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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 2.0] - Salvage

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Oreza settled himself back into the pilot's station next to Amelia. He did not interrupt her as she dealt with the Yamataian warship.

Some compensation would be nice, he mused, especially after the beating they had taken while evading that Vampire. He was not getting his hope's up about it thought. What a state this would put them in. Fuel costs and other assorted expenses that piled up on any flight aside, the repairs the Veil needed would dig a fine big financial hole for them to work their way out of. What a fine mess this was.
Shrie scratched her head, it was not like she needed or wanted the shuttle. It was that it was still something that could have prove to be useful. Now she had nothing yet again. Just her clothes and knife as usual. "Can I stay then? I work good. Cook good, can clean. I am strong too." Shrie tried to sell herself. She wanted to have a place. Living on the street is not great. Far from it actually. Being part of the crew is much nicer, especially if there is food and shelter. Some booze would be nice too.

"Yes," one of the rescue Nekovalkyrja said though her armor's helmet's voicebox. She closed the airlock door behind them. Inside the refrigerator, Six Four found a bottle of orange juice, some cans of soda and beer, a severed hand, and an apple pie.

"If you could take your seat please," a Nekovalkyrja urged Six Four as he shuttle began now moving.

In moments the Star Army shuttle was heading towards the Concordia Veil.

Concordia Veil - Cockpit.

"No," the reply came. But it was followed by an opportunity. "But is there something you need, Concordia Veil?" the Kasagi's captain asked.
Cockpit - Concordia Veil

'Damn it,' Amelia thought, her lips curling as she considered the prospect of leaving empty-handed. "Come on, throw me a bone here; we suspended the salvage operation as soon as we found survivors, only to take a major beating from whoever that hostile ship was," she pleaded. The astrogator took a brief pause, thinking of what to say next, "we did the right thing and paid for it," she said, waiting to see for what the Kasagi's captain would offer.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

Apparently Amelia's plea was poorly worded, because the response from the Yamataian ship was, "Do you also expect a handout when you piss in the toilet instead of on the carpet? Prepare for shuttle docking."

In seconds the ship shook slightly as the shuttle latched its airlock on to Concordia Veil's central docking airlock, allowing Six Four to board.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

"Asshole," Amelia spat as she removed the headset, almost ripping the thing off her head. What had wounded her more about it was the way they acted about it; when she had been in a tight spot in Nepleslia Prime her saviors had helped her and assisted afterwards in the best way they could, without asking anything in return just like she had just a few seconds ago with Shrie. It wasn't her job nor obligation to help anyone in derelict, but it had been the Yamataian's, who still acted all high and mighty by arriving when the real threat was gone. She wasn't one for strong feelings, but the ordeal just made her hate them even more.

"I'm done talking to them," the astrogator said to Oreza, she wasn't gonna beg any longer. While what had happened in Nepleslia Prime was something she could easily forget, what had happened wasn't.

Six Four looked over its shoulder at the helmeted neko, and was about to ask about the severed hand until it remembered what happened the last time a Freespacer questioned the SAoY. Six Four preferred living at the moment so it sat down and shut up and waited for the shuttle to return it 'home'.


As soon as it was able, the Doctor quickly returned to the relative safety that was the Veil, more so its 'office'. Once inside it was hard not to notice the mess that had become of it due to the ship being blasted about in space. With a digital sigh emitted from the free spacers helmet as it began to clean up and re-sort its books and files, thankfully Specimen One haddent been knocked over it would be a pain to hunt him down on the ship... not to mention what troubble a micro-space aligator could cause.
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