Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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READ ME Roleplaying In Nepleslia, and "Bothering" The Faction Manager


Inactive Member
Alright, folks.

We are starting to get a lot of new players in, so I am making this thread as a general "Ask the Faction Manager Anything" and a clarification with regards on how to roleplay in Nepleslia. Please direct your questions here.

I do not believe in giving new players, or any players, a strict guideline on what they need to do. How you choose to enjoy roleplaying on this site and in the faction of Nepleslia is your sole prerogative.

However, there are several cultural norms and established canon to keep in mind. I will be posting more regarding these points in the future.

Please keep in mind any blue text is a hyperlink to either music for entertainment or information directly related to the theme of each post's discussion. SO CLICK ON THE BLUE LINKS, DAMNIT.
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What truly defines Nepleslia as a faction?


Where other nations may have more elegant looking armor and spaceships, Nepleslia prides itself on brutal functionality. The enemies of Nepleslia will not remember how awe-inspiring we are; only the cold and unyielding armor and fire we bring upon them as we lay waste to all they know and hold dear.

When those from other factions choose to be tactful, a Nepleslian will always speak his or her mind and never mince words, no matter how many fights come close to diplomatic crises. This is a point of pride for us. We test ourselves and others.

There is order within societies across the setting. Nepleslia as a faction sees violence and vice on a daily basis within society. Guns, drugs, and violence permeates Nepleslian society, as it is a manifestation of the degree of freedom to which your average Nepleslian is afforded, and can seem almost anarchic to an outsider.

However, there is nothing more sacred and true than the tendency for Nepleslia to go from the most dysfunctional family to galvanizing and hardening into the toughest peoples' the setting has seen against a threat to our faction.

Nepleslia has not won its security through diplomacy and nice words. In us, no one will find better allies or worse enemies. The Imperium has been forged in fire, metal, and blood.
It is forever how we will march ahead.

Welcome to Nepleslia.

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On Our Neighbors and Origins

New players must keep in mind, that what makes the Imperium a unique dysfunctional family of violence and vice has had an impact on our neighborly relations. As a result, you will find that characters from other nations will turn their nose up at yours, but who cares?

Another note is that although the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia will remain fiercely independent, it has not always been so. Long a part of the Yamataian Star Empire, the Imperium fought long and hard to gain its independence. As is the fate of nations that break away from a parent one, Nepleslia has seen a fair share of what would be called "aggressive meddling" in its affairs by the Yamataian Star Empire. More detail can be found on this page.

Naturally, resentment and suspicion still exists at every level of Nepleslian society. These feelings coalesce into the outright hatred towards the Neko of Yamatai, as several calamities that have befallen Nepleslia were, either coincidentally or not, coinciding with the appearance of top-level Nekos of the Yamataian Star Empire.

As such, the average Nepleslian holds a great deal of suspicion and resentment, even outright hatred of Nekos. This, for better or worse, is the bedrock upon which most players should initially base their characters' attitudes when confronted with a Neko. While this will change in the future due to a military alliance between Nepleslia, Yamatai and the Lorath, in order to keep canon with Nepleslian history and culture, the attitudes of your characters should reflect accordingly. Time heals all wounds, but it is still too soon to be asking for lessons in Yamataian and eating raw fish.​
A few notes:
  1. The birth of Nepleslia is actually a pretty inspirational story.
  2. It reminds me a lot of America.
  3. Thank you for creating this, I needed the background knowledge.
Not a super new player but a question oh powerful one . The black syndicate , how active isit in our modern nepleslia ,how secretive is it to the common joe , and is it something that our 'government 'is trying to actively stamp out or do they come to blows only when they cross each other ?
Not a super new player but a question oh powerful one . The black syndicate , how active isit in our modern nepleslia ,how secretive is it to the common joe , and is it something that our 'government 'is trying to actively stamp out or do they come to blows only when they cross each other ?

The Black Syndicate is as active in modern Nepleslia as many underworld crime gangs are in the United States. While they are a formidable force for an average Joe to mess with, they are not on the level of say the Mexican cartels' effects on society. As they are currently focusing on "Keeping business up" they are much more low key in Nepleslian society, though the government of the DIoN does consider them a dangerous group, they are sometimes an asset when the DIoN government has to procure materiel for operations that require a lot of plausible deniability.

