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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I'm with Gunny here. Samantha, you need to reconsider and edit your post. Both from a technical standpoint and a courtesy one its not kosher. Why not just fly after the shuttle and go with the group to do it together? That was the point after all.

When a nuclear reactor goes critical one of two things happens. It either has a meltdown and incinerates the facility it is in or it just up and explodes... Neither are appealing. When a nuclear reactor is going critical every second is important because you have only minutes to lock down the fuel rods before a disaster occurs. I can't imagine that an Aether reactor could possibly be much more forgiving. When the reactor on Suites armor began to fail because the exhaust was blocked the computer inmediately engaged a shutdown sequence. Candon was overriding an emergency safety feature. He was taking a gamble from the beginning and he is taking a gamble again when he decided to fly back to the crashed fighter. For her to teleport to his location and carry Candon should not be viewed as an attempt to supersede an admiral's authority. Rather, she is working to avert the death of the only intelligence officer serving on the ship. It is also important to note that much of the data that has been collected is currently saved on his his computer. Additionally, he is also trying to keep control over a prisoner. With a critical failure that is not going to be an easy task. He is currently being cooked alive in his armor and obviously the pilot in his captivity is dangerous. Even though her carrying of Candon will allow him to shut down all of the power hungry systems it will not allow the suit to cool down, but it will prevent the reactor from heating up more.

Time is really of the essence in this rescue. I've been deciding his fate with a d20.
I understand what you are saying Rizzo, and I want Suites to be rescued safely... Getting extreme burns is one thing but blowing him up is quite another. I think you are acting with a bit too much of a death wish for the character, frankly.

Perhaps we can compromise here. Aikiko leaves the PA bay to catch up to the shuttle, let's the rescue crew know what she is doing, THEN engages teleport only when a safe distance away from the shuttle in case of an explosion while using in atmospheric conditions. We can say that she grabs Suites out of the air allowing him safe shutdown just as the shuttle quickly arrives with an open hatch and can scoop them straight onto it immediately.

Is this an okay chain of events? I don't want people to be fighting over something supposed to bring you together.
Theres no way Samanthia's character even knows of the status of your reactor to make that choice since she is just going on Hanako's order to deploy the shuttle for a medivac mission. No word of the reactor status has been given, so that is not character available information. even the shuttle is not aware of the condition of the reactor since that information has not been shared.

This here is a difference of player and character knowledge, even though we as players know whats going on, if thats not been shared in character we canno. Just suddenly also know in character unless that information has been properly shared in character. The onky information communicated from Suites is his emergency beacon and his response to the shuttle about meeting at the crash site.
I understand what you are saying Rizzo, and I want Suites to be rescued safely... Getting extreme burns is one thing but blowing him up is quite another. I think you are acting with a bit too much of a death wish for the character, frankly.

Perhaps we can compromise here. Aikiko leaves the PA bay to catch up to the shuttle, let's the rescue crew know what she is doing, THEN engages teleport only when a safe distance away from the shuttle in case of an explosion while using in atmospheric conditions. We can say that she grabs Suites out of the air allowing him safe shutdown just as the shuttle quickly arrives with an open hatch and can scoop them straight onto it immediately.

Is this an okay chain of events? I don't want people to be fighting over something supposed to bring you together.

Its not really a death wish, it's just not boring. I used to RP with guys that believed in the ‘main character shield’ which made them infallible. It was too boring. Besides, people in real life don't have a writer to watch out for them, controlling things that are beyond their reach. Right now Candon has no control over what his reactor is going to do. Why should I?
It's not that I hate my character, I just like the feeling of taking a risk. Besides, I'm writing about how a character manages a situation that is out of his control. If the situation is completely in my control I simply won't be able to relate to his feelings.

Theres no way Samanthia's character even knows of the status of your reactor to make that choice since she is just going on Hanako's order to deploy the shuttle for a medivac mission. No word of the reactor status has been given, so that is not character available information. even the shuttle is not aware of the condition of the reactor since that information has not been shared.

This here is a difference of player and character knowledge, even though we as players know whats going on, if thats not been shared in character we canno. Just suddenly also know in character unless that information has been properly shared in character. The onky information communicated from Suites is his emergency beacon and his response to the shuttle about meeting at the crash site.

This is true, but I'm sure Jax could access this data. I mentioned in an earlier thread that Dirjon Ulvson monitored Aikiko's engine(CFD) data feed from Eucharis. I imagined, and still imagine, that like modern day aircraft the PA's AIES would relay data back to the engineers aboard Eucharis, or at least other allied soldiers.

One thing Aikiko would know for sure is that when a SAINT Operative is making an urgent request for medevac the situation is already past both bad and worse. I could see her teleporting to back him up and ensure that he and his prisoner arrived at their destination safely and help keep the prisoner from trying to escape. Like a fighter escort.

That and Candon still needs to recover his drones from the crash site. If we decide to pick him up on the way that can work too. He just really needs the Intel on those drones.
While I agree it is possible that someone could have looked up the data, no one made that action in character, so we cannot use that argument in hindsight since it was not stated that Jax or anyone else made such an action.

Also still standing is the issue of teleporting within tye Eucharis' interior. I agree with Paladinrpg's suggestions listed above, which would set things straight.

This all still aside though the action is still a violation of the chain of command. One in the military does not just go to the motorpool and take a tank to run a mission on their own accord, even if it is for a good cause, without asking permission. And the MINDY, with all its massive firepower and capability, is most definatly on tue scale of any armored vehicle.
Candon is alive. His back is severely burned, 2nd degree burns. His SPINE is slightly messed up. Major bruising on the backside of his whole body. the force of the explosion cracked a couple ribs and ruptured his eardrums(helmet was on but not secure). He can't hear.

In other words I rolled a 16 and now he's lying naked in a field waiting for some ladies and a dude to find him.

Also, I should add that there is currently no way to track his vital signs remotely. Jax should have the authorizations required to monitor the PA Suites was operating but it will register as destroyed. He should also have access to his power plant and CFS data right up to the point of the explosion. the life support data will probably be unreliable because of the extreme heat that was cooking the interior.
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@Blizzard I liked your post but there is a small problem with it.Candon landed about half a kilometer from the crashed fighter. he'd have been walking for quite a while before even getting close to him. I'd recommend leaving that part to someone who is still airborne
Do you guys need a bugpost? Cause I can do that.
I'll post soon, then. Though tomorrow might be busy (it's my six-year anniversary! But also kind of bittersweet because it's Lauren's first Father's day without a [living] dad on Sunday).
@Samael, just wanted to throw out a reminder for you since your new. The armor systems were talking about are rediculously light considering what they are... each base model weighs 253 lbs (Mindy) and 310 lbs (Daisy). With effort a Nekovalkyrja can lift and move a daisy, on average they can lift a maximum of 550 lbs. Candon is a militarized Minkan and can lift 380 lbs which pretty much means he can barely move a Daisy (did you ever wonder why he prefers the Mindy?). Compared to the Nekovalkyrja humans just suck, they can typically only lift about 200lbs with intense physical training (if i remember correctly). Sam will need to either get help or use a lift, assuming the PA bay has one.