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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Sounds good. Maybes are awesome!
"This is Shoi Kohosei Yamashiro to Jax-Hei and Darkfire-Hei, Telemachus V will be docking in the shuttle bay in twenty seconds. I will be dusting off thirty seconds after that to emergency evac Suites-Hei, be aboard the shuttle before I lift off, or I will leave you behind" she ordered over the channel...
Um, Sam's like in a healing tube.

I really don't think he's in a condition to hear orders right now. Even if he could hear, how would he get out? O.O
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Hmm, well with BS being a bit inactive right now... Could we say something like another medical staff member let him out because the healing process was done? And that he was being called to duty? Charisma the MEGAMI could also unlock him with an override since Hanako wanted him to deploy.
How about Akane-chan free Sam when Nightender catch-up on posts? After all, she the closest active player to Sam at this point, so it make the most sense, right? NPCs aren't really needed just yet. Or, at least they not needed until Akane turn down my idea anyway.
How about Akane-chan free Sam when Nightender catch-up on posts? After all, she the closest active player to Sam at this point, so it make the most sense, right? NPCs aren't really needed just yet. Or, at least they not needed until Akane turn down my idea anyway.
That would be the most preferable way to go about it... assuming Nightender is up for it now.
Just wanted to mention that Umeshu was actually looking for Tixx from the previous post to offer him some of the wine, so that would be a good segue for Sigurd to go after him next along with her.
I thought Akane was in a tube also.
This was the last few posts by Taharial & Aikiko in the thread that I can see...

Taharial glared at Sam and looked at Aikiko "Put him on one of the tables...... I am going to strap him down so he can't leave and a head brace so all he can do is look up at the ceiling" she seemed more agitated than last time and looked over at the tube whispered something as the tube was finished with Akane and done the exit procedures. She seemed calmer and pulled out the crystal leg "Here I come to save the day... or wreck it" she looked at aikiko and grinned "Lets see what we can do to calm him down a bit."

Aikiko dumped Samuel a bit roughly onto the table that Taharial pointed out to her. Then she proceeded to strap him down under the guidance of the Medic. She stepped back and eyed Taharial.

"You aint going to attach that to him?" Aikiko spoke with uncertainty in her voice as she edged towards the door. "Just want him operational. I checked with the ship's MEGAMI and we've got crew scattered to the four planetary winds. One off by himself."

Taharial sighed "No I was going to use this to warn him the dangerous of how he acts but.... we can put him in a Tube to let hiom heal fast I guess, the one Akane is in is done so lets put him in there as I guess we need him." she went over and helped Akane out of the Tube "Looks like she has fallen asleep" she put Akane on a bed and looked at Sam "I will not leave Sam alone with Akane so I will send Sam to the Armour Bay when he is done."

Aikiko nodded, "I'll be there in the P.A. Bay." She assisted Taharial in moving Akane to a bed to sleep. She straightened up, watching for a bit. "You need help with him? Otherwise I'll be in the P.A bay looking over the new Power Armors."

She stood poised to leave the infirmary.

Taharial smiled at Akane and looked at the controls "see you in a bit darling" she activates the tube then looks around the Med Lab and sighed, when Akane went she would be alone again in this room. She sighed and started to write in her journal a lot of formulas and how they make Nekos for her project that she hadn't been working on since there time away from their missions.
Akane was not in the tube anymore but apparently asleep on the bed, then they presumably put Sam into a tube from being strapped down in the bed at first... so you could wake up just fine. Sam may or may not have actually been placed in a tube...
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I thought Akane was in a tube also.
Taharial took Akane out of her tube and put her on a bed, then put Sam into the tube Akane was in and left him there to rot.

(Course, if you'd prefer to have Akane still in the tube with Sam. I wouldn't really complain. XD)
@Samanthia, there are a couple things I'd like to comment on with your last post today (Referenced below).

Firstly, I do not think you are aware of the ramifications of using a teleport unit inside a starship, let alone in the power armor bay, which has a communicating hatch to the Armory, full of ammunition, explosives and weapons readily available for the MINDY and DAISY power armors.

Quoting from the wiki entry for the Ke-M2-P3000 teleport unit:

"DANGER: In atmospheric environments, causes a shockwave of heat, light, sound, and radiation. More dangerous indoors. The shockwave can rupture eardrums, caused temporary or permanent blindness and flash burns."

So, the PA bay has just been subject to an internal explosion and radiation, basically like setting off a dirty bomb inside the Eucharis. This causes a severe and real threat to the ship's operating ability and threatens the safety of all aboard. Unlike taking a hit from outside, where the ship is protected by shields and hull armor, the interior of a warship is unarmored and soft to being bombed from within. This is possibly a devastating and crippling blow to the Eucharis. This is not an action that would be responded to with an "arse chewing" as you put it, but rather more a court martial, dismissed from the service, imprisoned and possibly execution-able offense type action.

The second point I'd like to bring up is that you've taken it upon yourself to mount a single-handed rescue mission, short-cutting the rescue party ordered out by an Admiral. In character this shows a lack of respect for Shosho Hanako, that Aikiko believes a flag officer was wrong in sending Natsumi, Stark, Murakami, Stark, and Jax, two of which are veteran members of the ships company, on the mission by superseding these orders with her own prerogative, let alone seriously endangering the Eucharis by engaging a teleport jump within the power armor bay.

Out of character, this strips 4 players in the plot of anything to do, when we rush in and find that you're character has decided to go in and do it all on her own. Depriving Reynolds, Yoshi, Blizzard and myself of valuable RP opportunity.

[Mission 23.1] A Distant Threat, post number: #412

P.A. Bay ::

Aikiko accessed the ship's computer to look up the location of Suites. Only to find out by his beacon, he was moving again. She hurriedly strapped on a teleporter nodule to her Mindy along with its capacitor. Going without the usual load out of weapons, She grabbed a lighter one that attach by sling.

Hell with protocol, she'll take the arse chewing and teleported from the Eucharis to several hundred feet above and two hundred meters in front of Suites.

Planetside ::

Aikiko quickly located the tree top flying Suites. Doing a quick scan. She winced at seeing the over heating Power Armor he was wearing. She swooped down up on him, using her manipulator arms, grabbing him. "Shut off your suit! Candy-man! I gotcha!"

She used both her innate ability of gravitation manipulation and suit power to take the load to keep them airborne. "Give me direction, Suite-Hei. Your Taxi is on the way."
Out of character, this strips 4 players in the plot of anything to do, when we rush in and find that you're character has decided to go in and do it all on her own. Depriving Reynolds, Yoshi, Blizzard and myself of valuable RP opportunity.
Lol, seriously? Not once did you care about my being stuck in a tube for a month. Yet, now you suddenly care about people losing RP opportunity? Gee, thanks.
Lol, seriously? Not once did you care about my being stuck in a tube for a month. Yet, now you suddenly care about people losing RP opportunity? Gee, thanks.
Well, to be fair, you had an opportunity to have Samael released by an NPC. Why didn't you take it?
I'm with Gunny here. Samantha, you need to reconsider and edit your post. Both from a technical standpoint and a courtesy one its not kosher. Why not just fly after the shuttle and go with the group to do it together? That was the point after all.