As there is not enough information from their article, I am going to declare that the Black Syndicate has a lot of high-level fronts in the Nepleslian business sector, similar to the Japanese underworld syndicates in their whole "Operating in plain sight but not really" way of doing things.
As a matter of historic record, I want to point out that during the Nepleslian revolution of YE 28, there wasn't actually a war between Yamatai and the newly-formed Nepleslian Star Empire. The revolution consisted mainly of a lot of rioting, particularly on the YSS Destiny (now NSS Destiny) which is widely regarded as the starting point of the movement. When the Yamataian staff on that ship deployed lethal drone strikes against the rioters, it caused public opinion to turn in favor of the rebellion and shortly thereafter, the Empress issued a treaty decree that created the Nepleslian Star Empire without bloodshed. Later, in YE 30, the NSE reformed itself into the DION.
As a matter of historic record, I want to point out that during the Nepleslian revolution of YE 28, there wasn't actually a war between Yamatai and the newly-formed Nepleslian Star Empire. The revolution consisted mainly of a lot of rioting, particularly on the YSS Destiny (now NSS Destiny) which is widely regarded as the starting point of the movement. When the Yamataian staff on that ship deployed lethal drone strikes against the rioters, it caused public opinion to turn in favor of the rebellion and shortly thereafter, the Empress issued a treaty decree that created the Nepleslian Star Empire without bloodshed. Later, in YE 30, the NSE reformed itself into the DION.

Thanks for providing more background input, Wes.

I should reiterate there have never been open military engagements between the Imperium and the YSE. However, issues such as the reveal of the PNUgen plague, the Freespacer incident, the NMX, etc have soured the image of Yamatai amongst the general Nepleslian populace, which I hope you all will reflect in your PC's interactions. Keep in mind that we are currently in an alliance with the YSE, however, so don't start shooting at anything with cat ears just yet.
Hey y'all, time for a new update.

Military Tactics of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
Nepleslians can rarely count on outnumbering or overpowering an opponent with brute force alone, lacking the sheer numbers or genetic enhancements of their enemies. Instead Soldiers rely on teamwork, technical skill, and technological systems to win the day.

Though mostly Nepleslian, almost anyone is welcome in Nepleslia’s Military. The average soldier, however, comes from Funky City, a massive city that has been filled with gang warfare for decades. These soldiers see the military as a way out from their impoverished lives, working hard to stay out of the slums and earn a good living.

As a result Nepleslian soldiers are very self-reliant, often leading to more discipline issues (compared to the conformist culture of Yamatai) when orders encroach on the core Nepleslian ideas of Freedom and Individualism.

Nepleslian soldiers also tend to lack the genetic enhancements of other military forces, relying heavily on cybernetics and technology to even the playing field. They also tend to lack the numbers of their opponents unless fighting on nepleslia itself.

In the few years after its creation, Nepleslia’s Military had begun modernizing itself to deal with the challenges it faced. The end result was a military force with strong, aggressive, leaders to maintain discipline in the ranks, and advanced, sturdy, technology to overcome opponents.


On the Ground

Man to man, street fighting is second nature to the average Nepleslian, having grown up with it all their lives. Teamwork is still key here, coordinating sensor and personal information to find targets is of up most importance. Once found, soldiers can often count on powerful weapons to take them out, using hard hitting power armor weaponry to blast targets through walls.

On the ground, Nepleslian forces have access to some of the most survivable power armors and hard hitting ground weapons. Infantry forces are backed up by tanks, attack craft, and orbital support. With a lack of numbers and advanced bioweapons (like Yamatai’s NH series) teamwork is key.

The Nepleslian soldier can always count on the Drei computer system in battle to organize fire support with the press of a button, quickly calling in air, tank, starship, or artillery support as needed to deal with threats.

A combined arms approach to combat, ensures that if the soldier doesn’t have the right tool for the job, someone in the group does and is capable of bringing it on target rapidly.

Generally, Nepleslian forces favor a deep-battle approach to an assault. Rather than favoring a single, decisive defeat, Nepleslian ground tactics employ simultaneous maneuvers by several large formations along the length of a defender's line, to be conducted either parallel to each other or subsequently. The goal of this is to induce uncertainty in the defender as to the location of the main objective, and cause a catastrophic failure in a defensive effort.

On a smaller scale, Nepleslian ground forces either probe enemy lines to look for weaknesses, or send a massive amount of firepower on a single point to achieve a breakthrough. Once a breakthrough is achieved, fresh reserve units are sent through enemy lines to wreak havoc behind their lines, or endeavor to encircle or outflank a defender's main defensive force.

