Star Army

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Tiny Little Catgirls

I don't think it's the case that Mini-Neko are best understated, but more an issue with how they're used and played. They handle differently, and it can be tough to figure out a proper way to use them without having it seem forced. In combat though, if they're properly equipped, they're just as deadly as anyone else, or more so. I think that the Sylph is something that's really underrated considering the sheer amount of firepower it's got on tap - it's like flying around and shooting up Jegans in a Light Kshatrya. Perhaps I'm not the best with mine either, but I do know that it's pretty darn fun.

As for tools and various other things for them to use, I imagine that they actually have an easier time than our full-size characters; with their small size, how easy would it be to just have the ship churn something out their size?

I can even imagine a fireteam of Mini-Neko holding off a Chihuahua with assault rifles while the fourth one readies the rocket launcher.
Just reading through this, I had an idea, I skimmed most of it so sorry if this has already been said, but if there was a Mini-Neko ship then it could be used for expedition (like everyone has said) but it can also be used for stealth as it would be a small ship, carrying a small crew no one would really notice it unless it is right in front of them. They would be perfect for sabotaging enemy ships and bases as it would only when the crew and ship sensors see them, they could use vents and stuff to get around inside the ships and bases.

I think we could also make a Modular Combat Armor System for Mini-Nekos.
My question is why are we really needing to change anything about them or how they are used? I believe the point of this thread was to try to create more equipment they can use. all they have right now is the Sylph and a mini nsp. Past that they are screwed.

Hell On the Sakishima Momoka uses dinner wear my character bought for her that had to be custom made.
I think an obvious place to start would be the standard issue gear.

So we're looking at:
  • Tiny armor (suit)
  • Mini survival kit
  • Mini toiletry kit
  • Mini bags and backpacks
  • Mini spacesuit
  • Mini uniforms (these exist already)
  • Tiny communicator
  • Tiny gun (Mini NSP exists)
Looks like a good start to me. Id think these would be identical to the full size version, just tiny :3

I am going to start work on a new power armor for them since the M4 SYLPH is noted on its wiki page as discontinued and all but a few units out of service. Unless we just wanna put it back into production?
Just a quick question, but how hard would it be just to make a modified version of the Current Mindy/Daisy? And just add mechanics to the arms, legs, and head areas? They contain SPINE and the fact that you would just have to adapt the cushie stuffs in the torso would make it quite simple.
Ahhh but this is a prime opportunity for a new top if the line power armor, rather than refitting one thats now been out a few years.
Just a quick question, but how hard would it be just to make a modified version of the Current Mindy/Daisy? And just add mechanics to the arms, legs, and head areas?.

Actually the Daisy M6-2A could be very easily modified to accommodate this as it was designed with modularity in mind- just about every component in the suit is easily swappable, and removing a lot of the life support functions (Ie, the thick anti-kinetic liner with hemosynth pockets) would allow for a lot more systems to be added in, much like the upgraded M4. Replacing the standard chest cavity with a mini SPINE-equipped cockpit for a mini Neko would also be a breeze.
Then it's just a small mecha. I'm talking about powered armor for mini Nekovalkyrja, as in armor you wear.
I am going to start work on a new power armor for them since the M4 SYLPH is noted on its wiki page as discontinued and all but a few units out of service. Unless we just wanna put it back into production?

So far as I can see, there was nothing expressly wrong with the M4-2A Sylph. It just - like the M1 Lamia - stopped being used and given anykind of spotlight in plots, with the Mindy largely stealing the spotlight.

So far as I understand, it had mostly to do with warship payloads. Would you rather have 20 000 Mindy you will definitely use, or have half of that be Sylph IIs (or whatever mecha) that you might not use? This is mainly a broad logistical issue. It's not that mini-nekos weren't given a chance before, it's that they failed to make the most of that chance and Wes eventually changed his mind. for a reason.

It's just like how people, ever since I brought out Melisson, had this idea that playing a Mishhu plot could've been awesome. I wasn't so sure, since there would be many things missing that wouldn't make it an optimal player experience. Gallant did try, but it ultimately didn't pan out. That's why I'm very pessimistic about this and don't see this taking off much once the novelty wears off.

Then it's just a small mecha. I'm talking about powered armor for mini Nekovalkyrja, as in armor you wear.
I don't see that ever working. Like the original Sylph and Harpy, it won't be able to compete. It'd be an awful lot of miniaturization (a.k.a. expensive! / the Mindy was sold 50 000 KS vs a Chiharu-class flagship being sold as military-surplus 250 000 KS in earlier days of SARP... kind of hinting that miniaturization in SARP carries a non-trivial price) that would come to an abrupt end the moment a adult-sized power armor decides to fire at it.

You'd probably find GMs unwilling to use them for the same reason you don't cram your players as pilots of T7 Raccoon shuttles to contribute in spaceship fights; they'd be too brittle - it'd be near-suicide to send them into combat.

