the shuttle, but not before purging the atmosphere in the cargo hold, toggling the running lights a few times, and rebalancing the shuttle's energy reserves entirely to the life support system for a few seconds, leaving nothing else for the engines. At last he found the velocity controls, and the smallish shuttle jerkily veered towards the Concordia Veil's position, rapidly picking up speed. It wasn't long before Dylan began to realize that he had accelerated far too quickly, and was now rocketing straight for the Jinsoku freighter like a missile. In a panic he tried to veer off of his course, but only succeeded in cutting thrust and spinning the shuttle around like a top. It continued on its trajectory, spinning wildly out of control, and at the last second managed to apply just enough thrust to divert his course, barely avoiding a collision with the Veil by less than fifty feet.

A loud crash and a series of blaring alarms later, Dylan realized he had slammed the dorsal side of the shuttle into one of the floating chunks of debris, leaving him disoriented and confused. Red flashing blazons on several screens warned of a hull breach in the cargo area.

"Uh, okay," the lead Nekovalkayrja interrupted, "We are pleased to rescue you. Please follow the team members to our shuttle. We will search the rest of the abandoned ship and then the shuttle will bring you to your ship and any other survivors to our ship." The armored Nekovalkyrja lowered their weapons and escorted Six Four to a shuttled connected to a damaged airlock on the wreck's hull. An air retention forcefield marked the entrance to the cramped passenger section, where there were six cushioned seats, a minifridge, and a coffee machine. A medic in a spacesuit was also inside with a medical scanner. "こんにちは," she greeted Six Four.


The greenish glow of a graviton beam shot out from the Kasagi's tail and started hauling the damaged shuttle towards the gunship's shuttle bay. "Unidentified shuttle, you appear to be in need of assistance," the Yamataian ship transmitted at it. "Prepare for docking."
Cockpit - Concordia Veil

"What the hell is that idiot doing!" Amelia said when she was preparing to give the Lorath woman an answer, partially getting up while on her seat as she stared at the shuttle do its maneuvers. She couldn't believe it, she had just told him to stay put and there he was trying to crash the damaged shuttle. Her head turned around to Shrie, to confirm if the Lorath was also seeing that and it wasn't an hallucination, "What the hell is he doing?!" She repeated, watching as the shuttle passed very close to the Veil.

The astrogator slumped back on her seat, bringing both hands towards her head in disbelief as she watched the shuttle slowly get towed away by the Yamataian ship.
Shrie watched her own screen to see the unfortunate meeting between shuttle and debris. She looked at Amelia and shrugged. "Suicide?" Shrie offered an answer that came to her mind. "Perhaps he does not know words in Trade?"

"Bloody hell" Oreza growled as he watched the shuttle swing in on them and slammed into wreckage, then get snatched up by the Yamataian ship's tractor beam.

The Nepleslian let out a breath and glanced at the others. "That was close"
Shrie narrowed her eyes as she looked. "That shuttle," she said in a low voice. "Is it mine now? I do not know the law. Is he breaking my shuttle?"
Yammatian Shuttle

Six Four cocked its head to the side when it saw the rather lavish interior of the rescue shuttle. "Query: This is a military craft yes?" It said before stepping inside and investigating the contents of the mini-fridge.
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Concordia Veil - Cockpit

"I guess it's not yours anymore," Amelia replied, watching the damaged shuttle approach the yamataian ship. It seemed that they would leave there empty handed, worse yet, there were still the repairs that would have to be done after the beating the ship took. Not if she could help it, though. "YSS Kesagee; ISS Concordia Veil. Is there some sort of compensation for finding the ordnance inside the wreck?" She asked, pressing the headset against her ear again
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