On the defense, this deep-battle approach also applies. Favoring a “bend but don't break” approach, Nepleslian ground forces rely on several flexible lines of defense that hold ground and retreat to hold again, or to set up a hedgehog defense where isolated units hold out in order to tie up forces of an enemy assault that could otherwise be used to continue an enemy assault. The goal of this approach is to suck the momentum out of an offensive, or draw an offensive force into a situation where reserve Nepleslian units can counter-attack.

In Space

Formerly, the Nepleslian Star Navy favored a doctrine of Interdiction Dominance, freezing the enemy in place with interdiction fields then destroying them with long range firepower.

In more recent years, the Nepleslian Star Navy has shifted its space doctrine towards that which favors misdirection, maneuver, and overwhelming firepower. In general, the Nepleslian Star Navy is working towards the development of sophisticated Electronic Warfare systems, the goal of which is to either mask an approach or divert the attention of an enemy force, where friendly forces can show up from unexpected vectors and rapidly bring massed firepower upon hostile forces.

However, flexibility is key. Although the Nepleslian Star Navy has several fleets that specialize in grand and large-scale battles to inflict losses through attrition, and other fleets that specialize in maneuver and precise warfare, each fleet should be able to demonstrate a baseline level of competency in either field. Experiments with Officer Exchange Programs, by which Officers are transferred from fleet to fleet, ensure that the Officers of each fleet are at least familiar with each style of warfare, with the option to specialize left up to the individual Officer, who is placed accordingly.

Command is highly decentralized in Nepleslian space doctrine, with mission-type tactics employed. Clear missions are issued from higher-ups to subordinates, and the goals of each mission and time frame are stressed. However, the execution of each mission in terms of when to take the initiative and methods to achieve the mission goals are left up to each individual Admiral in charge of each Fleet, and extends all the way down to Captains of individual ships.

As a result, officers of the Nepleslian Star Navy are increasingly being trained to show high levels of initiative and flexibility. Coupled with the characteristic of Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Officers to “lead from the front,” Officers of the Nepleslian Star Navy are expected to be able to observe a changing battlefield environment and thus make needed adjustments to a campaign, while enjoying a minimum level of interference from higher-ups.
Another question , there are a lot of mentions of clones in the wiki but not much mention of the practice of cloning. Is current cloning a strictly governmental privilege ? Is it something private companies do ? Is it outlawed ? Are our clones the quality of someone such as yamatai ? Or are there more significant limitations on the possible frills due to lack of tech ?
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Cloning is now a technology which Nepleslia is capable of using but reserves only for the resurrection of deceased soldiers. At this time, volunteer numbers from the war are sufficient to justify the expansion of the military. If rapid expansion is required, then cloning on a large scale (including the re-introduction of ID-SOL production) will be re-instated. In short, we use it to bring back dead dudes because we don't need so many people. If we're in a pinch, then we begin the mass production of cloned soldiers.
In general, the Nepleslian Star Navy is working towards the development of sophisticated Electronic Warfare systems, the goal of which is to either mask an approach or divert the attention of an enemy force, where friendly forces can show up from unexpected vectors and rapidly bring massed firepower upon hostile forces.

So... am I interpreting this right if I think Nepleslia is working on hacking into the enemies sensor suite or comms and placing false information?

That's not just Electronic Warfare get in their system, that's knowing how to place info in a way which is believable... which means you need significant amounts of intelligence as well in terms of knowing protocols, frequencies, etc.
As far as I know, it's perfectly legal for private entities to make clones in Nepleslia and in Yamatai, although I don't know any examples of anyone actually doing that at the moment.

If you want, you could probably submit a corporation that does to the Setting Submissions forum and see if it passes (I think it would, but it'd need Koenig808's permission).
They mask their individual signature of a small craft, not make an entire ship or fleet appear to be in an entirely different location.

I don't think you know what electronic warfare is.

Edit: Here, let me show you what it primarily entails on today's environment.

"The principal EW activities have been developed over time to exploit the opportunities and vulnerabilities that are inherent in the physics of EM energy. Activities used in EW include: electro-optical, infrared and radio frequency countermeasures; EM compatibility and deception; communications jamming, radar jamming and anti-jamming; electronic masking, probing, reconnaissance, and intelligence; electronics security; EW reprogramming; emission control; spectrum management; and wartime reserve modes."

Emphasis on "Electronic Masking" and "EM Deception." I don't think this warrants explaining either, since their definition is pretty self-explanatory.
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