Perhaps present lesser threats? That was the tag-line used for justifying less powerful power armors like the Sylph 1/Harpy/Daisy. End result was that difficulty-level never really went down in comparison to when Mindy were in use. The Lamia/Sylph II at least gave the mini-nekos a fairly equal chance to contribute.


If you people truly mean to make the mini-nekos work and make them more than the ideal state of understated (I maintain that this is the healthiest state for them) that the way to 'defeat' previous caveats would be to adapt the Mindy II to have a different mode of operation in which the hemosynthetic insert gets swollen in order to fill the suit's insides (not keep it hollow/take advantage of more volume for extra brawns) and use a different helmet as a cockpit for the mini-neko. In effect, this leaves the Mindy II as the principal unit that needs to be logistically fielded, and only require different helmets to have around on ships (which is a significant jump in versatility for much less taken than having two different specialized suits).

I might have encouraged the same for the Daisy II, except that the StarArmy have, if we're logical about it, no longer much reason to keep them on starships since the M2-2D variant came out - it's largely been obsoleted due to the extra shielding and resilience the Mindy II was given - previously hallmarks of the Daisy/II. The initial Daisy model might have remained competitive simply due to the fact that it was extremely cheap to produce, but Origin upped the bar there wanting to make a better unit, and this may end up shooting them in the foot in the long run (i.e.: there's a reason why the Daisy was using a battery power supply, rather than a fusion power plant).
@Soresu proposed a nation of Mini-Neko that got stranded, which was quite exciting.

Though understated, Mini-Neko have the potential to be a real Ensemble Darkhorse if done right. Even then, I don't think it's a good idea to go 'all in' yet. I suggest that small steps be taken at first to let this sort of 'build steam' if it's popular enough amongst players. Considering how militaries typically work, it should be very plausible that you can simply just find a few Sylphs that had been mothballed @Gunsight1 . In my opinion, they're still very competitive; they're as tough as the Mindy prior to its 2D iteration, and have a lot more ranged firepower, but no melee. The Sylph is also smaller, and I imagine it accelerates more quickly, making it even more of a Glass Cannon. As for standard issue, I always imagined that any ship's manufacturing systems could whip up any clothing and personal items for them in an instant, and on the cheap considering their small scale. That's just me however.


On a side note, I don't think the intent was to 'make a better unit' with the Daisy II. Instead, I feel that the intent was to streamline it even further for mass production and to add modularity. Its complex graviton propulsion was taken out, while the fusion reactor for the detachable thruster, and also the thruster system itself, were integrated. Plus, the hyper-capacitor banks are still there. The primary reason for wanting to use the Daisy is that it's a much cheaper unit in comparison to the Mindy, which has a space-time ripping-wedgie Aether system.

For a Spe-Ops team, the Mindy 2D is likely the better choice. Frontline grunts? The Daisy 2A.
I know for one RP I wanted to have a Mini fighter pilot, and several solutions had to be thought up. A specific Mini-sized fighter, or even a piece of equipment that replaces or slots into a standard chair or cockpit to let them properly lock in and use all the controls, would be nice.

When I attempted to have the Mini pilot a Sylph that was then manually piloting the fighter, that drew humorous comparisons to Matryoshka nesting dolls. But, maybe that could be the approach for a new PA? A base suit that's little more than a Flight Suit with some armor and a special pass-through for SPINE. So need for propulsion if all the Minis can fly, right? Then a 2-3 foot tall proper PA with light armor and weapons, perhaps focused on infiltration and stealth, that they pop into the middle of. Then, finally, a 5-6 foot tall extra-powerful final shell. Think of the Keiko, but with the smaller armor replacing the pod in the middle. It would have considerable armor to get through to get to the Mini inside, redundant systems and power sources, could jettison limbs when damaged or eject from the outer shell to escape.
A Sylph piloting a fighter is cool enough, but taking this Matryoshka Doll idea to the extreme is going to...somewhere else. This makes me feel funny, and I'm not sure what to think. XD
What about small hovertanks that could fit in starship passageways and such? They could be heavily armored because space to fit a human-sized person wouldn't be a concern.
They clearly need tiny stealth suits and Klingon pain sticks so they can come out of nowhere and yell "HALT CRIMINAL SCUM!" and clobber the shit out of any unsuspecting lawbreakers.
Yes. Exactly. Give them universal language translators so they can yell in angry space Russian too.
Seriously, who wouldn't want tiny police that can zap people at a moment's notice? You could add them to that article on Yamatai in the section about Neko traffic cops that are just there to have something to do after they've given up soldiering. Cleanest streets in the universe.

No dirty Nepleslian immigrant gangers would be safe.

Why have cops use drones when they can use mini-Neko?
We really need a more comprehensive mini living experience page on the wiki. Maybe I'll have Miho with a special custom shoebox later, but for now it's a regular old storage container.

@Moogle has a good idea there. Maybe a 'how to play a Mini' page like the Neko one...