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Approved Submission [Chelti] 20x75mm Shotgun Shells

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Submission Type: Ammunition
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=chelti:armory:ammunition:20x75mm_shotgun_hi-ex

Faction: Chelti
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Sometimes the unexpected happens, and when it does you can rest easy knowing you're carrying the heaviest legal payload of any infantry firearm in the galaxy. Sleep on it, with HI-EX.
Submission Type: Ammunition
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=chelti:armory:ammunition:20x75mm_shotgun_bulldog

Faction: Chelti
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: When the buggers won't come out of the jungle, leave them with no jungle left to hide in. With our patented weight and string materials you can be sure you'll not only hit you miscreant native, but likely tear them in half! Obliterating a pristine piece of jungle for your own use in the process.
Submission Type: Ammunition
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=chelti:armory:ammunition:20x75mm_shotgun_buck

Faction: Chelti
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: An oldie but goldie, with the extra load of a larger shell you can be sure your shot will likely eviscerate any small target of your choice, and probably any larger items that take your fancy.
What is the point of submitting a weapon with no ammo?

But to answer your question there are currently two shotguns planned along with one much shortened underslung secondary weapon. So you can shotgun while you shotgun, I guess.

The two shotguns will hopefully appear in the next wave of submissions much like a rifle using the last waves ammunition is included in another thread.

The SKT-1 "Intimdation" Quad-shotgun is nearing some completion in both art and design, it's been featured in non-canon RP and only requires some time to sit down and complete the forms, including ammunition. Originally a sappers weapon, it's also intended to see extensive use as a bounty hunter weapon, due to its excellent ability to use web and string shots.

The HTT-5 "Regard" shotgun is much more familiar with terrestrial shooters, but maintains the chelti tendency to use removable magazines in pump-action shotguns, allowing for quick ammo changes without a built-in magazine. It's much longer and features two barrels (it's magazines have two feeds), making it more accurate at range without losing any handling or gaining excessive weight. Unfortunately it's in an even less written state than the quad, but it was only going to be included in the next submission wave if it was already almost ready at the time.

The underslung barrel option was going to be started after the approval of the rifle it's designed to be attached to.
What is the point of submitting a weapon with no ammo?
Totally fair.

In a perfect world, submitters would turn in both at the same time. The creative process doesn't always allow for that, so I have no problem seeing one before the other.

I do like to wait to see them at the same time so I can see how they're meant to interact. The ammo might not work when checked against a weapon's firing mechanism, or the weapon might not be robust enough to handle a particular ammo type. That sorta ish.
Considering the materials in SARP you could literally make a firing chamber less than a millimeter thick and still fire as much powder in it as you want, I don't think robustness is much of an issue in this setting. All these weapons are hammer and pin based, and all the loads mentioned here do not rely on the manner of ignition anyway, only that prime charge is detonated. The specialty payloads all work by air resistance or gas heating.

As a creative, I very much prefer to submit weapons and ammo separately, as it avoids any messiness should the ammo need to be significantly changed and bring the whole fragile pyramid crashing down. This way allows me to make needed changes earlier in the design process and streamline everything else before submission. This is the behavior SARP's tech system encourages.
I don't think robustness is much of an issue in this setting.
If only it were so, but I've raised concerns about it before, so I stand by my perspective there.

As a creative, I very much prefer to submit weapons and ammo separately, as it avoids any messiness should the ammo need to be significantly changed and bring the whole fragile pyramid crashing down. This way allows me to make needed changes earlier in the design process and streamline everything else before submission. This is the behavior SARP's tech system encourages.
Submitting them separately isn't a problem. That I don't mind.

However, the behavior the tech system encourages -- submitting ammo and weapon separately -- is a wiki function, not an approval function. I want to see them both at once as a matter of review. Is it more of a headache for the submitter? Yes, as it can bring the submission down (and has).
No worries, just forgot I was sitting on them and this thread here.

Have them up in a moment.
Seen; you're all good. Moving these back to main queue. I'll try to wrap it all up during lunch; I think I'll have time.