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OOC Interest/Signup New Nepleslian Senate


Inactive Member
Hello fellow SARPers.

After speaking with a few interested parties recently and getting Koenig's blessing, I am here to see who is interested in the idea of re-building the Nepleslian Senate. Now, with the re-building of this I would like to see a slightly different application of a Senate than what may be traditional to the SARP.

I would like to see it a far more interactive affair. I would love for senators who are interested to take part in plots, become known and powerful figures that people can approach. Maybe even sometimes be the shadowy villain or glorious unsung hero behind some of the events that happen in the universe.

I would like to encourage backstabbing, front stabbing and confrontation that would help add drama or make choices that could sometimes shake the way Nepleslia does things down to its core.

What I am driving at, and my vision for this, is I would like to build something that’s not strictly a plot, that has faction meaning and interactivity. Even if you are not interested in having a Senator yourself, I would love for players to address them, to approach them for favors. To be a part of its existence and make it threaded in with plots that exist, and those that are to come.

Let your government be a part of you, rather then it simply sit around till someone needs a law to change a plot!

The layout of the Senate is currently looking like this: One senator per system, one vote per senator. Any senator can put a bill on the floor, and its nature can be changed through following arguments.

It is then put to a yes or no vote. Then it is rejected or becomes law based on the vote.

So far the systems that are currently being used are:

Nepleslia Core: Lamb

Nepleslia Prime: Kampfer

Kennewes: Arieg

PX-1-2 Vandenberg: Deathevn

Fortuna : Moonman

Breaker's Point : Homeside 6

Hope: Viralyte


Right now I am not including individual characters here as I am willing to write up and maintain a page of them once we are on more solid footing with the idea.

At this point the whole concept is in the planning phase, but I would love to hear input from anyone who has an interest in this idea.
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I will say this is interesting. Don't hold a slot for me or anything, but I will be thinking about whether or not I want to jump in.
I support this effort, and I think it's long overdue! It's important that Nepleslia's government returns to civilian control.
Thanks everyone appreciate the support!

Homeside , Fortuna is yours. Syaoran , feel free to jump in whenever you want.

This post is just to gauge interest and get everything off the ground. Due to this not being a strict plot, the senate will be free to join any time. I WILL put in the stipulation that in the future, senators made after a bill is put on the table will not be able to join till the next bill, in the interest of making things fair.

I have come up with an idea for the first vote as well, For everyone interested it is likely to be : Where should the new senate building be? Prime or Core? Traditionalists or Progressive mentalities?
More so that its a good, easy way for people to start feeling out their characters.

Also, if anyone has any ideas or matters they would like to change about the process itself, please just say so!
Excuse me.

I'd like to contest the assigning of Fortuna. I believe its change of hands is premature. At least not without further communication.

Right now, an established character - Laj Vinross Yu - is Fortuna's senator. He's handled by @MoonMan . He's also presently actually roleplayed as a member of the Neplelsian senate in my plot. It's not like he's presently inactive or that his portrayal has been lacking.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I'd encourage getting in touch with Moonman first before planning any change, at least in that respect.
Hey Fred, thanks for the heads up. Obviously in this ,and all cases I obviously have to defer to existing Senators . I was not aware that any of them survived massacre of the last grouping. Sorry Homeside but I will have to hand it over to @MoonMan .

I would encourage anyone playing any senators in plots to step forward. I am not trying to step on any toes, and I will defer to existing characters. This is not meant to antagonistic , and I apologize for my zeal I am just excited for the project.

I should have it said, if you have an existing active character, you get priority over anyone signing up after, its only fair to grandfather characters in.

Is there another system that has your interest @Homeside 6 ?
I hadn't even realized Fortuna was already taken. I'm sorry, @Fred, I hadn't meant to interfere with already established characters.

@Deathevn, not any one in particular, but I am still very much interested in the Senate itself. So count me as interested if not claiming a particular slot just yet.
this is a really neat concept. I'd like to join too, if it's alright. I have no particular planet in mind but if you'd like I could play a more corrupt Element in the plot(s), not that I have any intention of negatively affecting the Nepleslian faction. there's just something about corrupt politicians that appeals to me.
@Homeside 6 At this point I dont have anyone asking for it, so Breakers Point is yours unless someone brings up a old senator

@ShotJon I found an old record of @MoonMan having a Senator for Delsuria, but the article looks incredibly old. We will give him a chance to see if he wants that slot back, but if not its all yours.

@Syaoran , @Rizzo Yeah no problem if you want slots. Obviously I cant reserve anything until you pick a system, but besides that the more the merrier !

Once we get off the ground and going, I will also like to see Liaisons from other interested factions. I am excited at the idea of politics about factions with more rapid adjustments to standing agreements or creating new agreements with factions that don't have standing ones.

This weekend I will start building a wiki for the information gathered. After speaking with Kampfer Senators will require NPC sheets ultimately , not full PC sheets.
The Kovac System needs to be finished but the list described it as having a high population with many criminals. Seems like a good place for a senator with Chicago style politics.
If/when they get off the ground and become canon, obviously the National Security Office will be interested in this whole senate. Its sort of their job, after all, to keep an eye on politicians and the like. Among other things . . .
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one of the biggest issues I see with the and NNSO is the fact that the Senators will have to vote to approve it. I'm 3/4 confident that this will not get a 2/3 vote seeing as no one will want a government agency that can pull the plug on the whole government at any time
Hey Rizzo unfortunately this is not the case . The NNSO was a project being worked on prior to the senate and it would be unfair to it's creator and the star army creation process for an ic action to prevent implemention of something based on characters personal gain . This is something for Kampfer and homeside to resolve . What would be in the senates power is to regulate and legislate what powers the NNSO can weild after implemention .

As well there has yet to be any rules established as far as what a passing vote requires it could be as little as 50%+1 of current participating senators . these are matters I want input on .

One if the rules I would like to put foreward is there will be no voting by representation te senator in question must be there to vote . We will accept things such as projection and vid screen appearances but no stand ins.

And no philibusterig .
Any thoughts?

( sorry for typos typing on very slow phone)
I can definitely support no legal philibusters. Voting, one vote per senator is fair, imo, but as with regards to how many votes are needed I think that for most things a 50%+1 should do it, but for major acts such as a declaration of war it should need something like a 2/3 majority.