Eh, honestly I imagine projectile size in SARP is more a matter of utility than simple firepower. What is the projectile intended to do. I'll put a small list here for others to tear apart, but this is just a very very basic version of what I think different sizes would do in SARP.
>10mm: Tiny bits of flying metal. Punch holes through things.
~20mm: Warhead with secondary effects or autonomous guidance added.
~30mm: Roughly the size of a small hand grenade. Less velocity than 20mm, but larger warhead. Concussion bombs? Suppression?
~40mm: Modern grenades. Gas delivery, stun weapons, low velocity explosives, suppression.
~50mm: Light Anti-Vehicle size, enough speed and mass to punch through light armored vehicles, not too much to punch through the other side without detonating. Moderate warhead size.
<60mm: Large bore cannons, wide diversity of shell types. Flechette, flares, HE, AP. A weapon for a variety of needs.
So yeah, as you can probably guess my view is that size ultimately depends on what you intend to do with these weapons. If simply punching a hole through your target no matter what is what matters to you, a small projectile with huge velocity is your clear choice. If you want a weapon that might not necessarily be used for a straight up shoot-out over open terrain or in space, perhaps a slower, but more utilitarian size is more suitable. Or you can just be awesome and have 24mm power-armor AR rounds if you're lazy and awesome like me.
Build your weapons for-purpose, not to follow the herd.