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Approved Submission Revised Rank Structure for the NSN & NSMC


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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Submission Type: Setting details
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=nepleslia:ranks_new (temporary location)

FM Approved Yet? Needs approval from Nep FM @Koenig808
Faction requires art? Unclear, but I will get/modify art for this if approved.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? NO
Contains New art? NO
Previously Submitted? NO

Notes: The following is a the result of an extensive discussion in the Nepleslian forum over how to simplify and organize Nepleslian military ranks so they make sense. Players have had months to provide their input and it's time we finally move on this.

PS: Tomorrow is the 10th OOC anniversary of Nepleslia's independence. Congratulations on a decade of RP!
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just my opinion, but I think that "Marine" and Marine 1st Class" should be replaced with the typical "Private" and "Private 1st Class".
Based on this and other feedback, the name of the lowest ranking marines has been changed from "Marine" back to "Private" to prevent confusion.
Will this be raising the pay for the different ranks as to be competitive with other militaries?
Pay grades are not part of this submission and I will leave that up to Nepleslia's faction manager unless he wants me to make some new pay grades up for him.
Would be awesome.
Tony has been around for 3-4 years and just now has what my first Yammi char had in the first year...
Approved. I will need to do some research regarding the other militaries' pay scale to get our boys and girls their money.
Thanks for approval. I am merging these into the existing rank page and I will need to do a lot of work on the subarticles for each rank, which I have already started. Some of the ranks like private are automatically being converted via magic using the dokuwiki's move plugin. Other bios will probably need some editing to update them.

The next thing on the plate to complete this streamlining is a new lineup of rank images, which I will come up with as soon as possible for the Nepleslian players to give feedback on.
I'm approving this, as it's FM approved and all the wiki updates are complete.