Star Army

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Standard-Issue Equipment for Independents


Banned Member
So, I've been working on creating another char - this one for the Black Vipers - and I'm curious: What equipment would one consider as "standard issue" for an Independent, besides a weapon or two and clothes?
I challenge everybody to each post an awesome "loadout" for an independent character. I will see what I can up with, too.
Well my bounty hunter Amanozako carries the following:

Great coat
Her old NMX body armor
Impaler rifle
2 HHG's, of which one is always loaded with red shells
And a combat knife
- MODUS endoskeleton
- Hardened Battle Suit (Lorath pilotsuit with elements of a consumer grade Nepleslian vac suit)
- Integrated EM-W4 Stun Baton, integrated as a knuckler on right hand
- Modified Lorath Hand-Cannon (.50 to .75) side-arm
- Modified Styrling Auto-Twelve (twin linked) secondary side-arm
- Modified Zen Arms Infantry Assault Weapon (enlarged grip, 7.5 x 65mm rounds from the Zen Mag line, belt fed from drum stored inside body) main weapon
- Wasp LSSR 01a optional reserve
- Kakatan (kukuri on steroids)
- A Lorath commander's overjacket (stolen, worn over suit)
- A Lorath commander's peaked cap (stolen)

Most of it is pretty much looted, stolen or brougt on the black market.
Now all she needs is a Ford Falcon, though I really really doubt she'd survive in a desert:
My independent started with nothing but the clothes on her back...

BTW, independent *what*? Legal Shipper? Smuggler? Bounty Hunter? Prospector? Private Investigator? Farmer?

Tourist: "Why are you carrying a heavy plasma rifle, laser pistol and bowie knife?"
Farmer: "Why them maneating plants are a darn sight ferocious mind you."
Tourist: "... that looks like corn to me...?"
They lose so many tourists that way.

I actually played around with an independent "Freelance Explorer" idea for a while, basically:

While the great fleets slowly probe the galaxy, small independent prospectors try to get the jump on the fleet by getting there first, collecting information and trying to sell it back to one of the Ministries, either Military or Colonization. Very rarely, some might even work freelance for a Ministry to cover a bit of shortfall in ships or personnel.

While they are required by law to report their discovery, finer details might cost a bit extra. Of course, not all Ministries are understanding, so anything from there is a bonus. No, their main customers are usually the large resource exploitation companies who will pay for the information they need to know which planets to focus their attention on. Ore deposits, unique biologicals, raw materials, best fertile areas, all these to give their company the edge against their competitor when the new planet is open for colonization.

The concept isn't going anywhere for now, maybe in a few years time, I'll dust it off and see if anything can be made of it in the future.
I still need to post my list.

When I was looking around for equipment, I noticed that a lot of stuff was "off limits" because it's exclusive for the space military forces of SARP. It makes me think we should put more effort into "faction neutral" stuff that independent characters can get a hold of. Basically more civilian manufacturers are needed. Particularly for for stuff that's not guns (we already have more gun models than we'll ever need).
Well it just so happens there's currently an active character that could, very well, be a reasonable method of starting a couple of those up. If only there were some way of getting in touch with the guy who plays that character...

Eh well. I'm sure something will happen.

And go check out the Wiki for other useful tips. Love what you've done with the canon, Wes. Excellent way for newbies to integrate smoothly.