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OOC Interest/Signup New Nepleslian Senate

I want to be clear on why I touched on that topic. It was not for a character's personal gain, nor mine. It's for the benefit of IC balance. You can't have a protagonist without an antagonist. Thus if the NNSO has too much power OR it does its job too well you end up with a lack of conflict. I try to think about long term effects and that's one that I'm concerned about, causing a total disinterest in playing the 'bad guy'. It's the same reason I'm not a superman fan. He's so powerful that even Lex Luther can't beat him after stabbing him with the only substance that can kill him. If the NNSO starts spying on all the Senators how exactly are the writers supposed to backstab and/or make shady deals and such with no privacy? That is what bothers me.

I just don't want people looking at me like I'm trying to just make things easy for my character.

also, a 50%+1 sounds good to me but the constitution seemed to favor 2/3 on the real important stuff.
Okay @viralyte Hope is yours

Oh dont sweat it Rizzo, I understand that feeling. SARP though, is a no god modding place. Not accusing you of anything in this regard at all. If the NNSO wants to investigate , they are going to have to do so IC, through posts. I am sure @Homeside would be willing to work and speak with anyone they are investigating and things can be worked out. Besides if the NNSO becomes a thorn in sometimes side, they can attempt to have the NNSO's power altered in such a way that thorn isnt there. But thats some of the fun of all of this when we go IC, some will be for it, some against, some backroom deals to win votes would be awesome in my books.

Remember, this is not a plot nor is anyone going to be 'gm' of the senate besides maybe Kampfer. We will all be fallowing the site rules, and everything will be done in a fair, honest way.I am all for political corrupting and intrigue, I will be doing my own as well. I think that's part of being nepleslian, none of us are going to be expected to have clean slates, or do things in what would be considered a normal fashion.

As far as how we pass votes are considered, I like the idea that simple things require 50%+1 where big events require more. We should brainstorm a list of what constitutes 2/3 or not.

I mean the obvious ones as far as I am considered are : War, Peace treaties, alliances, aggression pacts.

But that's only giving it a few minutes thought. I would also be interested in there being a way , not sure how yet, how a bill might be able to be 'upgraded' to requiring 2/3rds when it normally wouldn't. Some motion on the floor.. vague ideas in that one though.
Hey fellas. Thanks to @Fred for giving me the notice to this thread, although he is slightly off in his information.

Laj Vinross Yu is, indeed, a surviving member of the Nepleslian senate before the NMX blew most of them away. Laj Vinross Yu is an active character of mine, and was, at the time, the Senator for the Delsauria system, not Fortuna; he merely runs a large casino on Fortuna. As such, the Fortuna system is actually up for grabs.

I also find it very interesting that you all are talking about the effectiveness of this new NNSO thing that is under approval, as Laj Vinross Yu is about as shady as they come. I want to reassure and urge anyone reading this that you can indeed get away with just about anything in Nepleslia, as long as you're in the right position; that position being one that provides good roleplay for all parties. The NNSO, just like the IPG and any sort of government figure in Nepleslian roleplay should be considered as a platform from which to roleplay, not a solid set-in-stone rule that all must adhere to. Nepleslia is infested with crime, violence and all that jazz, and it is indeed done on purpose, because that's the setting we choose for ourselves. Don't be so afraid of being bad that you don't ask; as was said before, people need antagonists.
Ah, cool. My bad then. I really just wanted to make sure these kinds of clarifications were made before moving on.

Which is good news for Homeside 6! Sorry man. :)
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As far as how we pass votes are considered, I like the idea that simple things require 50%+1 where big events require more. We should brainstorm a list of what constitutes 2/3 or not.
But that's only giving it a few minutes thought. I would also be interested in there being a way , not sure how yet, how a bill might be able to be 'upgraded' to requiring 2/3rds when it normally wouldn't. Some motion on the floor.. vague ideas in that one though.

@Deathevn, maybe we should vote on it?
also, was I clear to make a Senator for The Kovac system?

I would have just edited this question into my last post but it wasn't working on my phone for some reason.
You should still try to filibuster if your character actually has a need to. Just do it smart; criminals who reach that height of power should, after all, be pretty wise to the trade by then.
@Rizzo Consider yourself Kovac'ed ! For anyone who has not noticed I am updating the first post as we go with the names of the people and what system they represent.

I'm disinclined towards filibustering in this setting for a few reasons.

The strongest one being the medium, the act of doing so in text causes a lot of issues. The two primary ones being the fact that it would be to easy to ignore, or you would have to include a time skip involved with it which defeats any possible interaction with the person doing so. It is also really hard for me to see a group of Nepleslians, bound to quietly sit there and listen to someone drone on with the intent to running out some sort of clock, rather then just have them talk over, and ignore the person attempting to do so.

With all of this said, I am not a GM for this, nor is this any sort of plot. So if the group wants to support the idea of this, by all means please speak up doing so. In doing so we will have to establish rules that actually allow it to exist. Such as maximum talking times, how we want to handle posts of its nature without ruining threads ( not the act of doing so itself, but in some way that allows someone to filibuster yet not have to write post after post while everyone sits and quietly waits for whatever goal to be achieved) or we even handle passing of laws , or how long a session could last.

Or even better, if we go forward with it as is and @Amaryllis your welcome to have your character bring the concept of having these kind of arguments available to members of the senate, and we can put it to a IC vote.

Which system would you like? I would be happy to put you down for one.
I'd just like to imagine that filibustering can happen even if no one ever does it.
You could just say people can't actually functionally delay things OOC wise but let people make a single super long post or posts with an awful lot of ellipses usage to show their character delaying things IC wise.

I think it'd help roleplaying. Like if say @Lamb had a senator he could have him drone on and on and people could have fun responding to his long post with eye rolling and yawning and at the end of the day everyone would still vote when they want to. You could always vote in a OOC thread and when people have finished having their fun in the IC thread you could move things forward.
The Kovax System is currently incomplete. does anyone know who is working on it? If no one is planning to finish it I could go ahead and make the planets and stuff.
So basically @MoonMan does that mean your are going to keep Delsauria or rather are you even going to participate in the senate? I am kind of hanging here in the cold not sure how are things.
I'm getting more and more excited about this as time goes on.

Also, for those worried about the NNSO somehow spoiling things, @Deathevn and @MoonMan hit it right on the head. The NNSO isn't going to be some omnipotent KGB with wire-taps everywhere. If they were then they wouldn't be any fun to play as, let alone against or subverting. I'm a huge proponent that fun shouldn't suffer in cases like this.

Plus I plan for my senator to be as seedy as a garden, so I'll be in the same boat as some of the rest of you.
Hey everyone. Just a heads up , this is not dead it was just a rough weekend . I hope to have a wiki page under construction this weekend and a rough draft of the rules there for us to talk over , amend and add to .
Hey everyone. Just a heads up , this is not dead it was just a rough weekend . I hope to have a wiki page under construction this weekend and a rough draft of the rules there for us to talk over , amend and add to .
ICly or OOCly?
I've got some work done on my senator, but for the most part I'm holding back a bit until the main part of this advances a little more.
Okay, I am interested in being a part of this, but not as a senator. I am willing to be a Senator's aide. The first one to post after me calling for the aide will be her 'boss'. :D